Our victories are small but significant
Tony Glenn reports that Lee Becker led him know we are going to have some hearings here about the wastewater discharge in Barber creek. Read on Evening everyone. Good news from Lee Becker regarding the letter campaign for a public hearing on wastewater discharge into Barber Creek. Initial indications are that the number of letters was sufficient. Thanks to all who wrote! Cheers, Tony -----Original Message----- From: lbbecker@mindspring.com [mailto:lbbecker@mindspring.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 10:22 PM Subject: Good News Dear Friends, By my count, we sent 50 letters to the EPD asking for a public hearing on the Oconee County request to begin discharging treated wastewater from its Rocky Branch sewage plant into Barber Creek. I suspect the final total was higher, as some people who promised they were writing have not yet confirmed they did so. I'm optimistic we'll get a hearing. The letters came from people directly affected by the plans and from people c...