Abramoff scandal may be hurting Reed's campaign 02/04/06
There is no question about this headline assertion. Even Mr. GOP Jr. Jay Hanley said so much to me in an email no long ago. Reed's campaign is sinking like a stone tossed in a pond. 21 state senators in his own party urged Reed to drop out of the race yesterday.
Cagle will probably win the GOP nod. I think Athens own' Michael Thurmond would beat either potential Republican candidate if he was nominated, but I am not so sure about Gregg Hecht or Jim Martina at this early point of the camOnlineAthens.com | News | Abramoff scandal may be hurting Reed's campaign 02/04/06
Cagle will probably win the GOP nod. I think Athens own' Michael Thurmond would beat either potential Republican candidate if he was nominated, but I am not so sure about Gregg Hecht or Jim Martina at this early point of the camOnlineAthens.com | News | Abramoff scandal may be hurting Reed's campaign 02/04/06