
Showing posts from December 2, 2007

So you want to be a Democratic delegate you ask?

Important News: Georgia Delegate Selection INTRODUCTION On Saturday, April 19th, 2008, the Democratic Party of Georgia will conduct caucuses in each of Georgia's 13 Congressional Districts to select Delegates to the 2008 Democratic National Convention. Between January 26th - February 23rd, 2008, Georgia Delegate Candidate Training Workshops will be held throughout the state in all Congressional Districts. Attending the Delegate Candidate Training workshop in your District is not required to stand for election, but it is recommended. At the training, you will learn more about the Delegate selection process and what to expect once you arrive at the convention, should you be elected. If you would like to stand for election as a Delegate to the 2008 Democratic National Convention, please review the date, time and location information for Candidate Workshops in Congressional Districts comprising Fulton County ...

December 15th Democratic homecoming at Watson Mill Bridge State Park

Dear Friends, This is a reminder about our Democratic social (which we're dubbing a "homecoming") to be held at Watson Mill Bridge State Park on Saturday December 15 from 2p to 5p. We're specifically inviting Democrats from Madison, Oglethorpe, Athens-Clarke, Elbert, Hart, Franklin, Wilkes, Barrow, Jackson, Oconee, Walton and Greene counties, as well as the UGA Young Democrats -- though any Democrat in Georgia (or beyond) who is willing to make the drive is welcome to join us that day! We're also encouraging you as county leaders to invite and encourage candidates and elected officials to attend. Please emphasize that this is not a campaigning event, and we won't allow stump speeches, but this is an excellent networking opportunity for candidates, elected officials and all of us in the Northeast Georgia area! The event is being hosted by the local Democratic committees from Madison and Oglethorpe counties, and, depending on the how it goes, may become an annu...

Support Project Safe and Dancing with the Athens Stars

I got a big kick finding out about this through my healer/singer friend Wilma who is playing at the Melting Point Sunday night with a child friendly event you should all attend, but she is also going to be Dancing with the Athens Stars on Sunday, March 2, 2008. Wilma just received the proclamation from the city of Winterville for her song and video of the same name. She is amazing individual and talented singer/songwriter/guitarist/massage therapist and one of my favorite people. I can not yet personally vouch for her dancing talents but I am sure she will be one of the best people in this event and worthy of your donations. The description made me smile and want to attend. I think Project Safe is very important and well worth supporting. By then I should have enough $$ to contribute more than I can right now because of the season for giving to our family gifts, etc. I think dancing is one of the most interesting of the performing arts, and while I was not a big fan of the TV show, ...

Coach Salt resigns at Oconee County HS

Coaching is the most thankless task known to mankind. Parents have nothing but venom to spew your way if you are not playing little Johnny enough. That said, Coach Nick Saltaformaggio came to Oconee County after Hurricane Katrina scattered many people from New Orleans a couple of years ago. He deserved much better treatment than what he received around these parts. But no coach is ever going to take Oconee County back to the promise land of football State Titles as long as the current principal remains in power at the High School. I only heard random fragments of disgruntled statements from the kid across the street who is not yet old enough to play for him, but would hear about how various threats were made ostensibly by him. Locker room chatter is something better left to the locker room. I would like to thank Coach Salt for his considerable efforts with a great QB who will be signed by some Division 1 team next year as well as his work with Oconee County Warriors football.

Onward to the Dome once again


Want to get more involved in local, state and regional water concerns?

Please take advantage of one of the upcoming opportunities on December 5th, 10th, and 11th to learn more about the draft Statewide Water Plan. Your involvement is needed to create a plan that works for all Georgians. Details on the meetings may be found below. Georgia’s rivers, lakes, and streams are the lifeblood of our state. A draft Statewide Water Plan was released this summer and Georgia’s Water Council is working to finalize it January. However, there are serious flaws in the draft plan that must be fixed now to ensure there will be enough clean water for all Georgians. We Want a Water Plan That : · Protects downstream communities · Is adequately funded · Requires efficient water use everywhere, always · Ensures water clean enough to drink and fish safe enough to eat · Provides for public input and local action The Current Plan Does Not Meet These Goals Because: · It cannot require the Metro North Georgia Water Planning Distric...

Watkinsville welcomes early Christmas gift from Federal Government

Visitors to Watkinsville who choose to drive down narrow School Street to events at OCAF and Rocket Field will have sidewalks and new street lights to help guide the way . The Streetscape repaving of downtown Watkinsville has been a long time coming, and it is refreshing to see the Federal Government cooperating with this effort. I think in general the city of Watkinsville needs to widen several of the very narrowest streets, including School Street and Wilson Road. The city also needs to continue to make the sidewalks safe and have curbs that are graded instead of sharp.

Scenes from a Watkinsville Christmas Parade 2007

Here are some photos from yesterday's Watkinsville Christmas parade. For another 270 something images go here :