
Showing posts from March 9, 2008

FW: [oconee] March book: Homegrown Democrat

The Oconee County Democratic Committee has significantly expanded its base with the addition of the Book Club. I highly recommend it. Woven brightly, Daniel J. Matthews, Jr. I'm late in getting out a reminder about this month's book group because my computer has been in the shop. Luckily, the book is a quick read, so pick up a copy and breeze through it if you have time this week and would like to join us for a lively discussion. We meet this coming Thursday at 6:15 at Five Points Deli on Epps Bridge Parkway. We'll be discussing Homegrown Democrat by Garrison Keillor, the host of the public radio show Prairie Home Companion. It's a humorous and rousing defense of the policies and principles of the Democratic party. Becky Vaughn said the book influenced her in her decision to run for office. Maybe some of you will find the courage, too! Our discussion will get underway around 6:15, but we arrive a little earlier...

Recycling Bin Grant Program

This is an interesting idea for municipalities such as Watkinsville, Bishop or Bogart who might not think the County's limited recycling is enough. Woven brightly, Daniel J. Matthews, Jr. To: From: Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 20:52:44 -0400 Subject: [oconee] Recycling Bin Grant Program At one of our meetings we discussed providing recycling bins for local events. One of the concerns was the cost of the bins. Well, here is an opportunity to get free bins. There are several different designs we can pick from. Some of which we could add our logo in the form of a large sticker. Check it out and see if you think this is something the committee would like to do. Coca-Cola and National Recycling Coalition Offer Recycling Bin Grant Program Deadline: April 4, 2008 The Coca-Cola/National Recycling Coalition Recycling Bin Grant Program supports local community recycling programs by providing...

FW: Board of Commissioners Called Meeting/ Beer and Wine Ordinance

I differ from Charles as far as the beer and wine issue, but I acknowledge his point of view and urge for candidates to run for office around here. Woven brightly, Daniel J. Matthews, Jr. To: Subject: Board of Commissioners Called Meeting/ Beer and Wine Ordinance Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 23:44:08 -0400 From: The Board of Commissioners will review the proposed Beer and Wine Ordinance during a called meeting tomorrow night 3/11/08 in the grand jury room at the court house.  This is the first of 4 meetings leading up to the vote and probable approval on 4/1/08. (An appropriate date don't you think?).  Some who oppose this change may be thinking that you will just take retribution on the Board at the ballot box  during the upcoming election cycle but I encourage you to  pay attention to this process and once again let your Commissioners know what you think about the issue.The problem with waiting to vote against those who vote fo...

In addition to determing the fate of Rocket Field.....

The Watkinsville City Council will entertain the following agenda this Wednesday: AGENDA CITY OF WATKINSVILLE March 12, 2008 CALL TO ORDER QUORUM CHECK MINUTES APPEARANCES 1. Dennise Grayson – business license – Law Offices of Dennise L. Grayson – 1 N. Third Street 2. Ted Evans – building permit – 3,000 sq. ft. self storage bldg. – 67 Greensboro Highway 3. Commercial Property Restoration – building permit – repair fire damages to residence at 15 White Street Extension 4. LAD Trucking – building permit – add 18,750 sq. ft to existing warehouse @ 109 Barnett Shoals Road 5. Sean Hogan – building permit – 2408 sq. ft. single family residence w/garage @ 17 Whitehall Road ADMINISTRATION 1. January Reconciliation Report MAYOR’S REPORT CITIZEN’S COMMENTS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. Consider Resolution: Authorizing Adoption of the Oconee County Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Plan 2. Consider Resolution: Authorizing Adoption of the Comprehensive Plan (Communi...