Historical society meeting reminder
Oconee County Historical Society
invites you to a
Historic Preservation Program featuring
Historic Preservation Planner
NEGA Regional Development Center
Burke will give an illustrated talk on historic structure
preservation which will include guidelines and techniques
to use in preserving older buildings.
May 8, 7:30pm
Watkinsville Library Auditorium
Refreshments will be served.
Oconee County Historical Society meets on the second Monday at 7 pm, Government Annex, Greensboro Highway, Watkinsville.
invites you to a
Historic Preservation Program featuring
Historic Preservation Planner
NEGA Regional Development Center
Burke will give an illustrated talk on historic structure
preservation which will include guidelines and techniques
to use in preserving older buildings.
May 8, 7:30pm
Watkinsville Library Auditorium
Refreshments will be served.
Oconee County Historical Society meets on the second Monday at 7 pm, Government Annex, Greensboro Highway, Watkinsville.