Various Moore's Ford and Southern Truth happenings
There was a horrible race riot in Atlanta in 1906. It lasted over several days in September a mere century back and the following is from Rich Rusk and the Moore's Ford memorial committee (MFMC) about some racial reconcilliation efforts going on in Georgia:
All manner of STAR and Coalition to Remember the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot events start up this January. Where is all this headed? I just got our scholarship and talent show materials to our seven area high schools...and am running to keep up. Please read this entire email - these events are fascinating. But first....
MFMC meets on Jan. 21: It appears that 10 a.m., Saturday, January 21 is the least worst time for our annual meeting. Kirklyn and Margaret will not be able to attend, however. I will try to get their views on several issues prior to this meeting, and will email our agenda and minutes for Nov. 22 on Monday, with hard copies to follow. This Saturday meeting will allow Michael Hill and Cathi Watkins and MFMC officers to transfer bank accounts from Monroe to Oconee State Bank in Watkinsville. Perhaps those of us needed for these bank documents - Cathi, Michael, Rich, Rev. Nunnally - can meet at OSB at 9:30 am?
Please attend Jan. 21 AAHRC Scholarship Banquet: the indefatigueable Hattie Lawson is at it again, organizer of another gala scholarship banquet. If you have never attended these banquets, sponsored the Athens Area Human Relations Council, then don't miss this one. The 28th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Awards Banquet will be held Saturday (tommorow), January 14, 2006 @7:00 the Athens-Clarke County Classic Center on Thomas downtown Athens. Speaker: Honorable Enrique Corrion, Editor, Eco Latino Newspaper. For reservations or information, contact Hattie Lawson (706) 546-6799 or Rev. David Nunnally, Sr. (706) 353-0826. Tickets: $25.00 – (All donations are tax deductible). I think tickets are available at the door.
Hattie and her friends do a terrrific job. Let us support this effort...the Mother of all Scholarship Banquets. They fill the Civic Center. My apologies for getting word to you late.
Riders Needed for Atlanta Screening of Emmett Till Movie, Sunday, Jan. 15: I
The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till: In 1955, a 14-year-old black boy was murdered for whistling at a white woman
in Mississippi. The brutal murder of Emmett Till became a major catalyst of the civil rights movement, thanks to a horrific photo of Till's mutilated corpse in Jet Magazine. Till's mother insisted on an open casket so that the
world could see unspeakable violence. Now, 50 years later, the Justice Department has decided to reopen the case, due largely to Keith Beauchamp's documentary, which contains testimony from witnesses who found the courage
to tell the full story. Please join us for the screening and conversation led by Producer/Director, Keith A. Beauchamp.
Sunday, January 15, 2006, 5:00 p.m.
Auburn Avenue Research Library, Auditorium
101 Auburn Avenue NE, Atlanta GA 30303
Our MFMC group has discussed bringing this film to Walton County, perhaps UGA as well, this coming Spring, as a way of focusing attention on the Moore's Ford killings. What does it take to bring this film here, and perhaps Keth Beauchamp as well? Let us meet with him Sunday and find out. I will be leaving around 3 p.m. Call if interested. 706-769-0988.
Southern Exposure Launches Pre-registration Website
Susan Glisson and her hardworking staff at the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation have set-up a pre-registration website for the March 2006 southern regional conference. STAR continues to be integrally involved in all phases of the conference planning and is excited by the synergy being created through collaborations with the Winter Institute and the Birmingham Pledge. Please check out the website to register and review the goals of the conference:
Those pre-registered will receive formal registration packets in February. We look forward to seeing you in Mississippi, March 17-19 for this generative moment in our response to the legacies of racial violence in the South. (Rich - I told Susan that maybe 6 to 12 MFMC persons will be attending this. Call me if you want to carpool to Old Miss.) This
The Coalition to Remember the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot kicks off their ambitous program this January with five events. Please visit their website at They are doing a fabulous job! While we Moore's Forders rush breathlessly from one event to the next, our STAR friends and their 1906 Coalition colleagues took a different approach. In revisiting this Atlanta atrocity, they set out to create a comprehensive effort to work for substantive change in today's Atlanta and beyond...and planned this effort for nearly two years before beginning. For example, while we give our occasional talks to classrooms and church groups, they have already gotten State of Georgia education officials to include the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot in the curriculum for the entire state - so that kids all over Georgia, in the public schools, will learn about this event and its legacy.
