Tour of historic structures augments Touch A Truck event at Heritage Park
The Oconee County Historical Society hosted free tours of three structures including the breathtakingly well preserved school house with new tin roof and a fresh coat of paint at Heritage Park Saturday during the Oconee County Recreation and Park Department's extremely successful "Touch A Truck" event Saturday below Farmington. Tractor rides were given with large donation buckets not seeing nearly enough action for this history minor's preference. At one time several years back I was on a volunteer residents Historic Sites and Tourism committee tasked to find the perfect footprint for this school's relocation, which made national news coverage at the time. There were all kinds of hassles over methane pipes from former landfills as to exactly where and how close to the road and I am glad we are not still in meetings trying to figure out the best place to leave it. The Oconee County Historical Society gave tours of the three structures at Heritage Park in Sou...