Fwd: BOE and Ballots
Begin forwarded message: From: Lee Becker < lbbecker@mindspring.com > Date: May 22, 2010 11:00:55 PM EDT To: lbbecker@mindspring.com Subject: BOE and Ballots Reply-To: lbbecker@mindspring.com Dear Friends, Voters in the July 20 primary could well be a little confused if the Oconee County Board of Education follows through with its proposed method for filling the vacancy left when one member resigned earlier this month. The ballots already are at the printer. To see why this is a problem, go to my blog: http://oconeecountyobservations.blogspot.com/2010/05/oconee-county-ballot-for-july-20.html You'll also get details of a candidate forum and learn about rumors of write-in and independent candidacies. Lee -- Lee Becker Blog: www.oconeecountyobservations.blogspot.com Web: http://lbbecker48.googlepages.com/