Barnett Shoals Road Rezone/ Neighborhood Organizations.

e: Proposed rezone along Barnett Shoals Road

This is to update you on the status of the proposal to build 238 houses on 264 acres on Old Barnett Shoals Road adjacent to Green Hills Country Club (now called Creekside Country Club). The proposal includes 30,000 sq ft lots on septic tanks in an environmentally and historically sensitive area. Just when we think these developments can't get any worse comes this one. Consider, a project so bad:

1. The Northeast Development Center determined the project is not in the best interests of the state.

2.The Planning Commission recommended the Board of Commissioners deny it.

3. So bad that 2 developers spoke against it at the Planning Commission hearing.

The proposal was to go to the Board of Commissioners at its next regularly scheduled meeting but the developer asked that it be tabled until the February meeting. The BOC approved the request to table the application at its agenda meeting last night.

Citizens in the area as well as others across the county have done an excellent job of identifying and bringing the issues to the Planning Commission and the public. Hopefully this developer will come up with a plan that is more consistent with the area and and that mitigates impact and protect the environmental and historical resources in the area. Citizens concerned about this proposal will need to watch it closely and be prepared to contact the BOC members as well as attend and speak at the BOC hearing.

Because of the development policies driven by the Board of Commissioners all county residents must be vigilant. As long as the Comprehensive Plan is ignored ("its just a guide"), and ordinances are in place that allow high density development, and placement of strip commercial development anywhere in the county we will continue to see proposals like the Barnett Shoals development.

All neighborhoods in the county need to be organized. If you live in a neighborhood with no association in place you are less likely to have an impact when something like this comes your way. It is just a matter of time until something comes your way. I encourage all to organize and once you are organized let our elected policy and decision makers know you are organized by inviting them to speak to your neighborhood association. The group, Citizens for South Oconee has successfully organized and has already had a positive impact on development issues in the area along Hwy 441 south. The group, Friends of Barber Creek is actively engaged in influencing development issues along Barber Creek. These groups and others are working to influence development issues in their areas as well as to support each other in those efforts.

Whether your family has been in the county 1 year or 100 years, you have a stake in keeping the county a good place to live and I encourage you to become involved in that effort. A good first step is a neighborhood association.

Charles Baugh, President


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