Minutes of Valentine's Day edition of Watkinsville City Council meeting

February 14, 2007

PRESENT: Mayor Luken, Council members Link, Purcell, Brodrick, Walsh and Walter and City Attorney Reitman.

VISITORS: See attached sheet.

QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Luken acknowledges full attendance by council. All speakers are asked to approach the lectern and address Council.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: John McNally, Director of Oconee County Clean and Beautiful Commission, presents a sign that will be posted at the adopt-a-spot location at the corner of Colham Ferry Road and SR24, where a Shumard Oak will be planted Friday, February 16, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. Mr. McNally encouraged all to attend and participate in the tree planting.

MINUTES: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Brodrick seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2007 Council meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Walsh moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the January 31, 2007 Called Council Meeting with one correction as noted by Councilman Brodrick. Motion carried unanimously.

GREGORY ZENGO: Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve a business license for Georgia Women’s Care, PC d/b/a New Image Medical Aesthetics & Wellness at 2 South Main Street, Suite 201, contingent upon receiving a copy of Mr. Zengo’s medical license. Motion carried unanimously.

SHARON LACY: Billy Lacy represents. Councilman Link moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve a business license for Cherokee Connection’s Spirit of Watkinsville at 18 North Main Street. Motion carried unanimously.

SCOTT KIRK: Councilman Walter moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve a business license for SignWorx of Athens at 1410 Greensboro Highway contingent upon proper paperwork filed for the business sign. Motion carried unanimously.

PATTI WAGNER: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve a building permit for a 17.3’ x 20.9’ bedroom addition to the existing residence at 102 Mimosa Drive. Motion carried unanimously.

LARRY SHEATS: Councilman Walter moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve a building permit for a 12’ x 36’ addition to the existing residence at 112 Morrison Street. Motion carried unanimously.

FLO WILKES: Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the final building permit for a 167’ x 65’ daycare center at 1420 Greensboro Highway contingent upon two conditions: (1) must receive State Fire Marshall approval and (2) planting plan is presented by February 21, 2007 to the tree board and approved. Motion carried unanimously.

DAVID BRANCH: Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve a building permit for a 60’ x 40’ warehouse/storage building at 72 ½ North Main Street contingent upon the questions of the building inspector being answered to the city clerk’s satisfaction. Motion carried unanimously.

SCOTT BOSWELL: Councilman Walsh moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve a beer and wine pouring license for Floyd’s Grill at 64 North Main Street provided training is complete within six months. Motion carries 3 to 2. Councilman Brodrick and Councilman Link opposed.

BOB BISHOP: Bob Bishop discusses the desire and plan to extend the sewer service down Highway 15 South (see project plan). Mr. Bishop asks if the city has a plan to bring sewer to Highway 15 South? Mayor Luken explains the city doesn’t own the sewer system. There is no plan. Councilman Brodrick notes that he would like commercial properties to have it; however, the residential portion gives a lot of reserve. Mayor Luken references letters sent to Councilman Link (see attached) and a letter from Wayne Craig (see attached). He further explains he has talked with school assistant superintendent and they haven’t said what they are going to do as of yet. Bob Bishop notes he would like a committee pulled together to install this system which will cost around $750,000. Mr. Bishop asks the city to participate by adding the 15 homes on Morrison Street as well as participate with additional funds to make the system work. Mr. Bishop estimated a cost of $100-200,000 from the city. City Attorney Reitman adds that the city can’t provide gratuity to one group and not provide to another group. If the city can recoup the costs, then it will be legal, per Attorney Reitman. Further discussion was held to include Mayor Luken noting the school’s septic system is reportedly failing. No action taken at this time.

RECONCILIATION REPORT: Councilman Link moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve the December 31, 2006 Reconciliation Report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Councilman Link questions the money paid to Oconee County for the Highway 53 project since the project has been put on the long term docket. Mayor Luken explains the money was for design and engineering plans. Councilman Brodrick notes money has been paid to the county for two years and we have received no design/plans. Mayor Luken notes he will look into the status of the project.

MAYOR’S REPORT: Streetscape signage drew a lot of attention.

