Minutes, we've got minutes
June 14, 2006
PRESENT: Mayor Luken, Council members Link, Purcell, Brodrick, Walsh, Walter and City Attorney Huff.
VISITORS: See attached sheet.
QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Luken acknowledges a quorum is present and asks those with non-emergency cell phones to turn them off or down. Mayor Luken also welcomes County Commissioner Chuck Horton.
WATKINSVILLE BEAUTIFUL YARD AWARD: Mike and Nona Thornton of 9 South Main Street were awarded, in abstention, the Watkinsville Beautiful Yard Award for the month of June. The selection was made by Jim Shearon of Ashford Manor Bed & Breakfast.
MINUTES: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2006 Council meeting as presented with corrections provided by Councilman Brodrick. Motion carried unanimously.
ZAHID ABDULLAH: Steve Knapp and Laura Wright represented Zahid Abdullah. Councilman Walter moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve a business license for Jack’s Food Corner at 42 Greensboro Highway. Motion carried unanimously. This is for a barbeque business, which was also approved by the Department of Agriculture.
VICKY TAVERNIER: Councilman Link moved and Councilman Brodrick seconded the motion to approve a business license for Sweet ReTreat at 2 South Main Street, Suite 102 contingent upon clearance from Oconee County Environmental Health Department. Motion carried unanimously.
TOM GEORGE: Councilman Walsh moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve a business license for TCML, Inc. at 205 Concord Drive. Motion carried unanimously. No signs and no traffic, per Mr. George.
DANIEL NASH: Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve a business license for Total Home Care at 115 VFW Drive. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Walter asks where equipment will be stored. Mr. Nash explains he plans to purchase a box truck to store his equipment. As the business grows, Mr. Nash plans to relocate his business to a warehouse. Mr. Nash asked what is he allowed to keep stored on his property? Mayor Luken states nothing construed as junk may be stored. It would certainly be expected that it not effect your residential neighborhood, per Mayor Luken. Mr. Nash states he may have extra lumber that would be stored in a lean to out back of his residence. Mayor Luken suggests Mr. Nash talk with our code enforcement officer, Robert Hegge.
KARI LENTINI: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve a business license for The Beadholder at 11 School Street. Motion carried unanimously.
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SCOTT BOSWELL: Wes Peyton represents Scott Boswell. Councilman Walter moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve a business license for Floyd’s Grill at 64 N. Main Street contingent upon approval from Oconee County Environmental Health Department. Motion carried unanimously.
DONALD DUNCAN: Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve a business license for Classic City Cabinet Mfg. Company at 1260 Greensboro Highway. Motion carried unanimously.
STEPHANIE CARTWRIGHT: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve a business license for Jack & Jill Co. dba Bread & Budder at 1260 Greensboro Highway. Motion carried unanimously.
MICHAEL MCCOY: Councilman Link moved and Councilman Brodrick seconded the motion to approve a business license for Southern Crane and Mechanical Services, Inc. at 1241 Greensboro Highway. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. McCoy explains they are operating in conjunction with Industrial Mechanical Inc.
STEVE & DORY BROWN: Steve Brown requests a demolition permit to remove the old house at 36 South Main Street. Mr. Brown explains an evaluation of the house has determined the house is ate up with termites. Cat liter has kept in the house. The house was used as a kennel. Serv-pro tried to clean and remove the smell; however, there was too much damage, per Mr. Brown. Councilwoman Purcell asked how long the house has been empty. Dory Brown states two or three years at the most. They have owned it for two years. Councilman Walter questions if any clean up was done when purchased two years ago. Mr. Brown says they tried to clean out and saturate at that time. Ms. Brown explains they definitely want to make the property presentable and are aware it is in a historical area. Councilman Brodrick asks about plans for the property. Mr. Brown says they are not presenting anything at this time. The front door can not be closed due to deterioration and there are concerns about getting sued. Mayor Luken questions if an asbestos test has been done? Mr. Brown says this is wood siding. Mayor Luken explains his house is wood siding; however, underneath the wood siding is asbestos. Mayor Luken asks if they have talked to someone about removing the house. Mr. Brown explains he can do it. He plans to have someone tear off the back, which is not part of the original house, and then move the front half of the house. Councilman Brodrick expresses concerns about setting precedence with home owners leaving old homes open to elements and then tearing them down. Councilman Walsh explains everyone loves that neighborhood and we don’t want to see a bunch of vacant lots. Councilwoman Purcell asks if there is any objection to our code enforcer coming in to inspect the house. Mr. & Mrs. Brown have no objection.
Councilman Walter moved and Councilman Brodrick seconded the motion to table the demolition permit request until the July Council Meeting to allow time for evaluation of the house from the code enforcer and building inspector. Motion carried unanimously.
ALDRIDGE, INC. (CHAD HORNE): Tom Breedlove represented Chad Horne. Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve a building permit for an 80’x135’ steel building (shell only) at 1031 Business Boulevard
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contingent upon receiving landscape plans and approval from the fire marshall in regard to fire and sprinkler system requirements. Motion carried unanimously.
