
Showing posts from October 25, 2009


Halloween music interlude Chunklet

Chatham GOP chair apologizes for sending e-mail that used expletive to describe Obama administration |

D'oh. I wonder which fast food restaurant he slandered or libeled besides besmirching our Commander in Chief and all those who voted for him. Chatham GOP chair apologizes for sending e-mail that used expletive to describe Obama administration |

Primary best way for party to choose  |

Primaries are unavoidable in the Governor's race nomination and probably Secretary of State in '10. But right now the State Dems get a big FAIL in not having any candidates for congress so far in two North Georgia districts. Primary best way for party to choose |

Community, candidates meet for HobNob - The Sun News -

Once again, Georgia statewide candidates should learn never to take middle Georgia for granted or not show up when they say they are going to. I have not heard of too many events here locally, but all candidates and parties are welcome to keep me informed. Try first. I have numerous other email, gmail, facebook, etc. Community, candidates meet for HobNob - The Sun News -

Editorial: More ethical questions raised about Handel | Opinion |

Karen Handel is not someone I would think is worthy of being Governor of Georgia, but I think she will be in a Primary run-off with equally corrupt John Oxendine for the GOP nod. Editorial: More ethical questions raised about Handel | Opinion |

Final Watkinsville Saturday stroll of the year and Oconee Dems' book club news

Sounds like a great way to start a Halloween Saturday! Woven brightly, Daniel J. Matthews, Jr. Subject: [oconee] Final stroll of the year   Two quick things: 1) We only have one date remaining for our Saturday stroll series in downtown Watkinsville, so if you haven't caught one yet, it's your last chance! The stroll leaders this week are the award-winning artists Kathy and Jerry Chappelle. They're the owners of first-rate Chappelle Gallery and founders of Happy Valley Pottery. They've designated OCAF as the recipient of the money we'll raise from the $5 per person fee. We'll meet at 9 this Saturday in front of the County Courthouse on Main Street in Watkinsville. You'll learn the very interesting history of the building that houses the Chappelle Gallery -- and much more along the way. 2) Our book group book for November (for the discussion group sponsored by the Oconee Democrats) is "The Wordy Shipmates" by the quirky ...

Voice of Moderation: Wheels are Turning

Kudos to Watkinsville City Council member Brian Brodrick for reporting on it and Tony Glenn for helping to organize it and boo to me for missing it. I was watching the World Series after enjoying my son's soccer party. Check out Brian's blog report on the first meeting of the Oconee County Cycling Organization. Voice of Moderation: Wheels are Turning

Jai Ho-Twist-Bhangra (Slumdog Millionare-Love Aaj Kal-Dil Bole Hadippa)

Shout out to my Indian friends

Reminder-Oconee cycling

Anyone as shocked as I was that there are people stupid enought to try and ban on-road bicycling in Oconee County? Then go here tonight as I plan to after I get home from my son's soccer party following his final game of the year Woven brightly, Daniel J. Matthews, Jr. From: To: Subject: Reminder-Oconee cycling Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 14:37:33 -0400 Reminder: Oconee County Cycling Organization meeting tonight, 8:30PM , Jittery Joe's Watkinsville. See you there. sk Steven M. Kogan, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Child and Family Development Family Science Center-House D Athens , GA 30602 (706) 542-1297

Theater at Athens Academy: The Tragedy of Thebes

This is yet another example of excellent theater in Oconee County Subject: FW: The Tragedy of Thebes Hi Everyone, See the attached poster and the details below.  If you can attend, you'll be amazed.  Lorraine wrote this adaptation of Sophocles' play, Antigone. Some of the best theatre in the area…….and it only costs you a can of food.  ;-) Cheers, Tony From:  Lorraine Thompson [ ] Sent:  Sunday, October 25, 2009 6:42 PM To:  Anthony Glenn Subject:  The Tragedy of Thebes Athens Academy proudly presents "The Tragedy of Thebes".  This modern adaptation by Lorraine Thompson puts a new twist on a classic tale.  The play is adapted from the Greek tragedy, "Antigone", by Sophocles.  Show dates and times are Oct. 29-31 at 7:30PM.  All shows will be held in the Athens Academy Presentation Hall.  Canned food items will be accepted at the door for the Athens Area Food Bank.

PLENTIFUL PUMPKINS: Autumn plant in high demand for carving - News

PLENTIFUL PUMPKINS: Autumn plant in high demand for carving - News

Rest in peace Don Norris

Former Oconee County Commissioner Don Norris succumbed to a battle with cancer last night. My condolences to his family. He was a fine public servant