Grand Jury fever!

Just got back from my scintallating interview with the Oconee County Grand Jury for a spot on the Tax Equalization Board. Seems there are some eight people vying for one slot on the board. Even though I consider myself something of a freak when it comes to government and politics, I had never even heard of the Tax Equalization Board until it was on the legal ads.

PS the legal ads are my favorite part of the Oconee Enterprise. It is where you can find out your across the street neighbor paid only $76,000 for their run down house and know that they have all but defaulted on their mortgage twice now. I did not go to the auction in front of courthouse to buy their property, but I considered it.

I was also curious to see who may or may not be considering an indictment against Jim Ivey. Col. Tony Cushenbury of the UGA Athletic Association was in command.

While I was there I applied for the positions Ivey resigned on the Planning Commission and Development Authority. Might even do the Board of Tax Assesors, too. If you want to you need to apply by the 16th of this month.

I strongly encourage everyone to be more involved with their local government.


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