Campaign schedule for the weekend...
Help out if you can
To: undisclosed recipients: ;Subject: Campaign schedule for the weekend...
Hi Team Dan!We knew this was going to be an intensive, all-important time for our Democratic candidate, and that even more volunteer man/woman hours would be required to usher our man Dan to the Georgia State House.Here is the schedule for this holiday weekend. Can you please pledge two hours Saturday? Sunday? Monday?These phonebanking and neighborhood canvassing opportunities are the way Democrats win elections in districts like this, and they really are fun. We talk to and meet only Democrats, who are very appreciative of the reminders and information.Saturday July 2, 2-4PMPhonebankingJittery Joe'sWatkinsvilleSaturday July 2, 4-6PMNeighborhood CanvassingMeet at Jittery Joe's at 4PMWatkinsvilleSunday July 3, 2-4PMPhonebankingJittery Joe'sWatkinsvilleSunday July 3, 4-6PMNeighborhood CanvassingMeet at Jittery Joe's at 4PMWatkinsvilleMonday July 4, 1-3PMNeighborhood CanvassingMeet at Jittery Joe's at 1PMWatkinsvilleWe will look for family BBQs. We did this during theObama campaign in Morgan County, and were offered(and ate!) a lot of yummies! Especially fun!So, thanks ever for what everyone has done so far. Let's ramp it up!We are Democrats. Let's elect one!Patsy
10th Congressional District ChairDemocratic Party of Georgia"Don't tell me what you believe in.Tell me what you have done, and I will tell you what you believe in."(Mother of Congressman John Boccieri, D-OH)Morgan County, GA, History & Genealogy Books by Bonnie P. (Patsy) Harris