Caterpillar breaks ground on Oconee/Clarke plant in Bogart and Athens area
I greatly welcome Caterpillar with open arms and deep pockets. Plenty of people are already seeing dollar signs in their eyes with putting homes up for sale in the area or at least making plans to do so. I would imagine a lot of the stagnant developments may finally get built or at least more built out than they have.
My only real complaint, and yes it is self-serving and tawdry, is that they could have been more inclusive in the guest list for this event. Most definitely President Barack Obama could have and should have been there, and I understand his Georgia agenda for the day started at 4:00 pm. I would have liked to have seen the event not be so exclusive as to not have anyone from the loyal opposition in either party from either county. Caterpillar should make efforts to connect with the public at large and not just the elite who belong to the right country club and or Chamber of Commerce.
Caterpillar breaks ground on Athens plant | Online Athens
My only real complaint, and yes it is self-serving and tawdry, is that they could have been more inclusive in the guest list for this event. Most definitely President Barack Obama could have and should have been there, and I understand his Georgia agenda for the day started at 4:00 pm. I would have liked to have seen the event not be so exclusive as to not have anyone from the loyal opposition in either party from either county. Caterpillar should make efforts to connect with the public at large and not just the elite who belong to the right country club and or Chamber of Commerce.
Caterpillar breaks ground on Athens plant | Online Athens