
Showing posts from April 3, 2016

Democratic Delegate

Democratic Delegate : For more on this story, see the April 7 edition of The Oconee Enterprise, on sale now at convenience stores and grocery stores and newspaper boxes throughout Oconee County. To subscribe, go to or call (706) 769-5175.

Money flowing in the sheriff’s race

Money flowing in the sheriff’s race

Cancer survivor walks in memory of sister

Cancer survivor walks in memory of sister : The truth about surviving cancer is that triumph and anxiety coexist.

Volunteers invited to ‘step into the water’

Local clean-water activist Vicki Soutar could have borrowed from a southern gospel song: “Step into the water. Wade out a little bit deeper.” Soutar and others encouraged those at the Oconee Library last week to join in a coordinated effort to monitor and test Oconee County’s creeks. Utility Director Wayne Haynie and Erin Carlson, wastewater supervisor, spoke to the small group gathered, reviewing some of the talking points from an earlier meeting. Not much had changed in the four days, but Haynie wanted to clarify a pronoun used in a previous story. Volunteers invited to ‘step into the water’ : Local clean-water activist Vicki Soutar could have borrowed from a southern gospel song: “Step into the water. Wade out a little bit deeper.”

Oconee County Observations: Oconee County Commissioners Pass Over Volunteers A...

Damn it, y'all should have put Wendy and Kimberly on the Board, and now I can't vote for none of you who appointed the others instead. Oconee County Observations: Oconee County Commissioners Pass Over Volunteers A... : Also Rezoned Three Properties Oconee County commissioners tonight turned down the applications for appointment to the Animal Control Advis...

Dump truck overturns in Oconee, injuries reported

Dump truck overturns in Oconee, injuries reported