Missing link revealed in High Schools facility envy scandal
Tonight I saw the best basketball gymnasium in Oconee County, and before this week I never knew this brand spanking new facility existed. It is the practice gym in the other end of the older Oconee County high school which might be the straw that broke John Osborne's back as far as his public fall from grace with respect to North Oconee's desire to have just as good facilities at his place up Hog Mountain Road. So it was with great interest I inspected this hidden gem of a gym heretofore unknown to the general populace. Could this have made John Osborne loose his grip on decorum? Perhaps it was a catalyst for other personal demons as well. But it does make one wonder when a visiting football team has to change in a tent at North Oconee while OCHS can handle a huge tournament of grapplers along with dozens of third, fourth and fifth grader hoopsters from at least four counties I am aware of. This practice gym even has a plaque with the members of the 2009 Oconee County Board ...