Morgan County view of Norwood
By Ruth Bracewell June 1, 2006 Anybody remember the “Contract With America”? This was the brainchild political strategy engineered in 1994 by Newt Gingrich which resulted in the Republican takeover of the U. S. House of Representatives. Over 300 Republican congressmen or congressional candidates, including our congressman, Charlie Norwood, signed this “contract” with the American public, promising what they would do if they were elected. One important section was entitled the Citizen Legislature Act, which stated that all congressmen would serve a maximum of 12 years in Congress and then return home to allow other “citizen” legislators to take their places, thereby ridding Congress of what appeared to be “lifetime appoint-ments” for career politicians. Those 12 years expire this year. According to the contract which all those Republicans literally signed in 1994, we should be seeing a mass retirement of Republican congress-men this year, with hundreds of new names and faces run-ning t...