
Showing posts from February 18, 2007

Best write up yet of the 10th race from CQ

Special Election for Georgia’s 10th District to Occur in June E-Mail By Rachel Kapochunas Published: February 22, 2007 The special election to replace the late Republican Rep. Charlie Norwood in Georgia’s 10th Congressional District will take place June 19, according to a writ of election issued Thursday morning by Republican Gov. Sonny Perdue. Press Release The winner in this strongly Republican-leaning district — either in the June 19 vote if one candidate wins outright with a majority, or in a July runoff between the top two vote-getters if no one wins a majority — will succeed the popular Norwood, who died of cancer Feb. 13 just more than a month after he was sworn in to the seventh term he easily won last November. According to the governor’s office, June 19 is the next possible special election date as set forth in Georgia law that also would allow for county, municipal and/or sales tax issue elections to be held on the same day. State officials had previously expressed their des...

Right wing extemists pepper our congressional race

I was hoping Dr. Paul Broun, Jr. had inherited at least a little bit of his Democratic father's views on some topics, but I was wrong, at least if I was to believe every bit of negative venom spewed by the local doctor on an interview on local radio today. Dr, Broun has obviously been listening to and adhering to the talking points belched forth by Bill O'Reilly, Neal Boortz and Rush Limbaugh. It seems many of the Republican candidates will try to out do each other on various matters of intolerance, xenophobia and hatred toward anyone who is not a red blooded American. There is this general perception of the 10th Congressional District in Georgia as being the most closed minded, reactionary area on the map. I think there is a whole lot more open minded individuals than the candidates and some pundits might give us credit for between Athens and Augusta.

June 19th is the official date for Special Election

Once again proving corrupt Republicans will do just about anything to keep their diminishing electoral slots secure, Governor Sonny Perdue will wait until June 19th to hold a special election to replace the late congressman Dr. Charlie Norwood in Georgia's 10th district. I guess his wriggle room evolves from issuing a writ of election some 30 days after the day, not the actual election.

National perspective on 10th district race

Even Before Election Day is Set, the Ballot Takes Shape In Georgia 10 By Rachel Kapochunas | 5:51 PM; Feb. 20, 2007 | Email This Article Republican state Sen. Jim Whitehead announced Monday that he is a candidate for the not-yet-scheduled special election in Georgia’s 10th District, ensuring that there will be competition between politically experienced candidates for the seat left vacant by the death of veteran Republican Rep. Charlie Norwood. There are signs that Whitehead could emerge as the early front-runner in the 10th, a conservative-leaning Republican stronghold in northeastern Georgia. Republican state Rep. Barry A. Fleming, who was considered a potential candidate for the pending special election, introduced Whitehead and offered his public endorsement at the press conference, essentially taking himself out of the running. The men both hail from Columbia County, north of Augusta, and would likely split home-base support if they both participated in the House race. Joel ...

Gov., SOS set June 19th date for Special Election - or have they?

I guess the Governor and Secretary of State can ignore state law when setting a special election date. We have been led to believe that the Governor had 10 days after the death of 10th district Congressman Dr. Charlie Norwood to choose an election date that had to come some 30 days after that. Well the last part of the calendar has been swept under the rug so that announced GOP candidates Ralph Hudgers and John Whitehead don't have to resign their seats during this term of the General Assembly in Atlanta. 30 days from today would be March 23, but again, the Republicans have a way of avoiding the law and paying not attention to precedent when they find it convenient. Terry Holley will run and perhaps the extra time will give him more of a chance. According to Tim Bryant right now, Governor has not set the date yet. AJC reporters quoted Hudgens and the Georgia News Network reported it as fact, which has yet to happen, according to Newstalk 1340 WGAU AM. Hudgens wants to serve out hi...

Oconee's Future leader lets us know of no water vote last night

Citizens for Oconee's Future, Inc. P. O. Box 1301 Watkinsville, GA 30677 The Oconee Board of Commissioners did not vote on the water project tonight. The Chairman ran the meeting as a meeting to get more citizen input. It is probable that a vote could come at the next agenda setting meeting which is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 27th. Hold this on your calendars and I will let you know once I confirm that it is on the agenda. Thanks to all who came out tonight. The meeting room was full with some standing outside. Ten citizens made presentations. A representative from the Jasper County Water and Sewer Authority discussed the proposed South River (Snapping Shoals) project as a less expensive option. An Oconee citizen with an interest in the proposed Jacks Creek project discussed the project as a less expensive alternative and another Oconee citizen with extensive experience in the use of groundwater as a source presented a paper on the feasibility of meeting our needs with grou...

