
Showing posts from March 15, 2015

Eagle Tavern Ale may be closer to reality than you think

Imagine if you will three blocks in the heart of Watkinsville suddenly turned into a brew pub. This would be the kind of restaurant and craft beer facility that would bring people from miles around to downtown Watkinsville, just like Creature Comforts and Terrapin breweries do in Athens now. Under the current proposal to fine tune the recently re-elected referendum on liquor and distilled spirits, brew pubs might be crafted out of existence here in Watkinsville. Now imagine how bad you would feel for the family who owns the property prevented from building their brew pub only because of a few folks on the city council did not include any consideration of brew pubs and the like in their haste to make the alcohol ordinance seemingly stratified. The Watkinsville of 2018 or so might not resemble the Watkinsville of 2015. There are dreamers who have made plans to craft something so their family might have a place to work here in Oconee County, and consideration for brew pubs should be i...

Senate Dems Say 'No' To Bad Transportation Bill

Subject: Release - Senate Dems Say 'No' To Bad Transportation Bill RELEASE Marc h 20, 2015 For Immediate Release Contact: Liz Flowers Senate Democratic Caucus 404-291-4755 Senate Dems Say 'No' to Bad Transportation Bill Dems say HB 170 contains no transit or small business increase Atlanta, Ga - March 20, 2015 -  The Georgia Senate Democratic Caucus held the line for Georgians who want a real solution to the state's transportation problems. The Democratic Caucus was unwilling to vote for a bad transportation bill that did not demonstrate an ongoing commitment to transit, did not address the huge disparities in transportation contracting, and that endorsed siphoning more money from an already underfunded education and healthcare system.   ...

The Pastures of Rose Creek Newsletter

Sincerely,  Dan Matthews Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2015 14:24:51 +0000 The Pastures of Rose Creek Newsletter --> March 6th Newsletter View this email in your browser ...

Oconee Sheriff seeks help to replenish Oconee Jail library, Democrats respond with paperback book drive

The Oconee Democrats have kicked off a book drive to collect paperbacks for inmates at the Oconee County jail. Pat Priest, the organizer for the Oconee Democrats’ monthly community book group, described the group’s impetus for the drive. “Local Democrats,” she said, "wanted to share our love of good books and libraries so that inmates have something productive and uplifting to do while in jail. Research reported in  Scientific American  also suggests that reading literature boosts empathy and social skills.” Margaret Holt, the new chair of the Oconee County Democrats, commented, "We support ways to give all people in our community a chance to improve their lives, and we deeply value the positive power of reading." Amber Shelnutt, Inmate Services Coordinator at the Oconee County jail, said, “Some of the inmates have nothing; they may be homeless. Having a choice in what they read can give them a sense of independence.”  Officer Shel...

Bulldogs season ended by Michigan State in NCAA East Region

Bulldogs season ended by Michigan State in NCAA East Region

Lots of OCAF photos of recent folk art parade exhibit
