Happy New Year, it's Ga. Progressive Summit time!
Happy Friday, everyone! It's a new year, alright, and w/the Ga. Legislature
about to convene, the time has come to shake the post holiday stupor off and for
me to get to work again. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, warm and
full of family and friends. Mine was great, now all I need is an amazing
gathering to attend, where I'll be inspired, educated and motivated to get Write
to Vote moving again.
Well thanks be, the Ga. Progressive Summit begins TONIGHT, and runs through
Sunday. Yes, I admit a personal loyalty to this event, these are the same
wonderful folks who encouraged and believed in Write to Vote when it was a wee
idea in danger of being rendered moot by the Legislature before we could put it
into action. They have more than quadrupled the size of the Summit in just
three years. I am sorry I am just now getting this out to you!
Please, check out their program at
http://www.gps2007.org/ and try to catch as much of
this as you can.
You will be blown away by the scope of the workshops, and will not only meet but
have the chance to really collaborate w/some of the most dedicated, determined
and highly skilled activists in the whole state of Georgia. It is a great way
to start the year. It lasts all weekend, if you just can't get there, the
website itself is worth a read. The groups who are participating will be glad
to hear from you whenever you have time to volunteer, and will welcome you,
whether they meet you over the next three days or you sign up for their updates
The challenge to the Indiana photo id law has made it to the Supreme Court of
the United States! They argued a couple of days ago, (lawyers from each side
were on Washington Journal on C-Span, the callers were great!) and the Court
will rule in plenty of time for the requirements to be either thrown out this
summer, or enforced. Indiana got in trouble for mismanaging their voter data,
years ago now. Rather than address their own negligence, their Governor and
Legislature responded w/one of the first, most draconian photo id requirements
in the country. It's a sure bet that this decision will have a ripple effect in
the 22 states where photo id laws, aggressively targeted purging of voter rolls,
and crooked voting machines have been put in place to disenfranchise poor,
elderly, disabled and minority voters.
There was a great article in the New York Times Magazine on Jan. 6, 2008 by
Clive Thompson subtitled 'The Bugs in the New Machines'
about to convene, the time has come to shake the post holiday stupor off and for
me to get to work again. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, warm and
full of family and friends. Mine was great, now all I need is an amazing
gathering to attend, where I'll be inspired, educated and motivated to get Write
to Vote moving again.
Well thanks be, the Ga. Progressive Summit begins TONIGHT, and runs through
Sunday. Yes, I admit a personal loyalty to this event, these are the same
wonderful folks who encouraged and believed in Write to Vote when it was a wee
idea in danger of being rendered moot by the Legislature before we could put it
into action. They have more than quadrupled the size of the Summit in just
three years. I am sorry I am just now getting this out to you!
Please, check out their program at
this as you can.
You will be blown away by the scope of the workshops, and will not only meet but
have the chance to really collaborate w/some of the most dedicated, determined
and highly skilled activists in the whole state of Georgia. It is a great way
to start the year. It lasts all weekend, if you just can't get there, the
website itself is worth a read. The groups who are participating will be glad
to hear from you whenever you have time to volunteer, and will welcome you,
whether they meet you over the next three days or you sign up for their updates
The challenge to the Indiana photo id law has made it to the Supreme Court of
the United States! They argued a couple of days ago, (lawyers from each side
were on Washington Journal on C-Span, the callers were great!) and the Court
will rule in plenty of time for the requirements to be either thrown out this
summer, or enforced. Indiana got in trouble for mismanaging their voter data,
years ago now. Rather than address their own negligence, their Governor and
Legislature responded w/one of the first, most draconian photo id requirements
in the country. It's a sure bet that this decision will have a ripple effect in
the 22 states where photo id laws, aggressively targeted purging of voter rolls,
and crooked voting machines have been put in place to disenfranchise poor,
elderly, disabled and minority voters.
There was a great article in the New York Times Magazine on Jan. 6, 2008 by
Clive Thompson subtitled 'The Bugs in the New Machines'
But enough from me already. I hope to see you soon, and as always,
thank you for reading.
Madelyn Powell
> Write to Vote