Saxby Chambliss spambot run amok

Sometimes I write our elected officials through a wide and differing sets of portals. One of these is my telephone company . Working Assets is a progressive long distance and cell phone provider offering users a quick way to let your elected officials know of your displeasure on a particular issue. I do not automatically click every alert and action, but usually research and change the form letter before I do send anything.

The drones and interns behind the computer buttons sent me six replies in less than four minutes from Senator Saxby Chambliss. Two of them seemed tailored to a specific issue and the other four were the same generic blow off. But I guess that is all we can expect in this day and age.

Here is the message clogging my inbox:

Thank you for contacting my office and sharing your

As your United States Senator, I look forward to hearing
from all of my constituents from the State of Georgia, especially
when they have concerns or problems, need guidance or
information, or want to share any other matters of interest with me.

If I can ever be of assistance to you or your family, please
don't hesitate to contact me. I appreciate hearing from you.


Saxby Chambliss
United States Senate


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