TODbcast Series Starts Thursday

Passing this on from Mayor Davison:


TOD: Connecting Neighbors to Neighborhoods and Communities to

Are you convinced that accessible, convenient transit is a key to
community vitality, but unclear about how to take advantage of
transit opportunities? Join Local Initiatives Support Corporation,
Smart Growth America, and Reconnecting America for a three-part
series about the ins and outs of Transit-Oriented Development
(TOD). Explore TOD as a tool that can spur planning and
development, enhance housing and jobs, expand economic activity,
and positively change neighborhood dynamics. Learn about transit
finance, and hear on-the-ground best practices from small and large
places across the country. All sessions will be at 2:00 p.m. ET. For
more information, visit the LISC website.

Session 1. TOD 101: Putting the Pieces Together March 2, 2006,
The first session of the series will cover TOD�s basic principles
with practical examples from around the nation. With the expansion
of the real estate market in some urban core neighborhoods and
suburban town centers, TOD offers a way to expand sustainability
and affordability, boost ridership at key transit stops, bring
businesses and people back, and create community value. Learn how
to design, plan, and finance TOD to bring these benefits to your
community. Sign into the webcast here. If there are any problems,
please email

Session 2. TOD: Key to Neighborhood Revitalization and Affordable
Housing - April 4, 2004
 This session examines how TOD can be pivotal in place-based
economic recovery. TOD can revitalize neighborhoods for people of
all income levels, as households living near transit sometimes save
up to $5,000 per year on transportation costs. Presenters will
highlight policies, strategies, and tools to include housing as
part of mixed-income, mixed-use neighborhood revitalization
efforts. Learn more about integrating TOD into neighborhood
redevelopment and engaging community partners to ensure
affordability, accessibility, and vibrancy.

Session 3. TOD in Real Communities: Walking the Walk and Talking
the Talk May 3, 2006
 This final session features examples of TOD in active communities
across the nation and the lessons learned from their experience.
Three cities - suburban, core city, and small town - illustrate
practical application of TOD - from conceptualization to building,
from planning to marketing, from strategies to punchlist, from
leadership building to problem solving. Participants will engage in
an interactive conversation with local stakeholders who are at the
forefront of successful developments.

 Sponsored by Smart Growth America, Local Initiatives Support
Corporation, and Reconnecting America



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