
Showing posts from August 21, 2016

Clinton says Trump running racist campaign | Jamie Dupree - AJC

Clinton says Trump running racist campaign | Jamie Dupree - AJC

Oconee commission candidate forum scheduled Sept. 15

Three men vying for a vacant seat on the Oconee County Commission will answer questions for the public in a forum Sept. 15 at the community center in Oconee County’s Veterans Park. Ben Bridges, 50, a business manager, Marcus Wiedower, 40, a construction manager, and Chuck Horton, 61, director of parking services for Athens-Clarke County, are running for the Post 2 seat left vacant when John Daniell stepped down to run unopposed for chairman of the board of commissioners. The election is officially a special election, but voting will be on Nov. 8, the same day as the general election. Current chairman Melvin Davis announced earlier this year he would not run again. His term expires at the end of the year. Also scheduled to appear at the forum is Oconee County School Superintendent Jason Branch, who will talk about another ballot item, the special purpose local option sales tax. The school board is asking voters to extend the 1 percent sales tax an additional five year...

Jeremy Drive, Depot Street getting work

I live on Jeremy Drive and Katie Lane, and I hope the crew that resurfaces the street will do so a little more thoroughly and or carefully as when they did Katie Lane last year (two years ago?), they pretty much plowed right over manhole covers and left a noticeable ridge remaining near the curbs (not to mention a lot of asphalt debris in the nearby yards). I know we are not getting a golden road paved for all our delights, but uneven pavement however well intended can be a hazard if not properly flattened and or cured.  Thank you Mayor and Council for considering the cratering and "spider webs" on the break up of our aged street surface in Morgan Manor Estates. And for the record, I am pro-curved mirror at numerous curved areas (Depot Street) including Third Street at Rocket Field and possibly even the elbow of Katie Lane. Jeremy Drive, Depot Street getting work : Jeremy Drive and Depot Street will get new surfaces.

Remodel concept for Community Center OK’d

Remodel concept for Community Center OK’d : The Watkinsville Community Center is getting a new floor plan.

Watkinsville cuts its property tax rate

Watkinsville cuts its property tax rate : Taxpayers in the city limits of Watkinsville will not see an increase in their taxes.

Tight campus will test skills of UNG interim CEO

Tight campus will test skills of UNG interim CEO : UNG’s new interim CEO has a shorter commute to the campus, but a longer walk to his office.

Sunday sales on agenda in Watkinsville too

OK Blake, I know we all make mistakes in the hurry to get the story out, but the restaurant named Girasoles is always going to be called "Girasoles" and when given a possessive apostrophe, it would be Girasoles' or perhaps Girasoles's  Under no circumstances should it ever be referred to as "Girasole's." Same possessive apostrophe rules apply to the city of Athens (always Athens' and never ever "Athen's") or perhaps my last name of Matthews (always Matthews' or perhaps Matthews's and for me never "Matthew's"). That said, why do I think that City Council member Mike Link will vote against beer and wine Sunday sales in Watkinsville, and why do I think there will have to be a municipal referendum to follow this up despite it happening once already. Sunday sales on agenda in Watkinsville too : Mayor Charles Ivie said that Watkinsville will take up the matter of Sunday sale of alcohol at its September meeting.

Golf course could become campus

Golf course could become campus : Ministry college plans to purchase old Green Hills

Watkinsville leasing land for additional parking

Watkinsville leasing land for additional parking : The city of Watkinsville will lease half an acre near downtown to add more parking, Mayor Charles Ivie told The Oconee Enterprise.

Oconee County Animal Shelter postpones yard sale following death of Ashton Keegan

Oconee County Animal Shelter postpones yard sale following death of Ashton Keegan

'Sheriff, can I choot 'em?': Facebook post from Oconee County sheriff goes viral

'Sheriff, can I choot 'em?': Facebook post from Oconee County sheriff goes viral

Ware to run as write-in candidate

But the question remains whether he qualified or not - even as a write-in. Ware to run as write-in candidate

Man seen bound and gagged on Rogers Road ends up in Oconee County jail

Man seen bound and gagged on Rogers Road ends up in Oconee County jail

Georgia potter builds robots out of clay; works on exhibit at Perspectives in Watkinsville

Georgia potter builds robots out of clay; works on exhibit at Perspectives in Watkinsville

Watkinsville woman known for love of animals killed in wreck in Oconee County

Watkinsville woman known for love of animals killed in wreck in Oconee County

A top Georgia Republican warns Trump-ian policies will lead to GOP ‘extinction’ | Political Insider blog

A top Georgia Republican warns Trump-ian policies will lead to GOP ‘extinction’ | Political Insider blog

Rest in peace Ashton Keegan

So sorry to share the news of the death of the budding young superstar Ashton Keegan. She died last night on Barnett Shoals Road in an automobile accident.  This young lady brought my foster and adopted dog Katrina into my life but was so much more than just that. She was not only active in animal adoption but was always trying to make life better for other people. She had helped a lot of individuals with learning and tutoring, and had just got back from a trek to Costa Rica. She made almost everyone's life better that she touched.