Victory in 2014 for the 10th Congressional District
From: Kenneth Dious
Date:01/08/2014 4:54 PM (GMT-05:00)
To:,Raven Bennett
Subject: Victory in 2014 for the 10th Congressional District
I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. We have had such an incredible year in 2013 during the initial launch of our campaign. I'd like to thank everyone for the support and commitment to my campaign for the 10th Congressional District. As we move forward in 2014, I'd like to update my fellow Democrats as to how our campaign is moving ahead and my plans for victory on November 4th, 2014. We are looking forward to Democratic Victory in 2014.
As you are aware, the 10th Congressional District of Georgia is comprised of twenty five counties. This is a unique area that covers boundaries of the Savannah River in Columbia County, to Athens and parts of Metro Atlanta with Henry, Newton and Gwinnett counties. Although my campaign headquarters is located in Clarke County, it is imperative that my grass roots efforts reach all voters in the district. I feel this will allow me to thoughtfully and fully address the needs, concerns and issues of all voters- not only in larger populated areas in the 10th District, but our critically under-represented population of east rural Georgia. One of the reasons I decided to run for this office is because this is an area I know well; I have lived, traveled, practiced law and served the people of this area during my forty year career. My hope is to promote the even greater potential of prosperity in this region.
I've had the pleasure of visiting and speaking at several Democratic Committee meetings and I will be continuing to visit each county as the campaign progresses. I am in the process of compiling a campaign committee with a representative from each county. I am calling on Democratic Party leaders and chairs to assist in this task by asking your committee members or other local citizens in your area who would be interested in serving on our committee. Please share and forward this message with your committee members.
I thank you all for your continued support in my campaign. I ask that you continue this same momentum leading up to the general election with volunteer sign-ups and pledges of financial resources for our campaign. Please feel free to stop by campaign headquarters or contact me directly with any issues or concerns.
Please visit my website for campaign updates, connect with us and follow our campaign .
Kenneth Dious
Candidate, U.S. Congressional District 10
"A Balanced Georgia for all"