Reynolds families, Republican donors benefit from road bill

Road bill bends in direction of donors |
It is not surprising that the G.O.P. submitted road bill would cherry pick projects putting their donors interests ahead of the State of Georgia, but it is somewhat surprising that they would stonewall with such shortsightedness regarding who has made the sweetwater deals take place. I mean why would they not want to take credit for further corruption and sleaze for what they please in and around the State. Let's make an unneeded and unrecommended twice interchange near Savannah because our wealthy Florida donors want to build something there. Let's turn a dirt road in Greene County and pave it into a superhighway for the superwealthy before the Obama administration confiscates all our gold.

We don't need anything here in Oconee or Clarke counties like extra lanes on the death trap that is 316 to allieviate long lines from the 10 Loop By-Pass on any afternoon or morning during rush hour. We don't need a long promised By-pass around Bishop. We don't need to connect the the north and south ends of Bishop Farms Parkway to reduce the traffic in and out of Gainesville State College's Oconee Campus, and hey, do not dare give them that extra exit on to 441 for taking people out of their parking lot and on to the highway they are right next to, and no mass transportation, no sidewalks, no bike paths. Let's just keep it as dangerous as we can here so we can have even more senseless deaths on and near the roads. We would not want to wean us off of the addiction of fossil fuels. Why should we want to connect our subdivisions and schools, our parks and playgrounds, our governments and our neighborhoods? Just so we can run and pedal and skate and roll and walk safely? Perish the thought!

No, just keep making sure that the elite get treated better and build roads to suit them, not the rest of the unwashed masses. 

Seriously, we are fortunate here in Watkinsville to have a government who gets it, and understands the need to balance the desires of the constituents with the realities of the consequences of the decisions to make life better for all of us. Sometimes certain layers of government do not get it (see Bob Smith's bill for the hostile takeover of the Atlanta Airport) and it takes a local perspective to put things in the proper order and need.


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