
Showing posts from June 24, 2007

Oconee Democrats picking up garbage Saturday morning

The Oconee County Democratic Committee has adopted a stretch of the Oconee Connector to call its own and have to respond by picking up the garbage dropped by others. Here are the particulars for those interested in helping them out: Oconee Dems Road Cleanup, 6/30/2007, 9:00 am Reminder from: oconee Yahoo! Group Title: Oconee Dems Road Cleanup Date: Saturday June 30, 2007 Time: 9:00 am - 9:00 am Location: Oconee Connector/Mars Hill between Hwy 316 & Brookwood Drive Phone: 706-353-8310 Notes: Meet/park at fire station on Oconee Connector just off Hwy 316; bring gloves; safety vests and bags will be provided!

Who to vote for in the run-off?

Mike Cantone of the Georgia Democratic Party has urged a write-in vote campaign to register our already paltry presence in the polls. I would instead urge a stealth campaign to hold our noses and vote for Paul Broun. To point out the obvious, Broun is from this area. He is not a whining tire salesman from Augusta. Whitehead will implode in Washington. The former State Senator from the 24th district will probably win the July 17th run-off in a cake walk. I am still somewhat shocked at the buffoonery offered up by the Oconee County Republican party in their on-again, off-again endorsement of Whitehead. Not so much by the endorsement but the manner in which it was rushed to the media by Jay Hanley then revoked by the powers that be. Proxy calls are indeed a dangerous thing as that is how Becky Vaughn took back over the Democratic Party from yours truly. By law changes and the write in protest vote are part of the agenda for the 7:30 July 5 meeting at the Oconee County Courthouse unless it...

Paris Hilton video spoof filmed at Oconee County jail

By now it has been on various news outlets and newspapers, but I thought our intrepid readers should have the opportunity to witness this parody themselves to make up their own minds. I have very little sympathy for either Paris Hilton, Sheriff Scott Berry or the makers of this video. I am glad she is released and hope she learns from her latest episode. I think Sheriff Berry by in large does a good job, but this is a blemish on his record and Oconee County as a whole. But I am all for freedom of speech and comedy. Social satire is a great method of political protest and commentary. I recognize the women from Junkman's Daughter's Brother with the glove who poses as a guard. Let me know what you think.