
Showing posts from August 14, 2011

8-15-11 Oconee being divided to benefit Doug McKillip is outrageous and needs opposition

Well Wendell, maybe if you had followed suit of your brother and supported someone who would fight for Oconee County in the Run Off, we would have a much better chance of defeating the McKillip mess. 8-15-11 Oconee being divided to benefit Doug McKillip is outrageous and needs opposition

Dougan: McKillip has 'constituency of one' ||

Dougan: McKillip has 'constituency of one' ||

Dendy: McKillip cynical on redistricting ||

Dendy: McKillip cynical on redistricting ||

Democrats' district maps aim for unity ||

Hey, how about this? Georgia Democrats have a plan that actually keeps Oconee County's representation whole. So why does State Representative Chuck Williams not support this plan? Because he would rather play footsie with his fellow Republicans instead of what is doing best for Oconee County and supporting what is overwhelmingly supported by even the local G.O.P. elected officials on the Board of Commissioners. I said it during the campaign, and I will repeat it again here, Chuck Williams is a man who just can't say no. Democrats' district maps aim for unity ||

Woodland gets new assistant principal - The Randolph Leader: News

Former OCHS asst. principal Keith Smith gets a new gig Woodland gets new assistant principal - The Randolph Leader: News : WEDOWEE--Woodland High School welcomed a new assistant principal when classes started last week.

You're Invited to Broun's 2011 Grants Fair

This is something we should attend Sincerely,  Dan Matthews From: To: Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 09:10:42 -0400 Subject: You're Invited to Broun's 2011 Grants Fair You're Invited to Broun's 2011 Grants Fair Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. A Message from Congressman Paul Broun You're Invited to a Grants Fair - Tuesday, August 23 (Residents gather helpful information at Broun's 2010 Grants Fair) If you are interested in learning about the grants process, you won't want to miss my upcoming Grants Fair.  I invite you to come  to The University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM on Tuesday, August 23rd.  This free event will provide those of you who are seeking grant funding the opportunity to talk with repr...

Freeman-Lynde: What about Oconee Democrats? ||

Freeman-Lynde: What about Oconee Democrats? ||

District proposals irk some ||

Does anyone understand how poorly this makes recently elected State Representative Chuck Williams seem? Forget me, I would not have been able to do much to make a stand against the Republican resegregation plan, since they have almost a super majority in both Houses of the Georgia General Assembly. But why support someone who will not fight for Oconee County? Mr. Williams, where are your morals, sir? You have barely been in office a month and you have already forsaken your home county. Have some standards, have a spine, show some support for your home and the party that brought you to the Georgia House of Representatives. And just to allay some of the name callers out there, I am not the least bit bitter about this cowardly map, just damn sad and upset that so many local voters were sold a bill of goods and did not realize how much this stinks and when the local GOP comes out against dividing Oconee County, it should provide some sense of outrage and indignation about the process of e...

Oconee Democrats Regular Monthly Meeting (Please note @ Gov't. Annex this Month), 8/18/2011, 7:00 pm

Please attend if you can From: Date: August 16, 2011 6:55:57 PM EDT To: Subject: [oconee] Oconee Democrats Regular Monthly Meeting (Please note @ Gov't. Annex this Month), 8/18/2011, 7:00 pm Reply-To: Reminder from: oconee Yahoo! Group Title: Oconee Democrats Regular Monthly Meeting (Please note @ Gov't. Annex this Month) Date: Thursday August 18, 2011 Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Repeats: This event repeats every month on the third Thursday. Next reminder: The next reminder for this event will be sent in 1 day, 4 minutes. Location: Oconee County Government Annex Street: 1291 Greensboro Highway City State Zip: Watkinsville, GA Phone: 7063721062 Notes: Conversation & socializing starts at 7:00 pm; the meeting begins at 7:30 pm. COMMITTEE MEMBERS: If you have to miss this meeting, let Dan Matthews ( ) know in advance so your absence can be counted as ...