RECONCILIATION REPORT: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the April 30, 2006 Reconciliation Report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
MAYOR’S REPORT: See attached report. Mayor Luken thanks Jim Shearon for his efforts in collecting contributions for the bicentennial fund. Chief O’Dillon notes that the Watkinsville Police Department is in full compliance with all uniform crime reports through the Georgia Crime Investigation Center. Police department received a certificate of appreciation from Project Child Safe. Quote of the month, per Chief O’Dillon, “I swear to you, I have never ever in my life been in trouble… and if you don’t believe me you can ask my probation officer”. Councilman Walter notes that the police department being in compliance with all reports is something to be proud of. It shows how Chief runs a tight ship. Chief O’Dillon says “you are not going to get me on paperwork”. Mayor Luken adds we have a very fine police department.
OLD BUSINESS: 1. Bicentennial Reports: Councilman Walter states the banners are a go. Marketing of the banners will begin this coming Monday and hopefully banners will be up by July 28th. The banners have been designed locally and will be produced locally. Mayor Luken notes that Maridee Williams has sent a letter wishing to create a Birthday Party Celebration on November 24, 2006, which will include the proclamation. Councilman Link moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to put Maridee in charge of the Bicentennial Birthday Party. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Luken adds hopefully this will be held at Eagle Tavern.
2. Property – 19 Whitehall Road: Mayor Luken explains the history of 19 Whitehall Road to include the variances. See letter dated November 1, 2005 to show plan was to remodel existing house and additional home on adjacent lot. This is not being done. Ryan Jones also notes (see memo November 1, 2005) sewer service to both lots required. All certified letters were received (cards returned). No response other than that. Once the property was officially split, if one owner owns one and one owner owns the other – neither may be lived on until both lots are in compliance. No action taken or necessary.
3. The Jaeger Company – streetscape bid: Mayor Luken announces we have received a notice to proceed from the Department of Transportation with the streetscape. The basic bid proposal from JHC Corporation of Peachtree City, Georgia, totals $519,344, which includes $491,000 basic bid, $25,000 for Alternate #4 and $3,344 for Alternate #5. Scott Douglas, The Jaeger Company representative, explains once the contract is signed, ready to go with pre-construction. The timeframe for construction is four months. Councilman Brodrick asks who warns business merchants about the construction plan. Mr. Douglas explains that it is the contractor’s responsibility and the contractor is required to provide access to businesses. Mayor Luken notes the D.O.T. gives contract timeframe completion of December or January. Mayor Luken explains there will be a pre-construction meeting, which all downtown merchants and others will be invited to attend. Councilman Brodrick questions the type of landscape materials. Mr. Douglas explains typically the trees planted are 12’ to 14’ tall, approximately 3” in diameter. Councilman
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Brodrick asks if there will be an irrigation system. Mr. Douglas says there will be an irrigation system, which has already been approved. Mayor Luken asks for approval from Council pending City Attorney’s review of documents. Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to accept the bid from JHC Corporation in the amount of $519,344 to move forward with streetscape. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Public hearing – sign ordinance: Mayor Luken notes the sign ordinance has been approved by the City Attorney and Attorney Peter Olson as well as Councilman Walter and Robert Hegge. Councilman Brodrick assisted on the front end as well. The ordinance is now 20 pages long. Councilman Brodrick asks if existing signs in the city will be grandfathered? Mayor Luken explains that yes they will be grandfathered– no existing sign is subject to this ordinance unless modified. Councilman Brodrick questions how billboards will be handled. Mayor Luken explains this ordinance requires smaller signs. A standard billboard would not fit under this ordinance. Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the sign ordinance as presented with a few minor changes made by Judson Huff, City Attorney. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Public hearing 2006-2007 budget: Mayor Luken gives a breakdown on where we are in FY2006. Councilwoman Purcell would like to add one item for consideration. Last year we didn’t get the grant to replace the fence at Rocket Field. We can reapply for the grant. She would like to set aside $10,000 for fence removal and replacement and get matching fund from grant. Councilman Brodrick would like to add $20,000 for sidewalks to be moved to the capital improvements fund. Councilman Brodrick also expresses concerns that we leave a lot of wiggle room in the budget. Mayor Luken explains there is an element of estimation in the budget preparation. Local option sales tax is up; however, it is estimated. We have been conservative, but not radical, per Mayor Luken. Julie has done a marvelous job on budget preparation. If we pick to use the total $116,000 from fund balance, we are going to be very close if we cover it. Councilwoman Purcell explains the request for the Urban Forest Board is for continued tree planting and maintenance. Councilman Brodrick says the 5% raise for all employees has been done three years in a row now. What is the personnel evaluation plan, asks Councilman Brodrick? Mayor Luken explains the personnel manual hasn’t been updated since 1978. We will be updating that. Philip Bernardi is working toward his master’s degree in personnel administration. We would like to consider Philip in working out his internship with the City to assist us in catching up some of these items, which will help us incorporate employee evaluations. Councilman Brodrick states that after several years at a 5% raise that becomes a lot of money. Mayor Luken explains we are competitive, but we are not running ahead on what we pay our employees. Citizen, Johnny Lay, is concerned about the budget and spending. He would like to see the Council remain conservative. Mr. Lay doesn’t have an objection to leaving the millage rate the same to increase the budget; however, would like to spend less and have some comfort. Kate McDaniel would like some attention given to the hole at the corner of Simonton Bridge Road and Main Street. Mayor Luken notes we will look into that. Further discussion was held in regard to recommended budget items to include explanations from Chief O’Dillon regarding pay increases, car replacement and video equipment. Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve the budget to include all levels as well as an additional $30,000 for noted additions, which would be a total of $146,000 fund balance use. Motion denied. Councilman Link, Councilman Brodrick and Councilman Walter opposed
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the motion. Councilwoman Purcell adds “we are not a bank and we should spend the money coming in for our citizens”.
