
Showing posts from August 17, 2014

Maxeys event to celebrate release of new book

Maxeys event to celebrate release of new book

Oconee County Observations: Oconee County Commissioners Scheduled To Get An Up...

Oconee County Observations: Oconee County Commissioners Scheduled To Get An Up... : No Action Expected The Oconee County Board of Commissioners is scheduled to get an update on Tuesday night on pending project agreements w...

Allman Brothers - Whipping Post, 9/23/70 HQ


University of North Georgia galleries busy with Athens-centric art exhibits

University of North Georgia galleries busy with Athens-centric art exhibits

Cordele Judicial Circuit removes chief defender

Cordele Judicial Circuit removes chief defender

Georgia News: Judge shoots himself in his Greene County home

Georgia News: Judge shoots himself in his Greene County home

Oconee County Observations: Mars Hill Road Widening Will Be “Fun” And “Painful...

Oconee County Observations: Mars Hill Road Widening Will Be “Fun” And “Painful... : Work To Start Soon Oconee County Public Works Director Emil Beshara last week described the upcoming reconstruction and widening of Mars H...

Perdue Doubles Down On Support for Shutdown at Georgia Chamber Forum


Public works on Katie Lane in Watkinsville

My elderly pit bull/Georgia black dawg Josephine is not afraid of heavy machinery, nor is Maid Teams. However the stink of black tar used to give me my earliest recalled migraines. But I am grateful to the City of Watkinsville for paving Morgan Manor Estates subdivision this afternoon.

Nunn, Perdue square off in first Senate debate

Nunn, Perdue square off in first Senate debate

Run Or Dye - Watkinsville, Georgia

Run Or Dye - Athens, Georgia

TONHS message from Council Member McKay

Hi neighbors, I'm sorry to report that Lorena and I have to leave North High Shoals, within the next few months. I resigned from Town Council last night - earlier than I had hoped - so that the election for my replacement could be put on the November general election ballot. That saves the Town the cost of holding its own, stand-alone election. I don't think there will be any cost to North High Shoals, but if there is I will reimburse it. I think you've noticed how much we've gotten done this year. We've got a good group; Mayor Mike, and our Town Clerk Carolyn, have kept us moving forward. I credit Council Member Ann Evans for much of the progress we've made. She is diligent, energetic, caring, and reasoned in her approach to Town affairs. I knew she'd be good, but I didn't realize how good. Ann, and people like her, are the future of this Town. We made a lot of friends in North High Shoals, and we thought we would live out our years here. W...

Candidates for Ga. schools superintendent debate standards | AccessNorthGa

Candidates for Ga. schools superintendent debate standards | AccessNorthGa

Georgia is 50th

Subject: Georgia is 50th

Bogart/Oconee Co. internet service conversation

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note® II -------- Original message -------- From: Jim Luke Date:08/20/2014 11:29 AM (GMT-05:00) To: Subject: Fwd: Bogart/Oconee Co. internet service Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: "Josh B. Wages" <<>> Date: August 19, 2014 at 11:38:42 PM EDT To: Jim Luke <<>> Subject: RE: Bogart/Oconee Co. internet service Dear Mr. Luke - I've been overwhelmed with information from various sources on this subject since I initially sent this e-mail, and I am hearing that this is an issue all over the county (I've also read the recent Oconee Enterprise article discussing where this was raised at a Commission meeting).  However, I cannot find any statute or regulation like the one you mentioned that took away any of the Oconee County government's authority to address the sit...

Clarke County DEMOCRATIC News (08.20.14)

From: Clarke County DEMOCRATIC Committee Communications Date:08/20/2014 1:39 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Subject: Clarke County DEMOCRATIC News (08.20.14) October 6 is the last day to register to vote to be eligible to vote in the General Election and Runoff. Click here to check your voter registration status. Click here to register online! Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser . ...

Oconee Dems' Meeting this evening at Government Annex

Subject: Meeting Just a reminder that Oconee County Democrats will hold a meeting tomorrow Thursday, August 21, 2014, at the Oconne County annex building on Highway 15 at 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there! Carolyn Crawford 706-474-4521

Shipp Says Unemployment Numbers Belie Growing Poverty

Shipp Says Unemployment Numbers Belie Growing Poverty CC: RELEASE August 21, 2014 For Immediate Release Contact: Liz Flowers 404-291-4755 Shipp Says Unemployment Numbers Belie Growing Poverty  We need to change how we do business August 21, 2014 - Robbin Shipp, Democratic candidate for Labor Commissioner said today that Georgia's unemployment rolls are beginning to swell with people who live in poverty. "This week's news of Georgia's rising unemployment rate reveals only part of the terrible story. What isn't being discussed is the shift from people who once collected unemployment to now collecting welfare benefits," Shipp said. Shipp said the current Georgia labor commissioner was a champion of shortening the maximum period an individual is able to receive unemployment benefits from 26 weeks to a sliding scale of 14-2...