December meeting of Oconee Historical Society

From: Ben D Jackson
Subject: December meeting of Oconee Historical Society
Date: December 16, 2013 at 1:47:09 PM EST

All  -

Our 7 pm meeting will be Tuesday at Ashford Manor not Ashford on Main,  The best place to park is in the Ashford church parking lot.  Hope to see you there.

The agenda is below and below that are the minutes of the November meeting.


1.  Welcome
2.  Minutes of November Meeting
3.  Teasurer's Report
4.  Old Business
a. Results of Picnic on the Lawn event and plans for 2014 program
b. Avenues to reach bigger audience
c. History publication series
d. Strategy for being added to other organizations' agendas
e. Our role in economic development
f. Establish awards for historic preservations
5. New Business
6. Next Meeting
a. Election of officers
b. 2014 Plan of Work
7. Adjourn

Oconee Historical Society
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Attendance:  Ben Jackson, Albert Ward, George Justice, Larry Weatherford, Randy Parish, Chuck Garrett, James King, Andrea King, Dave Shearon, Pam Turner and Linda Bernard
Meeting was called to order by President Jackson, who then welcomed our guests, Jim Garrett, Andrea and James King; then asking everyone in attendance to introduce themselves.
President Jackson announced the request for information that had been received on our Facebook page about the Dawe Horse Farm in North High Shoals, and that we had not been able to give the inquirer complete information as yet, and asked if anyone in attendance had any information on the subject.  There was a discussion and no further information was gathered.
Jackson stated  there was no formal agenda for this meeting so he would just say he felt we needed to engage the Economic Development Department since the Tourism Department did not seem to want to work with us.  Then he opened the remainder of the meeting to open discussion on their impression of the "History on the Lawn" event on Sunday, November 10th.  George Justice thought it was a great first step and taught us immensely in how to prepare and perform for the next event.  Dave Shearon echoed that remark saying "our first attempt was perfect!" and had we been overrun, we easily could have had a disaster.  Everyone agreed we could not have had a more beautiful day.   
Discussion was held on the avenues to reach more people, such as:  Home School Groups Church groups, Social Media, etc.  Larry Weatherford told of the High School Alumni group (over 400 average attendance) that meets the 4th Saturday in June every year to celebrate the graduation from area schools, they have a meet and greet, which is a social event, held at the Civic Center each year would be a great way to introduce our organization.   OHS should continue to partner with other events, such as Christmas Parade. Mention was made about oral histories at this event George Justice stated students would not be available.  Andrea King volunteered to participate in dress costume, horse and wagon; Dave to find out if we can still have a spot in parade.  Marti Perrin suggested a Christmas Tea; again with First Friday.
President Jackson asked George Justice to report on the histories and photos/info that was scanned.  He reported there were 8 oral histories and numerous photos, including a will.  Also reported his students enjoyed their experience and reported that Josh Jones took some photographs.  Dave Shearon mentioned that Sloane Jones, UNG Community Development, was to send some press out.  President Jackson praised George Justice, Randy Parish, students and UNG for their involvement in making our first attempt a success.
 Andrea King complimented the OHS for having a well organized event, Larry Weatherford agreed, he thanked all the people who worked behind the scenes to prepare, promote and hold the first inaugural event.
 Albert Ward reported that OHS seemed to be concentrating on the "Showbiz" aspect of Oconee County, and not what he thought should be another area of our focus, he mentioned he had three items he wished we would work toward (then he said well maybe it is 10).  Number 1:  History of Water Works: Number 2:  Electrical; Number 3: School Lunchroom; Number 4: Rosenbaum School into existence; Number 5: Transportation pattern of early Watkinsville.  General discussion was held that we had some of this information in the report made by Cari's students and the only way we could get this information was to continue to engage the community and their families in order to garner this information; interest level makes people talk.  George Justice stated he would like to have a copy of the Cari's students reports, President Jackson said he would email the large files to him. 
 Albert Ward stated he would like to see OHS prepare some printed paper books that could be designated on the shelves of the Library that would be about Oconee County, prepared by the OHS.  It was agreed that we should continue to develop this suggestion.  OHS does not want to be all show and no historical substance.
 How do we continue to gather information in order to satisfy this need; develop the histories and pictures on website and create links; force the community to include our participation by getting on their agenda for a five minute presentation (to be prepared after first of year); partner on a First Friday in 2014; inclusion with school (8th grade Georgia History)
Discussion was held on the Historic Districts already indentified in Watkinsville: nine (9) historical area and eight (8) markers; and what is our role in Economic Development in County; to be passionate for the future, but preserve the past.
Dave Shearon suggested we give an award for historic preservation, mentioned a project just completed on Harden Hill role as first recipient. 
President Jackson announced our next meeting would be at Ashford on Main, Tuesday December 17th at 7:00 pm and light refreshments would be served.  Meeting adjourned.


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