About sums up our local Democratic dilemma
Says Butler: Let’s make it safe for Democrats to exit the closet Friday, December 1, 2006, 08:40 AM The Atlanta Journal-Constitution In anticipation of upcoming elections within the state Democratic party, Columbus attorney Jim Butler has sent out a letter to state committee letters warning that it’s make-or-break time for the party — that unless certain, unnamed people get serious, certain other unnamed people may get tired of playing Sisyphus. “If Democrats can win in Montana, Democrats can win anywhere, including in Georgia,” begins Butler, who has spent much effort and treasure on party causes. January will see an election for a new party chairman, but Butler says he’s not angling for the job. The entire letter can be found at blogfordemocracy.org , but here’s the gist of it: The truth is that in most suburban and rural areas, it is ‘socially unaccep...