Minutes of Valentine's Day edition of Watkinsville City Council meeting

MINUTES OF MEETING OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF WATKINSVILLE February 14, 2007 PRESENT: Mayor Luken, Council members Link, Purcell, Brodrick, Walsh and Walter and City Attorney Reitman. VISITORS: See attached sheet. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Luken acknowledges full attendance by council. All speakers are asked to approach the lectern and address Council. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: John McNally, Director of Oconee County Clean and Beautiful Commission, presents a sign that will be posted at the adopt-a-spot location at the corner of Colham Ferry Road and SR24, where a Shumard Oak will be planted Friday, February 16, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. Mr. McNally encouraged all to attend and participate in the tree planting. MINUTES: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Brodrick seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2007 Council meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Walsh moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the January 31, 2007...

Tony Glenn lets us know the Planning Commission can vote something down

Afternoon all, We had a small victory last night. The Planning Commission voted to deny the rezone request at the corner of Branch Road and US441. The vote was 5:2. This is the second time the PC has voted to deny the rezone request by these developers. PLEASE plan to attend the Board of Commissioners meeting on March 6th at 7:00 p.m. in the Courthouse. As you all know, the vote by the Planning Commission is simply a recommendation. The real and final vote will be by the BOC. They are the elected officials who need to be informed of your thoughts and concerns regarding commercial rezones in the southern region of Oconee County. Every type of development has its proper time and place. This is the essence of land use planning. This is why the county employs a planning department. Now is not the proper time to open up south Oconee for another convenience store and gas station (and the subsequent other commercial developments that will certainly follow). The northern regions of t...

Whitehead tosses his hat in the ring

Another Republican Charlie Norwood wanna be emerges from Augusta...Whitehead to run for Congress By Valerie Rowell | Columbia County Bureau Monday, Feb. 19, 2007 9:54 a.m. State Sen. Jim Whitehead announced Monday that he will join the race to fill the congressional seat vacated by the death of Charlie Norwood. Mr. Whitehead, R-Evans, announced his intention to run during a news conference at the Columbia County Government Complex in Evans. "I can't be Charlie Norwood, but I think I can be Jim Whitehead. I think I can make you proud," Mr. Whitehead said. "I had such a deep respect for Charlie, a close friendship with a great man and this compels me to run for this office." Mr. Norwood, who represented Georgia's 10th Congressional District, died Feb. 13. Gov. Sonny Perdue will call for a special election to fill the seat. State Rep. Barry Fleming, R-Harlem, who also had been mentioned as a candidate, introduced Mr. Whitehead at the news conference and announc...

Few photos of a few council meetings

The various members of the municipal councils in Oconee County are to be quite commended for their dedication to public service as well as their city's well being and best interests. Each town has its own flavor for meetings, making a distinct and unique taste to the local governmental gatherings. Bishop's town council meetings are like a gathering of old friends to discuss the weather (and politics). No one gets too upset when the attorney or a new member of council arrives a few minutes late to a meeting. The big news there this past week was of a book signing at the local Trade-A-Book for the reprinting of Celeste Gentry Sharp's book about Bishop March 3. Frustrations remain over lack of funds for their 441 By-Pass and no one going to bat for them on the state level. Sometimes I get handed fruits and vegetables when I attend their monthly meetings, and I always get invited back to their town suppers no matter what I wrote to make Nedra Johnson mad at me. We share an...

Update from Mary Mellien via Walton County about Jack's Creek proposal

Dear Concerned Citizens, I hold everyone's email addresses with the greatest of reserve and use them only to advise you of an up coming educational program being offered by OCRG or an issue I find to be of utmost importance to us all. It is this reason that I am forwarding to all of you the following email I received. Until I read the following argument, I felt the only argument for not being in favor of the Hard Labor Creek reservoir was the desire to contain growth. Though this is an argument many of us make it is an argument that has proven futile. The following letter from Mr. Tal Thompson a citizen of Walton County is an argument we all need to be aware of. I will be following this email with a second email from Mr. Thompson containing a letter from Mr Charles Jones the former CEO of Oconee County's consulting firm JJ&G. Please take the time to read these emails and come to the Commission Meeting this Tuesday evening at 7:00 pm in the Court House. Mary Mellein p...

Hudgens won't win the 10th District race outright

I do not think Comer's own Ralph Hudgens will win without runoff the 10th district nonpartisan Congressional election despite being dubbed "the one to beat" by WDUN's Martha Zoller on the Georgia Gang this morning. The main reason being, seldom has one politician generated so much anger and disdain outside of his own district than Hudgens with his whole reapportionment scandal last year effectively splitting Athens traditionally liberal voting bloc inn half. Most if not all of these voters are in the 10th or at least know several dozen voters in the Congressional district formerly represented by Dr. Charlie Norwood. Blake Aued reports that as many as 10 candidates could emerge once the dust has settled with the announced date for special election from Governor Perdue. Another reason people do not like Hudgens is the same reason they do not like billboards being built by his son. I hope Hudgens hoists huge portraits of his less than stunning mug on every overpriced bil...