Next Tuesday, Jan. 17, they are hosting at Kennesaw State a six hour course for school teachers on how to teach this event and related issues. I am going, I hope. Call if you care to join me. See below for STAR's and the Coalition's more comprehensive plans...and do open the STAR newsletter attached above. This group and the Coalition are really stepping out into the world...and we are going to learn something from all this. Hopefuly our communities will benefit in some way from all this.
Best as always,
P.S. where on earth is all this focus-on-the-past headed, anyway? Perhaps this mid-March STAR conference at Old Miss is a good place to find out.
January 2006 Upcoming Events
Explore this page for Coalition to Remember the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot events and activities for January 2006. Events and Activities include: a one-day conference for teachers titled "Teaching the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot: Strategies for Building Community through Shared Study;” a community engagement event titled Conversation Café @ Javaology focusing on the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot section of the movie “The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow;” registration for an Online Professional Learning Unit on the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot Course; a Walking Tour; and the kick-off event for the Dialogue Series.
January 12, 2006
Conversation Café @ Javaology, 466 Edgewood Avenue in downtown Atlanta, 7:30 PM, Thursday, January 12, 2006 | The Atlanta 1906 Coalition will present an overview of the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot, screen a segment of the film “The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow” focusing in the riot, and encourage dialogue among attendees
January 14, 2006
Conversation Café @ Javaology, 466 Edgewood Avenue in downtown on Saturday, January 14, 2006 | Atlanta, 1:00 PM This will be a panel discussion on both the milestones and impasses of race relations in Atlanta over the past 100 years: how have the nature and form of racism changed, how have they remained the same?
January 15, 2006
Walking Tour: There will be a walking tour of the riot area sponsored by the Atlanta 1906 Coalition’s Public Education Committee on Sunday, January 15, 2006: Walking Tour, 1:00 PM
January 17, 2006
"Teaching the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot: Strategies for Building Community through Shared Study" | A one-day conference for teachers
When: Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Where: Kennesaw State University
Time: begins at 8:30 am and ends at 3:30 pm
Costs: Registration is he cost is $25 To register, select the “Resources" section of this site fpr the downloadable form
Contact: Michelle Goodsite, 770-529-8123 or Becky Ramsay, 678-797-2170
For additional information consult the following links: Press Release | Conference Agenda | Lesson Plan
January 9 through January 30 2006
Online Course Registration for “Red Was the Midnight: The 1906 Atlanta Race Riot” | A three hour online Professional Learning Unit offered by One World Archives
When: Course will be offered February 1 through March 7
Where: Online at
When: Online registration will begin January 9 and end on January 30
Costs: PLU tuition for this course is $165. OWA has arranged for thirty tuition waivers. Follow THIS link to apply for an OWA tuition waiver.
Contact: Dr. Norman Harris, | 404-3543615
Downloads: Professional Learning Flyer | OWA Tuition Waiver Form | OWA Prior Prior Approval Form
January 21, 2006
Kick-Off Event: Dialogue facilitators, participants, and Atlanta 1906 Coalition members will meet to review the dialogue process, screen a video about the riot, and be energized about their commitment. The location will be announced shortly
[Atlanta Race Riot] [Mission] [Sponsors] [Committees] [Resources] [Upcoming Events] [News] [Links] [Calendar] [Known Victims] [Credits]
Greetings STAR!
Please find attached the January E-newsletter in both PDF and WORD
formats. I hope you will take time to catch up on all of the exciting
developments at STAR and find some useful resources for continuing to
walk with us on the "road to justice for human rights violations."