Senate committee approves proposed map ||

Senate committee approves proposed map ||

Repairs planned on Malcom Bridge Road ||

Repairs planned on Malcom Bridge Road ||

Congressional panel meets in Ga. on bank failures ||

They should subpoena Rep. Chuck Williams to testify Congressional panel meets in Ga. on bank failures ||

Br’er Rabbit recovered by Putnam authorities - Crime & Courts -

Br’er Rabbit recovered by Putnam authorities - Crime & Courts -

Public hearing in Sandersville: Stop the Plant Washington coal plant

I wish I could testify for this event. If you can, please do. Sincerely,  Dan Matthews Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 07:05:39 -0500 From: To: Subject: Public hearing in Sandersville: Stop the Plant Washington coal plant Public hearing in Sandersville: Stop the Plant Washington coal plant. RSVP for Thursday's public hearing in Sandersville. Dear Dan, A group of utilities are trying to build a new dirty coal plant in Georgia, that would pollute Georgia's air, and raise Georgian's electricity rates to pay for it. More than a thousand CREDO Members have submitted a public comment asking the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) to reject the Plant Washington coal plant. EPD is holding a public hearing on Thursday in Saundersville, giving Georgians a crucial opportunity to speak out against this dirty coal plant. Can you be there? Here...

CRITICAL details: Georgia Redistricting Proposal

Subject: Fw: CRITICAL details: Georgia Redistricting Proposal As the legislature begins hearings on redistricting proposals, the State Committee is encouraging all of us to pay attention to what is happening in Atlanta and, if possible, to attend various events this week and next organized around the issue of redistricting.  All of us should read Lee Becker's blog on the subject too.  The subject will be on our agenda this Thursday, Septemeber 18, at 7:30 pm at the Government Annex.  Sent:   Sun, August 14, 2011 11:04:09 PM Subject:   CRITICAL details: Georgia Redistricting Proposal Dear Democratic Party Leaders, I am writing to follow up with you with further details regarding Leader Abrams' request for our support of the House and Senate Democratic Caucuses during the redistricting session. Our main focus for the week will be encouraging as many Democrats as possible to attend the hearing on the proposed maps for the Georgia Gene...

Two Recent Cases of Entering Auto Within the City Limits

A very slight crime wave in Watkinsville - beware, be safe and try not to leave anything out for ne'er do wells to snatch. Many thanks to Mayor Walter for passing this to us, and Police Chief Lee O'Dillon and his police officers for keeping us safe. Sincerely,  Dan Matthews Subject: Two Recent Cases of Entering Auto Within the City Limits Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2011 09:15:13 -0400 From: From: Joe Walter Sent: Monday, August 15, 2011 11:43 AM To: Julie Sanders Subject: Two Recent Cases of Entering Auto Within the City Limits Those of us who reside within the City Limits are indeed fortunate when compared to many areas close to Watkinsville, for we experience very little criminal activity.  However to ensure that we don't become a target for the miscreants that travel through, visit or stay.  We, as citizens, must learn and practice some basic crime prevention techniques.  The crime of illegally entering  parked vehicles...

A young man ain’t got nothing in the world these days | OnlineAthens Blogs

A young man ain’t got nothing in the world these days | OnlineAthens Blogs

State legislators start redistricting process ||

State legislators start redistricting process ||

Williams Looking Forward to Special Session - Oconee, GA Patch

Williams Looking Forward to Special Session - Oconee, GA Patch

“Road Department will be performing some emergency repairs to the bridge on Malcom Bridge Road, us caution in this area.” from Oconee County Georgia Sheriff's Office : Nixle

“Road Department will be performing some emergency repairs to the bridge on Malcom Bridge Road, us caution in this area.” from Oconee County Georgia Sheriff's Office : Nixle

Minutes of July meeting of Oconee County Democratic Committee

Ann Stoneburner (Chair) called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.  Minutes for the meetings of April 21, May 19, and June 16 were approved with corrections.  Violet Dawe gave the Treasurer’s report.  We have $XX,XXX.XX in our checking account.  Recent expenses included a $XXX check for Dan’s qualifying for House District 113, $XXX.XX for campaign mailers, and $XX.XX for advertising expenses assessed by Mike Berlon, State Chair. Dan Matthews discussed his campaign for the special election to the vacated House District 113 seat. He noted that Chuck Williams outspent him more than twelve-fold. A number of committee members felt that the large truck sign that so alarmed a number of Republicans may have been the most effective campaign tool.  It was noted that the phone-bank calling was good preparation for the November 2012 elections.  Jonathan Veit was thanked for designing the campaign mailer. Various members expressed great satisfaction with the campaign Da...

