
Showing posts from July 31, 2005

Democratic committee meeting tomorrow

I will not be there, but here is a little piece in the Banner-Herald about our meeting tomorrow night.

A little story about no trash transfer south of Watkinsville

The Oconee County government gave the big thumbs down on Matt Elder's proposed waste transfer station and dumpster stash south on Watkinsville on Highway 15 last night . God bless Post 4's Chuck Horton - who made the motion to deny - and Margaret Hale - who seconded the motion. Many people spoke out against it. Former University of Georgia football coach Ray Goff was the biggest idiot speaking out for it.

Beer and wine as it was in 2005 in Watkinsville

Here is how we have it in Oconee County at our increasing number of decent restaurants. Good to see Peter Anderson and Le Maison Bleu again.