> Matthew Bersagel Braley
> S.T.A.R. Research Fellow
> Southern Truth and Reconciliation
> 404.583.9372
> STAR website:
> STAR e-mail:
All manner of STAR and Coalition to Remember the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot events start up this January. Where is all this headed? I just got our scholarship and talent show materials to our seven area high schools...and am running to keep up. Please read this entire email - these events are fascinating. But first....
MFMC meets on Jan. 21: It appears that 10 a.m., Saturday, January 21 is the least worst time for our annual meeting. Kirklyn and Margaret will not be able to attend, however. I will try to get their views on several issues prior to this meeting, and will email our agenda and minutes for Nov. 22 on Monday, with hard copies to follow. This Saturday meeting will allow Michael Hill and Cathi Watkins and MFMC officers to transfer bank accounts from Monroe to Oconee State Bank in Watkinsville. Perhaps those of us needed for these bank documents - Cathi, Michael, Rich, Rev. Nunnally - can meet at OSB at 9:30 am?
Please attend Jan. 21 AAHRC Scholarship Banquet: the indefatigueable Hattie Lawson is at it again, organizer of another gala scholarship banquet. If you have never attended these banquets, sponsored the Athens Area Human Relations Council, then don't miss this one. The 28th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Awards Banquet will be held Saturday (tommorow), January 14, 2006 @7:00 the Athens-Clarke County Classic Center on Thomas downtown Athens. Speaker: Honorable Enrique Corrion, Editor, Eco Latino Newspaper. For reservations or information, contact Hattie Lawson (706) 546-6799 or Rev. David Nunnally, Sr. (706) 353-0826. Tickets: $25.00 – (All donations are tax deductible). I think tickets are available at the door.
Hattie and her friends do a terrrific job. Let us support this effort...the Mother of all Scholarship Banquets. They fill the Civic Center. My apologies for getting word to you late.
Riders Needed for Atlanta Screening of Emmett Till Movie, Sunday, Jan. 15: I
The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till: In 1955, a 14-year-old black boy was murdered for whistling at a white woman
in Mississippi. The brutal murder of Emmett Till became a major catalyst of the civil rights movement, thanks to a horrific photo of Till's mutilated corpse in Jet Magazine. Till's mother insisted on an open casket so that the
world could see unspeakable violence. Now, 50 years later, the Justice Department has decided to reopen the case, due largely to Keith Beauchamp's documentary, which contains testimony from witnesses who found the courage
to tell the full story. Please join us for the screening and conversation led by Producer/Director, Keith A. Beauchamp.
Sunday, January 15, 2006, 5:00 p.m.
Auburn Avenue Research Library, Auditorium
101 Auburn Avenue NE, Atlanta GA 30303
Our MFMC group has discussed bringing this film to Walton County, perhaps UGA as well, this coming Spring, as a way of focusing attention on the Moore's Ford killings. What does it take to bring this film here, and perhaps Keth Beauchamp as well? Let us meet with him Sunday and find out. I will be leaving around 3 p.m. Call if interested. 706-769-0988.
Southern Exposure Launches Pre-registration Website
Susan Glisson and her hardworking staff at the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation have set-up a pre-registration website for the March 2006 southern regional conference. STAR continues to be integrally involved in all phases of the conference planning and is excited by the synergy being created through collaborations with the Winter Institute and the Birmingham Pledge. Please check out the website to register and review the goals of the conference:
Those pre-registered will receive formal registration packets in February. We look forward to seeing you in Mississippi, March 17-19 for this generative moment in our response to the legacies of racial violence in the South. (Rich - I told Susan that maybe 6 to 12 MFMC persons will be attending this. Call me if you want to carpool to Old Miss.) This
The Coalition to Remember the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot kicks off their ambitous program this January with five events. Please visit their website at They are doing a fabulous job! While we Moore's Forders rush breathlessly from one event to the next, our STAR friends and their 1906 Coalition colleagues took a different approach. In revisiting this Atlanta atrocity, they set out to create a comprehensive effort to work for substantive change in today's Atlanta and beyond...and planned this effort for nearly two years before beginning. For example, while we give our occasional talks to classrooms and church groups, they have already gotten State of Georgia education officials to include the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot in the curriculum for the entire state - so that kids all over Georgia, in the public schools, will learn about this event and its legacy.
