Our First Order of Business
From: Chairman Dubose Porter info@georgiademocrat.org Subject: Our First Order of Business Date: September 4, 2013 6:34:59 PM EDT To: Reply-To: info@georgiademocrat.org Today, we announced the launch of Project Blue, the initiative to obtain 2000 sustaining contributors to the Democratic Party of Georgia. This has also been referred to as the Yellow Dog Club . As you've heard me say before, if we have 2000 members giving an average of $25 a month, we'll have the funds to cover our monthly operational budget. Some people have the ability to give $5 a month. Some can give $100. We're asking folks to give what they can. Just give. It's imperative that we reach this goal by the end of September. For democrats to be successful in this election cycle, we have to get our financial house in order. Make a commitment through the end of 2014. We have some exciting races lined up that can truly turn...