Town Of North High Shoals January 25, 2010 Notes from Fred

North High Shoals seems to be nicely recovering from the absence of a municipal government for some months:

From: Fred Johnson
Date: January 31, 2010 7:20:14 PM EST
To: Fred Johnson
Subject: TONHS January 25, 2010 Notes from Fred

Dear Fellow High Shoalers,                                                                                          January 31, 2010
            Mayor Dawe again led our Town Council through another productive meeting; she is really putting the final touches on cleaning up the messes of the past while leading the Council forward.  I am especially excited about her initiative to review the town's insurance.  Mayor Dawe asked Council Member Steve Arnold to investigate the town's current insurance policy and request bids; he has done a full court press on the matter.  The Town Council plans to finalize this at a meeting on Monday, February 1, 2010 at 7:00pm. Everyone could see evidence of many hours of preparation by Clerk Pritchett, and the all the Council Members.  Mayor Dawe has also brought in help from engineer Mark Campbell to help.  All items on the agenda appeared to be well thought out and researched.
The Council voted to have the election for the two open Town Council seats on March 16, 2010.  They were able to answer people's concerns about having the election through conversations with Anne Hicks at the Secretary of State's Office  Election Division.  All is in order for the town to hold this election.  With the breath of fresh air recently added to the Town Council, and the much improved atmosphere that this Council has established, I expect that there are going to be several people signing up for these posts.  We could end up with a run-off election if no-one gets a majority of the votes.  You can check for details about signing up below and on the town's web site.  Please encourage people to run.  We are starting to see and hear some new faces and voices in the city, and that's exactly what this town will need see in order maintain the high level of efficiency and participation it now has.
SPLOST money is starting to be deposited in the Town's account.  They are looking into all of the areas identified for the SPLOST funds.  This could become the main area of interest for the town in the coming months.  The Town Council decided to have a meeting on Monday, February 1, to finalize their decision about the town's insurance policy.  This is a big deal because this has always been one of the largest expenditures for the town at around $10,000 out of a budget of about $100,000.
Thanks for your support of North High Shoals; I'll see you at the next meeting.
                                                                                    Fred Johnson
Unofficial Town of North High Shoals Council Meeting Notes
January 25, 2010
By Fred Johnson
Council Members at the Meeting:  Council Members Steve Holzman, David Lawrence, Steve Arnold, Mayor Violet Dawe, and Clerk Carolyn Pritchett.
Citizens and Guests: Mike Beall, Mark Campbell, Jessica Tiller, Eddie Tiller, Cory Tiller, Sarah Donegan, and Fred Johnson..
Regular Monthly Meeting
Agenda Setting
·        Mayor Dawe requested that insurance be moved to the top of the agenda as well as election possibilities. 
·        Motion by Council Member Lawrence to so set the agenda & 2nd by Council Member Holzman.  Approved 3-0.
Old Business: 