Reasons Republicans should be ashamed of their so called Reapportionment

Reapportionment    1.The Republican proposals for House maps DISCRIMINATE against the ability of  Georgians to build multi-racial coalitions.  •   GOP-led reapportionment hearings were not held in places and times in which  most Georgians could attend. The panels did not fully reflect the diversity of  Georgia.  •   The sole Hispanic Democratic legislator faces loss of his multi-racial district.  2. The proposed House maps PURGE Georgia of White Democrats in a cynical ploy to  eliminate voter choices through the construction of hyper-partisan maps.  •   Based on initial district map pairings and gerrymanders, the number of White  House Democrats may be reduced from 20 to 10.  •   GOP map makers are drawing White Democrats into competion against Black  Democrats in a thinly-veiled ploy to eliminate choices for Democratic voters.  •   White Democrats have successfully represented Majority-Mi...

Letter to the Editor about Paul Broun

Broun Jr. – Thinking (?) on his feet  Ever feel like you had fallen into the scrambled depths of a running washing machine? That’s how I felt after Congressman Paul Broun Jr.’s rambling response to one Republican-sounding woman at his Town Hall meeting last week in Eatonton. I recorded her statement and his five-minute-plus, talking-pointed,  flight-of-ideas. How could a Democrat or English teacher ever feel comfortable at a Broun Town Hall? The woman was concerned “…that Social Security that has been paid into for years by people who are retired now is in the same category as SSI… I’d like to know about the bill for Medi caid , which is a welfare program.” Broun Jr.’s response: “OK…well the, um, in the Ryan budget…let me see if I can get this right…because the only thing that was dealt with in the House-passed budget… The Senate hasn’t passed a budget in over 800 days. They haven’t even tried. In the last Congress Nancy Pelosi didn’t even try to pass a budget. The Ryan budg...

Agenda for Oconee County Democratic Committee meeting Thursday evening

Please attend this meeting Thursday at 7:00 pm at the Governmental Annex on Highway 15 Agenda Oconee Democratic Committee Meeting 7:30 pm August 18 2011 Oconee County Annex Approve agenda Approve minutes of meeting on July 21 2011 Treasurer’s report - Violet Dawe Report on Adopt-A-Road Clean-up on August 6 2011 – Sarajane Love Report on plans for celebration of Rita’s retirement – Ann Stoneburner Report on plans for Fall Festival Fundraiser, October 15 – Rita    Report on plans for dinner/fundraiser in September at Piccolo’s in honor of Patsy Harris Discussion of meeting time (7:00 or 7:30 pm) Discussion of redistricting plan as outlined in Lee Becker’s blog of August 14.

Who is the hardest working Democrat in Georgia?

The Democratic Party of Georgia wants to hear about the hardest working Democrats in Georgia. To that end each Congressional District Chair has been asked to appoint a Georgia Democrat Awards Coordinator. District 10 is lucky to have Jenny Penney Oliver of Clarke County in this position. Here is her mandate:  Collect stories of Democrats in your district who “Go Above” in their work for the party with little recognition or reward. Share with Congressional District Chair.   Please be thinking about this throughout the year, maybe set up a paper or computer file for anecdotes of your members. Jenny will contact everyone in the near future, and I know each of you will have some initial ideas you can pass along. Thanks ever, Patsy Harris

Tea party opposes shifting transportation tax vote ||

Tea party opposes shifting transportation tax vote ||

Delay This Week For Leaf and Limb Removal in Watkinsville - Oconee, GA Patch

Delay This Week For Leaf and Limb Removal in Watkinsville - Oconee, GA Patch