I wish....
I wish Tammy Gilland would run against Sarah Bell for the chair of the Oconee County Board of Commissioners in two years no matter what the outcome of Gilland's race against Margaret Hale this time around. I wish the Oconee County Board of Education would have simply followed precedent in picking the replacement for Tom Breedlove from the get-go instead of getting all weak-kneed and ineffectual with their wishy-washy, spineless, gutless maneuvers of back tracking on their own policy after a Democratic candidate named Carter Strickland dared to speak the truth and call out a few of the more deserving people needing to be off of anything to do with the public educational leadership of our children. I wish that bipartisan politics really occurred in Oconee County instead of former School Board members getting sweetheart deals at inflated prices behind closed doors in secretive deals with municipal governments that have no business whatsoever getting involved in the land shenanigan...