47 people turn out to clean area of Elder Mill Covered Bridge Saturday morning
The weather was near perfect Saturday morning for a large contingent of people to perform the back breaking work of picking up a sadly amazing amount of garbage both on the sides of Elder Mill Road and in both branches of Rose Creek in far southern Oconee County, thanks to organizer Melissa Steele. The fine folks of Antioch Church allowed us to gather in their fellowship hall and hear from Steele as well as people from the Altamaha Riverkeeper and locals organizing a forum later in the month. After signing a waiver and receiving instructions, we headed out to pick up garbage. It was astonishing the amount of crap people carelessly toss out the window of their passing vehicles. We found coolers, tires, bottles and cans of every kind, large pieces of metal and the requisite cigarette wrappers and coffee cups. We filled up two large black plastic garbage bags, one with recyclables and others with generic trash of the un-recyclable variety. Equally astonishing is the fact...