
Showing posts from March 16, 2008

Latest revisions more realistic in beer and wine policy

It won't be voted on the Oconee County Board of Commissioners until April Fool's Day, but the latest revisions of the proposed pouring license might work a little better for the county businesses

New BBQ restaurant will abutt new Taco Stand at Butler's Crossing

Just as we are about to celebrate the opening of the new Taco Stand at Butler's Crossing in Oconee County, Georgia, along comes a press release about the retiring administrator from the neighboring school opening up his own restaurant next door.

Obama passport scandal leads to Rice, Bush

Now we find out that even this year, people were sniffing around the State Department looking at the private travel records of Barack Obama. MSNBC was the first all over this case Thursday evening. The security of our passport file is something that we all hold dear. Typical disregard for personal private information again from the Republican Big Brother government. Two lackeys have been sacked from contract jobs at the Department of State, and one person has been disciplined. Not nearly enough, Condi, not nearly enough, George. Bill Clinton's passport files were breached in 1991 by George H.W. Bush and an independent counsel found isolated sleaze then. Like father, like son.

Pour forth your comments this evening

If you wish to have your Board of Commissioners members listen to your views about beer and wine in restaurants this evening, please go to this meeting this evening and do speak up about whether you think that Oconee County restaurants can handle beer and wine with meals like they have in the county seat of Watkinsville already.

Friends of kids across the street put a Huckabee sign in my yard this morning

The juvenile delinquents who have befriended the children across the street in my subdivision decided to pull a little prank and remove the Huckabee for President sign from my other neighbor's yard and place it in mine late Saturday night. I took the sign out and returned it to the rightful owner. I will make the requisite police report of this continued pattern of harassment perpetrated by the punks. Perhaps they will see the error in their ways (doubt it). Glad our next generation is taking politics more seriously than their education or social skills. It is going to be a long and bitter campaign, but please respect private property, do not trespass or vandalize my property, and do not place other people's yard signs in my yard. PS: OK, so one of my readers did call me out on the the fact that I would be wasting the time of the local police by calling them up and making them fill out a report. No argument here on that. I should have flagged down the officer who routinely patr...