August 21, Headquarters Opening Party!
- Hello, I will be sounding an official announcement and publicity soon, but I wanted to update you all: The Democratic Headquarters grand opening is set for Thursday, August 21, 5:30 – 8PM, at 1136 Athens Road in Crawford, next to Cook Motors (old B&B Tire). We are ever-grateful to Lori Glinski for donating this space for the duration, and I think it would be fair for the Committee to contribute some money towards utilities expenses. Our special guests will be Tim Riley and Bobby Saxon, and we'll be collecting donations for these two campaigns. Donors make out the checks to the campaigns, not to the Oglethorpe Democrats. So as promised, our volunteer needs: 1. Headquarters opening party We need some folks to bring potluck items – mainly meats, veggies and bread. Maybe a large coffee pot. Hard to say how many people we'll have at one time - maybe plan for 50 over the course of the evening (but that doesn't mean you have to bring 50 portions of your dish)...