The traffic signal at the intersection of Simonton Bridge Road, Main Street and Harden Hill Road is complete except one ADA crosswalk. The main concern has been to get people off Simonton Bridge Road and Harden Hill Road onto Main Street and to slow traffic. It is working well.

The sink hole on Thrasher Drive will be fixed within the next two weeks.

Appreciate Samantha’s hard work on the Tree City USA designation and the planting of the trees.

Georgia Power is in the process of eliminating extra power poles. He explains he will also talk with Georgia Power regarding redundancy lighting and will report on that at the next council meeting.

Mayor Luken notes that he has spoken with two representatives regarding annexation. The representatives stated they know the legal opinion, but would like to know council’s opinion. He told them the background regarding the beer and wine ordinance. “I do maintain that we do not eliminate annexing; however, annexing for beer and wine was not the intent of the residents”, per Mayor Luken.

The public hearings for the new zoning ordinance are scheduled for February 19th (1st hearing) at the Oconee County Court House and February 28th (2nd hearing) at the Watkinsville City Hall.

Mayor Luken expresses his sincere appreciation to the Chief of Police and the Watkinsville Police Department. He adds the 5th patrolman has made a huge impact on slowing traffic.

Chief O’Dillon notes that there have been no wrecks from the traffic signal. He has received no calls regarding the beer and wine ordinance. The addition of the new patrolman allowed him to create a mid-shift, which allows assistance with calls when traffic is heaviest and extra security for businesses. Councilman Brodrick expressed concerns about the traffic signal backing up traffic in the early a.m. Chief O’Dillon explains the traffic engineers are looking into that and will adjust as they deem necessary. Chief O’Dillon also notes the police department received a $5,000 grant, which was awarded in equipment. The grant was used to purchase a digital video system, window tint meters and Alco sensors.

CITIZEN’S COMMENTS: Mary Moore appreciates the police department for the great job they do.

OLD BUSINESS: (1) Arbor Day & Tree City USA: Councilwoman Purcell announces an Arbor Day Celebration set for Friday, February 16, 2007 at 4:00 p.m. The City of Watkinsville has also won recognition for Tree City USA. The Georgia Forestry Commission will present signs at the celebration on Friday. A Shumard Oak will be planted as noted earlier by Mr. John McNally. Councilwoman Purcell notes that 200 seedlings have been given away this week to citizens. The tree board meets monthly at Jittery Joes. All are invited to attend Friday’s ceremony, per Councilwoman Purcell.

(2) Welcome signs upgrade: Councilman Walsh explains he is waiting for the weather to break. Councilman Brodrick notes he met with Kathleen McQuiston regarding a landscape plan around the signs. Kathleen is to be commended for all her time and plans. Councilwoman Purcell adds that crepe myrtles will also be purchased.

NEW BUSINESS: (1) Sign ordinance and cell tower ordinance text amendment: City Attorney Reitman explains the current cell tower and sign ordinances reference zoning districts. He recommended keeping the old cell tower and sign ordinances and key them to the old zoning ordinance. “Let this serve as the first reading”, per Attorney Reitman. This is to clarify cell tower and sign ordinances are keyed to the old map and not to the new one. We will need to advertise and will have the second reading at the March Council meeting.

Mayor Luken notes three business licenses were approved today. One request was pulled because of Valentine’s Day. The Main Street business district is about filled up. “It is nice to be able to live and shop in Watkinsville”, per Mayor Luken.

Councilman Walter requests an update on the Oconee Well Drillers lot on Main Street. Mayor Luken explains we have sent a letter and received a letter back from their attorney, which indicates no intent to clean up. We are moving forward, as we think this is a zoning violation.

Councilman Brodrick solicits involvement over the next couple of weeks regarding the new zoning ordinance. Councilman Brodrick thanks George Rodrigues for his involvement.

Bob Bishop, citizen, asks if this is approving zoning and building codes all at once. Councilman Brodrick explains it is a combination of the two. Mayor and Council encourage all to participate in the upcoming public hearings.

ADJOURN: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to adjourn the February 14, 2007 Council Meeting at 9:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.




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