
Showing posts from March 11, 2012

Efforts to draw biotech continue in Caterpillar's wake | Online Athens

Efforts to draw biotech continue in Caterpillar's wake | Online Athens

Governor's transportation aide moves to DOT  |

Governor's transportation aide moves to DOT  |

Sam Nunn: No more U.S. ground troops in Muslim conflicts

Sam Nunn: No more U.S. ground troops in Muslim conflicts

Fwd: PROTEST: 11 am Saturday at GA Capitol

Please attend Saturday if you can From: Democratic Party of Georgia < > Date: March 16, 2012 7:17:19 PM EDT Subject: PROTEST: 11 am Saturday at GA Capitol Reply-To: Our loyal friends in organized labor have asked us to forward the below message to you.  ---------------------------------------------------------   YOUR RIGHT TO PEACEABLY PROTEST IS THREATENED BY THE ANTI-WORKING FAMILY AGENDA OF SOME GEORGIA LEGISLATORS! SB 469 was passed in the Georgia Senate last week . This Bill is a threat to the right to peacefully protest and to union membership. We need your help to prevent the House from passing the legislation and the Governor from signing it into law. PLEASE ACT NOW! Here's what you can do : Join the protest rally!     All Georgia citizens should attend!                           ...

Caterpillar breaks ground on Oconee/Clarke plant in Bogart and Athens area

I greatly welcome Caterpillar with open arms and deep pockets. Plenty of people are already seeing dollar signs in their eyes with putting homes up for sale in the area or at least making plans to do so. I would imagine a lot of the stagnant developments may finally get built or at least more built out than they have. My only real complaint, and yes it is self-serving and tawdry, is that they could have been more inclusive in the guest list for this event. Most definitely President Barack Obama could have and should have been there, and I understand his Georgia agenda for the day started at 4:00 pm. I would have liked to have seen the event not be so exclusive as to not have anyone from the loyal opposition in either party from either county.  Caterpillar should make efforts to connect with the public at large and not just the elite who belong to the right country club and or Chamber of Commerce. Caterpillar breaks ground on Athens plant | Online Athens

Obama looks to Georgia, but does he see cash or votes?  |

Obama looks to Georgia, but does he see cash or votes?  |

Democratic Party of Georgia Communications Director Eric Gray attends Oconee County Democratic Committee meeting

Eric Gray, Communications Director, Democratic Party of Georgia The Oconee County Democratic Committee enjoyed swelled ranks last night during their regular March monthly meeting at the Government Annex on Greensboro Highway on the heels of the very successful "fun"-raiser at Krimson Kafe a fortnight back with former candidate for Labor Commissioner Darryl Hicks. We were also quite pleasantly surprised to welcome the Communications Director of the Democratic Party of Georgia in Eric Gray. He answered every one of our sharp and pointed questions succinctly and honestly and is certainly welcome back anytime. Gray even called others to try to answer our questions about certain obscure procedures for the delegate selection process in Madison at Morgan County High School next month. The biggest news to come out of the meeting was the resignation of acting director Ann Hudson Stoneburner and the resumption of yours truly as director. This move was long contemplated and quic...

Fwd: DEADLINE: Delegate Application for the Democratic Convention!

If you want to be a delegate to the DNC.... From: Democratic Party of Georgia < > Date: March 15, 2012 2:31:36 PM EDT Subject: DEADLINE: Delegate Application for the Democratic Convention! Reply-To: Dear Dan, It's almost time for Georgia Democrats to choose the delegates to represent us at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte the week of September 3.   The deadline for district level candidates to complete the application form is Thursday March 22,   exactly one week from today.  If you're eager to represent Georgia at the Convention,  click here for the   official Georgia DNCC Delegate Application . Thanks for being a Georgia Democrat. Let's win in 2012! Sincerely, Mike Berlon, Chairman Democratic Party of Georgia     Homepage   |   Contribute   |   Facebook DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF GEORGIA • ...

Fwd: Athens Academy Student Kajal Patel

This is one of my son's classmates at Athens Academy and they need to find a match pronto. From: Athens Academy Date: March 16, 2012 10:01:06 AM EDT Subject: Athens Academy Student Kajal Patel Reply-To: Dear Athens Academy Community, We wanted to share with you some additional information detailed in a press release below which will give you an opportunity to help sixth grader, Kajal Patel.    6TH GRADERS RALLY TO FIND BONE MARROW MATCH FOR CLASSMATE  Saving the life of a friend means finding her 1 in 20,000 match What do seventy-seven 6th graders do when they learn their classmate needs a bone marrow transplant to save her life? And, what if they learn the odds of finding her right match is 1 in 20,000?  It's simple. They find 20,000 people!    Kajal Patel is a vivacious, 12-year-old girl who h...

