Seila Saturday Stroll shows Watkinsville history and reveals where the Big Spring of Big Springs is
Watkinsville was once known as the city of Big Springs. Art Masters store owner Geoff Seila described where the actual water source of that name is - on private land down Barnett Shoals behind the Yarn Barn on the property of local electrician Quinton Phillips and his artist wife Cindy Jarrell. We did not walk down there and both them, but Geoff did lead a lively discussion of the history of this area Saturday morning, describing how Watkinsville was first the site of Fort Edward(s) where Eagle Tavern now resides and it is generally but not definitely ascribed that the namesake of the town was Augusta attorney Robert Watkins. The property for the original county seat of Clarke came from the Cobb family and Geoff pointed out some of the earliest structure still remaining down the street from Eagle Tavern. Many new businesses are opening in Watkinsville store fronts including a wedding shop in the Elder building and another new business I am forgetting now next ...