Becky's fundraiser moved to Jittery Joe's

* The Yard signs are in! Let us know how many you want!
* We'll be walking this weekend. Let us know if you can help!
* The September 30th financial deadline is looming. Help us look good. Make a donation today at

* invitation attached--

****Please note change in location to Jittery Joe's in Watkinsville****

You are invited you to a reception with

and a Special “Surprise” Guest

Wednesday, September 27

6-8 pm

Jittery Joe's (note change in location)

27 Greensboro Hwy

Downtown Watkinsville

Suggested Contribution $50

Please RSVP to Jenny Vaughn at
706-546-5258 or

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Becky Vaughn

Becky Vaughn
State House District 113
1030 Meriweather Dr.
Bogart, GA 30622
706.540.9724 (Cell)

Becky Believes we deserve a choice
Becky Believes we need a change
Donate today at


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