Oconee County Observations: Many Oconee County Republicans and Democrats Bypas...

Oconee County Observations: Many Oconee County Republicans and Democrats Bypas... : 2008 Primary as Standard Only 27.7 percent of the registered voters in Oconee County turned out for the March 6 Presidential primaries, d...

Athens hosts Justin Timberlake, Clint Eastwood for movie shoot | The Red and Black

Athens hosts Justin Timberlake, Clint Eastwood for movie shoot | The Red and Black

Kick The Robot - Can't Get Enough

Check out the cool sounds of Kick The Robot, who will be playing at the final Team 6 event as Ashford Manor on Sunday, March 25, 2012 4-7PM!

Ball: Athens development battles result of insufficient planning | Online Athens

Ball: Athens development battles result of insufficient planning | Online Athens

OCO: Executive Session Exchange


Athens-Clarke County, GA Republican Delegate Fraud


Exertools Partners with | News | Physical Therapy Products

Congrats to Rehabmart of Watkinsville Exertools Partners with | News | Physical Therapy Products

OCAF's Thrift Sale 2012 this Friday & Saturday

I have always found some real treasures at the early sale - well worth the $5.00 investment to get at it early. Consider it a warning from a voice of experience. From: Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation < > Date: March 13, 2012 12:02:10 PM EDT Subject: OCAF's Thrift Sale 2012 this Friday and  Saturday Reply-To: THRIFT SALE 2012 Georgia's Largest Indoor Yard Sale PREVIEW SALE Fri., March 16, 7-9 PM Silent auction, appetizers, wine, and lots of fun. $5 admission. Items double the low, low market price.   SALE DAY Sat., March 17, 8 AM-2 PM FREE ADMISSION - FREE PARKING    LOCATION    Rocket Hall (old gym)   34 School St. Downtown Watkinsville (706) 769-4565 email:   OVER 10,000 ITEMS Art, Antiques, Books, Designer & Vintage Clothing, Electronics, Housewares, Tools, Toys, Yards of Fabric, Je...

Come Join the Fun at OCAF!

From: OCAF Date: March 13, 2012 2:30:25 PM EDT Subject: Come Join the Fun at OCAF! Reply-To: Having trouble viewing this email? Click here IT'S FUN TO VOLUNTEER WITH OTHER OCAF MEMBERS! Dear Dan, The largest Thrift Sale of it's kind in NE Georgia is right around the corner and many OCAF members have been having a great time setting it all up. The sense of community and camaraderie that permeates the Thrift Sale is not to be missed! Without your volunteer support, the sale on March 16 & 17 will not work! The Thrift Sale is one of the most important fundraisers of the year for OCAF and the revenue brought in helps support the historic OCAF facilities and the many vital arts events and exhibits that we enjoy all year long. Won't you please give a little of your time and help us make this year's e...

Training available from Rashad Richey

Rashad Richey was one of the best people helping me on my campaigns From: ahstoneburner   Rashad Richey ( to train Democrats......he talks the talk... ----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Patsy Harris Cc: Rashad Richey Sent: Wed, March 14, 2012 1:32:56 PM Subject: Want to win in 2012? Ask the DPG's Rashad Richey ( to train your Democrats. Here are the kudos from Tuesday night's training in Columbia County: Rashad came down today and gave an outstanding training session on voter registration, voter suppression, vote builder and other issues that we found valuable to help us get ready for the campaign... He reflected great credit upon himself and the Democratic Party of Georgia. (Floyd Everett, Chairman) Patsy "Don't tell me what you believe in. Tell me what you have done, and I will tell you what you...

Oconee Historical Society upcoming activities

Subject: up coming activities Don't forget the Central School House and the cabin will be open this weekend.  11-2 and that the Historical Society will be at the COGS Expo 10-4. Here is the agenda for the meeting Monday evening OCAF 7pm Oconee Historical Society Meeting Agenda Monday, March 19, 2012 OCAF on School Street , Watkinsville     1.      Welcome and Introductions 2.      Minutes of January Meeting 3.      Treasurer's Report 4.      Old Business a.      Watkinsville Cemetery Grant b.     Central School House (CSH) Renovations Report c.       Signs at CSH and Heritage Park (HP) d.     Web Page and Promotions e.      Chamber of Commerce Membership f.        Georgia Historical Society Membership ...