1. Property and Liability Insurance
  • Mayor Dawe introduced the three people present to make insurance quotes to the town.  She pointed out that this is an item which is well over-due to be reviewed and has been kept from the council eyes in the past despite requests to view the town's insurance agreement by the Town Council.  Mayor Dawe explained that she asked Council member Arnold to review the town's insurance and present his findings to the Town Council
  • Sarah Donegan reported that she was not ready to make her insurance presentation to the Town Council since she had not received a quote yet; she answered questions from the Town Council.
  • Pam Helton, a representative from the Georgia Municipal Association who had spent time with the council before the meeting in a work session on general GMA information, presented insurance opportunities from GMA and answered questions about their insurance offer.
  • Rick Waller who represented the Town's current insurance company, Trident, presented his insurance quote and answered questions.
  • Motion by Council Member Arnold to hold a special meeting was for Monday, February 1, 2010 at 7:00pm to decide the town's insurance & 2nd by Council Member Holzman; approved 3-0.
2.. Election Possibilities
  • Mayor Dawe reported that she and Election Superintendent Pritchett discussed the March election possibilities with Anne Hicks of the Secretary of States Office Election Division; they reviewed personnel issues and approved the manner in which the town could hold the March 16 election.  Election Superintendent Pritchett explained to the Town Council how she would conduct the Bishop and North High Shoals elections and answered questions about dates, advertising, and personnel.  Qualifying is set for February 15 & 16 from 8:30am to 5:00pm and February 17 from 8:30am to 12:30 pm for Mayor and Post 1.
  • Motion to hold special elections on March 16, 2010 to replace Mayor and Post 1 by Council Member Holzman & 2nd by Council Member Arnold; approved 3-0.
3. Business Licenses – Occupational Tax Certificates: Various Insurance Companies at $15 each, Ivie's Elite, Berry Coating, Inc., and Top's Tree Service
  • Discussion centered around needing more information on Top's Tree Service.
  • Motion to accept Ivey's Elite and Berry's Coating occupational tax by Council Member Lawrence & 2nd by Council Member Holzman; approved 3-0.
4. Park – Use of Softball Field
  • Council Member Lawrence led discussion about use and maintenance of the ball field in the park.
  • Motion to allow Ted White to use the city park on Wednesday, Saturday, and Monday by Council Member Lawrence & 2nd by Council MemberArnold; approved 3-0.
  • Motion to allow Ted White to use their field in March if Little League does not use it by Council Member Holzman & 2nd by Council Member Arnold; approved 3-0.
5. SPLOST – Town Hall and Water Line Possibilities
  • Mayor Dawe reported the town has received its first deposit of SPLOST funds for October, 2009 of $7, 135 into the Town's SPLOST account.  Additional funds will be deposited every month. 
  • Mayor Dawe reported that 6 or 7 people have requested help with water lines and fire hydrants from SPLOST money.  Along with help from Mark Campbell, Mayor Dawe has started looking into where to place water lines and how much they would cost.  Water lines would cost the city 4 to 5 times more to install than it would cost individuals to do the same through the County; the county would not help NHS to finance water lines.  The Council then discussed with Mark Campbell how to best use the $50,000 set aside in SPLOST for water lines.
  • Council Member Holzman introduced ideas for building the Town Hall for council consideration
6. Contract for Paving of Plantation Road (DOT; cost to town)
  • Mayor Dawe reported that the city needs to plan for the paving of 0.11 miles of Plantation from Hillsboro to Speedway by repairing some of the sections of this road.  She asked the Council for a motion to bid this work out.
  • Motion to announce bids for repairing the section of Plantation from Hilsboro to Speedway Lane by Council Member Holzman & 2nd by Council Member Arnold; approved 3-0.
7. Shadyfield Lane (trees)
  • Mayor Dawe reported that one bid from Stan Brown of Tree Top Tree Service was for $850 and another bid was from Steve Brown for $750; she noted that the former has a business license from the city.
  • Council Member Lawrence made a motion to accept the bid from Tree Top Tree Service provided they have liability and workman's comp.  2nd by Council Member Arnold Approved 3-0.
  • Council Members Lawrence and Holzman stated that they favored Tree Top because they have had a business license in the town for the last two years.  Fred Johnson pointed out that Steve Brown's bid was over 10% less and the Town has employed him to build a gate in the park.  Council Members then discussed the merits of having a license to operate in the town.
8. Presentation of the last audit, agreed upon procedures, to council
  • Mayor Dawe provided the Council with copies of last year's audit.  This audit reported that the finances of the town were in order.  Mayor Dawe thanked Kate George for her work on the 2009 audit.
9. Request for bids for sidewalk connecting entrances to Hickory Lake subdivision
  • Mayor Dawe introduced the topic and asked the council for a request to bid.  Council Members noted the large number of people walking this area and requests from people in the area for this sidewalk.
  • Council Member Arnold made a motion to request bids for a sidewalk connecting the entrances of Hickory Lake 2nd by Council Member Lawrence. Approved 3-0.
10. Request for bids to pave Jefferson and Plantation - Divided into 4 bids: 1) all of both streets
2) all of Plantation 3) all of Jefferson 4) Jefferson divided at Dickens Lane.
  • Motion by Council Member Holzman to request bids for Plantation, Jefferson, and Dickens Lane Second by Council Member Arnold Approved 3-0.
  • Council discussed the need for paving these roads.  Holzman asked where this request came from, and Fred Johnson pointed out that he asked for this item to be placed on the agenda as well as the sidewalk connecting the entrances of Hickory Ridge.  Council then discussed the need to pave all these roads.
11. Apalachee River Withdrawal – Hard Labor Creek
  • Mayor Dawe reported that people need to know that the proposal to draw water from the Apalachee River to be placed in Hard labor Creek Reservoir.  She wanted people to be aware that this water could be looked at as a source for Atlanta in the future.
13. Mitigation Sites Update (Walton and Oconee Co.)
  • Mayor Dawe made the Council aware that all the mitigation land for Hard Labor Creek was already on County owned land.  No new land was placed in reserve.
Mayor's Update:
(All requests to be on the agenda must be submitted at least 7 days before a meeting.  Direct your agenda items to Town Clerk Carolyn Pritchett or any Town Council Member.  Look for the agenda for the next council meeting on the town's web site one week before the next meeting.  The next council meeting will be held at 7: 0 pm on Monday, February 1, 2010 to discuss the Town's insurance policy.)
  • Mayor Dawe announced that two Council Members will be going to training next month.
  • Mayor Dawe requested agenda items for the February meeting.
  • Mayor Dawe responded to questions about the new chairs.  New chairs were purchased for the Town Hall for $7.50 each.  Three new file cabinets were purchased from a surplus shop; two for $100 each and a larger model for $115.  Heike Mueller volunteered her time to remove the partition wall in the town hall.  General applause was given for all these changes.
  • Motion by Council Member Holzman to adjourn. Second by Council Member Lawrence. Approved 3-0.
