Clarke County DEMOCRATIC News (08.20.14)

From: Clarke County DEMOCRATIC Committee Communications
Date:08/20/2014 1:39 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Clarke County DEMOCRATIC News (08.20.14)

October 6

is the last day to register to vote

to be eligible to vote

in the General Election and Runoff.

Click here

to check your voter registration status.

Click here to register online!
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View it in your browser.


Thursday, August 21
Your help needed

phone banking at CCDC HQ!

1095A Baxter Street
Click here for map.
4-8 p.m.
Come for an hour or two...or three or four!
Let's do our part to help turn Georgia BLUE!

Sunday, August 24

2014 Spirited Spelling Spectacular
Holiday Inn, Athens
3-6 p.m.
Support Clarke County Democratic Committee team:
Dana Lank, Patty Freeman-Lynde, and Wally Eberhard.

Click here for further information.
Click here to donate so that our team can receive a mulligan (one free pass)
during the competition.
Click here for the flyer promoting this event.


Thursday, August 28
CCDC meeting
6 p.m.
CCDC Headquarters

Our speaker will be
Greg Hecht,
candidate for Attorney General!
1095A Baxter Street

Click here for map.

Saturday, August 30

1:30-5 p.m.
Join Jason, a proud University of Georgia alumnus
and the rest of the Carter team in Athens!

On Saturday, August 30,
we'll be tailgating at UGA's home opener
against Clemson with the 
Young Democrats of UGA.

Bring your family and meet us on Herty Field at 1:30 p.m.
Click here for more information.

Save the date:  
Sunday, September 7


date change
Tuesday, September 9
Multi-county Dem Meeting
6:30-8:30 p.m.
location change
off Epps Bridge Parkway

View map.

The purpose of the meeting is
to meet the candidates and discuss strategy
for Getting Out the Vote (GOTV) for the 2014 Election.

Harrison Walford with the Coordinated Campaign
will be making a presentation on GOTV,
which will assist 
counties in such areas as phone banking, canvassing, and training.
Candidates for the 2014 Election are invited.

Saturday, September 13

Athens Area Democrats Breakfast
9 a.m.

Brett's Restaurant
3190 Atlanta Highway
Click here for more information.

CCDC Sponsors Contest!
Coming up with Better Responses to the Far Wrong!
A Contest To Give Us Some Come-backs
to Trash Talking Republicans

Have you ever thought up a great come-back to your Republican friends when they've zapped one of our great Democratic candidates - only to have it be hours (or days) afterward? Have you ever thought something like 'Why doesn't Ken Dious say ... about that Jody Hice?'  Well, here's your chance to offer up something just like one of the ad men on Mad Men! Let's really be the grassroots people that put our folks on top contributing a little something beyond cash and our individual votes..
Just click here to see more!

And, have some fun in the process.

Out and About

Thursday, August 21

Reception with DNC Chair 
Debbie Wasserman Schultz!
Click here for further information.

Wednesday, August 27

Book Group
sponsored by
the Oconee Democrats

7 p.m.  
Chops and Hops, Watkinsville
Click here to email for further information.

Candidate News

David Vogel Is Biking Across
the Ninth Congressional District!

A little help is need on September 2 and 3!
David has decided on a unique approach to touch base
with the Ninth Congressional District - a bike ride through the district.

He wants to kick this trek off in Clarke County on September 2 and 3
starting with a small meet-and-greet in our election office
followed by some escorted rides through our section of the 9th.

So, would anyone into bicycle riding or willing to drive escort for the bike riders on September 2 and/or 3 drop me an email (or call me at 706-548-3299)?

Joe Wisenbaker - Chair, CCDC

 Click here to read the latest from Ken Dious,
candidate for the Tenth Congressional District.

Click here to view the list
of all the Democratic candidates
running in the November 4 General Election!

What has the Democratic Party done?
Click here to read the reprise of
"A List of Democratic Accomplishments from the Coweta County, GA Democratic Party"!

Join the Classic City Democrats!
Click here for further information.

Join the DPG Yellow Dog Club!

Click here for further information.

Your Suggestions 
If you have suggestions about program speakers,
please email them by clicking here.

Copyright © 2013 Clarke County Democratic Committee. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is PO Box 800, Bogart, GA 30622.


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