1. Councilman Brodrick moved to approve the budget to include the first three items in Level B and then amended his motion to include all items in Level B. Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve the budget to include all items in Level B. Motion carried unanimously. This motion adds $52,600 to the fund balance use.
2. Councilman Walsh moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve the budget as noted above as well as include video equipment for the police department and a new copier for the administration office from Level C. Motion carries 3 to 2. Councilwoman Purcell and Councilman Brodrick opposed. This level adds $20,400 to the fund balance use.
3. Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the budget as noted above as well as include replacement of counters and tiles in bathrooms as well as replace linoleum tiles in administration office from Level D. Motion carries 4 to 1. Councilwoman Purcell opposed. This level adds $20,000 to the fund balance use.
4. Councilman Link moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve the budget as noted above as well as include $10,000 for the Rocket Field fence if the grant is approve. Motion carried unanimously. This adds $10,000 to the fund balance use.
5. Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve the budget as noted above as well as include $20,000 in capital improvements for sidewalks. Motion carries 4 to 1. Councilman Link opposed. This adds $20,000 to the fund balance use.
The final approved budget for FY2007 is as follows:
1,249,000 original budget
50,000 capital improvement fund use
146,000 fund balance use
1,422,000 total budget for FY2007 as approved
NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Walsh announces that Watkinsville needs a beer and wine
ordinance. Councilman Walsh and Councilwoman Purcell introduced an ordinance at the meeting (see attached documentation read by Councilman Walsh and Councilwoman Purcell). Councilman Walsh explains a draft ordinance will be available at Watkinsville City Hall on Wednesday, June 21, 2006. There is no intention of selling liquor in Watkinsville. This ordinance will allow the ability to eliminate gaming devices and continue to provide revenue for infrastructure, etc., per Councilwoman Purcell. A called council meeting should be called very soon for a forum to allow citizens and council to comment. A tentative called meeting date will be June 26, 2006 @ 6:00 p.m. at city hall suggested Councilwoman Purcell. Mayor Luken explains we are not looking for comments tonight, but at the called meeting. Councilman Link adds he feels the vote should be left up to the citizens and not Mayor and Council. Mayor Luken explains the State of Georgia requires a referendum as far as distilled spirits; however, regarding
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beer and wine the State says the Mayor and Council consider it. Councilman Walter notes he was a little blindsided about that. City Attorney Huff adds that Council always has that option to go to referendum under the Georgia Home Rule Act. Council may approve an ordinance or take to citizens for vote and then approve. Attorney Huff says they are not mutually exclusive. Mayor Luken notes he will get information out by the called meeting date. No action taken at this time.
CITIZEN’S COMMENTS: Dan Matthews acknowledges Jane Kidd, State Representative from Athens. Ms. Kidd was a member of council for the City of Lavonia.
June 14, 2006
PRESENT: Mayor Luken, Council members Link, Purcell, Brodrick, Walsh, Walter and City Attorney Huff.
VISITORS: See attached sheet.
QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Luken acknowledges a quorum is present and asks those with non-emergency cell phones to turn them off or down. Mayor Luken also welcomes County Commissioner Chuck Horton.
WATKINSVILLE BEAUTIFUL YARD AWARD: Mike and Nona Thornton of 9 South Main Street were awarded, in abstention, the Watkinsville Beautiful Yard Award for the month of June. The selection was made by Jim Shearon of Ashford Manor Bed & Breakfast.
MINUTES: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the May 10, 2006 Council meeting as presented with corrections provided by Councilman Brodrick. Motion carried unanimously.
ZAHID ABDULLAH: Steve Knapp and Laura Wright represented Zahid Abdullah. Councilman Walter moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve a business license for Jack’s Food Corner at 42 Greensboro Highway. Motion carried unanimously. This is for a barbeque business, which was also approved by the Department of Agriculture.
VICKY TAVERNIER: Councilman Link moved and Councilman Brodrick seconded the motion to approve a business license for Sweet ReTreat at 2 South Main Street, Suite 102 contingent upon clearance from Oconee County Environmental Health Department. Motion carried unanimously.
TOM GEORGE: Councilman Walsh moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve a business license for TCML, Inc. at 205 Concord Drive. Motion carried unanimously. No signs and no traffic, per Mr. George.
DANIEL NASH: Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve a business license for Total Home Care at 115 VFW Drive. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Walter asks where equipment will be stored. Mr. Nash explains he plans to purchase a box truck to store his equipment. As the business grows, Mr. