
Showing posts from August 13, 2006

Lack of justice or jurisprudence

I was not at the party where Oconee County's former information technology person allegedly assaulted another person , but I do know this. She had the crap beat out her by this person and he is guilty of stupidity if nothing else (for returning to the party without his wife shows a certain degree of premeditation). The victim in this case does not even prefer the male gender as her primary preference. This does not automatically mean he is guilty, but at least he is no longer employed by Oconee County.

Help out Jane Kidd this weekend

Hey! The campaign continues to move forward at a great pace, but we still have a lot of work to do! We need your help! We have great opportunities coming up, so please look at the message below and then call or email us back so we can sign you up... Saturday Morning Canvass Door-to-Door Meet at Publix - Butler Crossing Parking Lot near the Cingular Wireless store 2061 Experiment Station Road Watkinsville, GA 30677 9:30am-12:00pm We have had a lot of success going door-to-door delivering our message to the voters and we are making a big impact. However, the more volunteers we get out into the community the faster our message spreads and the bigger the impact. Also, we need help in the office Monday through Friday with our phone banks. We have six phone lines set and ready to be used every day and tomorrow (Friday) as well as all next week we will be calling and Identifying voters in all three counties, and especially IDing voters who pulled democratic ballots in the primary. Cal...

Our poop in Barber Creek? I think not....

Citizens for Oconee's Future, Inc. P. O. Box 1301 Watkinsville, GA 30677 Following is a message from Lee Becker, Friends of Barber Creek with information on the County's application to dump treated waste water into Barber Creek. It will be important that a public hearing be held on the application to ensure that citizens have the opportunity to learn more about this and to ensure that the county government hears citizen concerns. Citizens will be in a better position to hold the Board responsible when the time comes. Charles Baugh President Dear Friends, The Oconee County request to be allowed to dump 1.0 Million Gallons Per Day of treated wastewater from an expanded Rocky Branch Waste Treatment Plant into Barber Creek is now up for review before the state Environment Protection Division. Please write to the EPD and ask for a hearing. Reference Permit No. GA0038806. Here is the address: Linda MacGregor, Branch Chief Water Protection Branch Georgia Department of Natura...

Minutes of the meeting where beer & wine was approved for restaurants in Watkinsville

MINUTES OF MEETING OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF WATKINSVILLE August 9, 2006 PRESENT: Mayor Luken, Council members Link, Purcell, Brodrick, Walsh, Walter and City Attorney Reitman. VISITORS: See attached sheet. QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Luken acknowledges a quorum is present. Mayor Luken also asks those with non-emergency cell phones to turn them off or down. All speakers are asked to approach the lectern and address Council. WATKINSVILLE BEAUTIFUL YARD AWARD: Councilwoman Samantha Purcell announced Doris & Gene Thornton of 11 Bunny Hop Trail as receiving the Watkinsville Beautiful Yard Award for the month of August. The selection was made by Jittery Joes. The Thorntons were not present. MINUTES: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Brodrick seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the June 26, 2006 Called Council meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Walsh moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the July 12, 2006 Coun...