Next Tuesday, Jan. 17, they are hosting at Kennesaw State a six hour course for school teachers on how to teach this event and related issues. I am going, I hope. Call if you care to join me. See below for STAR's and the Coalition's more comprehensive plans...and do open the STAR newsletter attached above. This group and the Coalition are really stepping out into the world...and we are going to learn something from all this. Hopefuly our communities will benefit in some way from all this.
Best as always,
P.S. where on earth is all this focus-on-the-past headed, anyway? Perhaps this mid-March STAR conference at Old Miss is a good place to find out.
January 2006 Upcoming Events
Explore this page for Coalition to Remember the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot events and activities for January 2006. Events and Activities include: a one-day conference for teachers titled "Teaching the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot: Strategies for Building Community through Shared Study;” a community engagement event titled Conversation Café @ Javaology focusing on the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot section of the movie “The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow;” registration for an Online Professional Learning Unit on the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot Course; a Walking Tour; and the kick-off event for the Dialogue Series.
January 12, 2006
Conversation Café @ Javaology, 466 Edgewood Avenue in downtown Atlanta, 7:30 PM, Thursday, January 12, 2006 | The Atlanta 1906 Coalition will present an overview of the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot, screen a segment of the film “The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow” focusing in the riot, and encourage dialogue among attendees
January 14, 2006
Conversation Café @ Javaology, 466 Edgewood Avenue in downtown on Saturday, January 14, 2006 | Atlanta, 1:00 PM This will be a panel discussion on both the milestones and impasses of race relations in Atlanta over the past 100 years: how have the nature and form of racism changed, how have they remained the same?
January 15, 2006
Walking Tour: There will be a walking tour of the riot area sponsored by the Atlanta 1906 Coalition’s Public Education Committee on Sunday, January 15, 2006: Walking Tour, 1:00 PM
January 17, 2006
"Teaching the 1906 Atlanta Race Riot: Strategies for Building Community through Shared Study" | A one-day conference for teachers
When: Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Where: Kennesaw State University
Time: begins at 8:30 am and ends at 3:30 pm
Costs: Registration is he cost is $25 To register, select the “Resources" section of this site fpr the downloadable form
Contact: Michelle Goodsite, 770-529-8123 or Becky Ramsay, 678-797-2170
For additional information consult the following links: Press Release | Conference Agenda | Lesson Plan
January 9 through January 30 2006
Online Course Registration for “Red Was the Midnight: The 1906 Atlanta Race Riot” | A three hour online Professional Learning Unit offered by One World Archives
When: Course will be offered February 1 through March 7
Where: Online at
When: Online registration will begin January 9 and end on January 30
Costs: PLU tuition for this course is $165. OWA has arranged for thirty tuition waivers. Follow THIS link to apply for an OWA tuition waiver.
Contact: Dr. Norman Harris, | 404-3543615
Downloads: Professional Learning Flyer | OWA Tuition Waiver Form | OWA Prior Prior Approval Form
January 21, 2006
Kick-Off Event: Dialogue facilitators, participants, and Atlanta 1906 Coalition members will meet to review the dialogue process, screen a video about the riot, and be energized about their commitment. The location will be announced shortly
[Atlanta Race Riot] [Mission] [Sponsors] [Committees] [Resources] [Upcoming Events] [News] [Links] [Calendar] [Known Victims] [Credits]
Greetings STAR!
Please find attached the January E-newsletter in both PDF and WORD
formats. I hope you will take time to catch up on all of the exciting
developments at STAR and find some useful resources for continuing to
walk with us on the "road to justice for human rights violations."
> Matthew Bersagel Braley
> S.T.A.R. Research Fellow
> Southern Truth and Reconciliation
> 404.583.9372
> STAR website:
> STAR e-mail: