Weeks will retool his restaurant in downtown Watkinsville
The Oconee Enterprise website sent out an email Friday announcing the closing of the Shishka-bobby's restaurant in downtown Watkinsville in the Town Center development in a story well written by Blake Giles. While I do not take pleasure the economic hardship of others, this restaurant never had "it" and was doomed from the start, It was Barberitos not on a stick, and it did not garner much of a following. Weeks recent problems with the suggestion of the school board wanting a raise probably did not help keep his restaurant open any longer, as commenters in the Athens Banner-Herald's onlineathens.com had his restaurant right in the crosshairs. I hope Weeks new theme is more family focused and a place where you want to come back to again and again. I do not pretend to have the perfect solution for this restaurant lacks or needs. The intangible of finding "it" is as difficult to describe as it is impossible to capture: the perfect flow, great tastes, memorabl...