Malapportionment mash

This was just some of our fun at the gold dome today. I recommend it to everyone. Find a topic like malapportionment, which is a word I saw on a display at the statehouse, and go visit every elected official you can imagine. Best to target a few folks who actually have some control over the destiny of the said legislation. I was lucky enough to tag along with Rep. Jane Kidd and a few of the Athens Clarke County Commissioners who could go after our elected officials and let them know in person we did not appreciate the introduction of legislation (Bill 386) without even the knowledge or introduction to the local governments. We finally found Comer Senator and investor Ralph T. Hudgens coming out of a committee meeting on the fourth floor and he talked to me for about five seconds.

ME: Hello Senator Hudgens, thanks for representing Georgia so well, we would like to let you know of our opposition to Senate Bill 386.

HUDGENS: Well who are we?

ME: Well I am the chairman of the Oconee County Democratic Committee and this is Mayor Heidi Davison of Athens....

To Senator Kemp's credit, he did talk with us a whole lot longer than Hudgens did. His family friend and Athens Clarke County tax assessor Nancy Denson took Brian aside and told him what a hero he could be if he puts a stop to all this nonsense.

The throng from Athens included Commissioners George Maxwell, Charles Carter, Alice Kinman, Elton Dodson and assorted others including Janet Pomeroy, Jared Harper, Elayne Brown, Pete McCommons and George's wife Betty Maxwell.

We went from the Speaker of the House's office and missed Glenn Richardson, then we went to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and missed Eric Johnson, then we went to the Governor's office and missed Sonny Perdue. Heidi was leaving letters at everyone's office. So we went to the President of the Senate's office and Lieutenant Governor Mark Taylor offered us some sage advice and wisdom. He sair to remind Sonny Perdue as to what he said in 2002 and '03 about keeping communities together.

We went to Ralph Hudgens office and left a letter and they also let us know where to find the Senator coming out of the committee meeting on the way to the reconvening of both houses of the legislature. For a political junkie this was nirvana.

We got our white books and went to the house session. We did not stay long after the extended prayer and reciting the pledge of allegiance. For three hours it was about as effective as it could be. We registered our displeasure with all the key members. The bill has been read Friday, Jan. 13 and apparently has to be read again then scheduled in the reapportionment committtee.


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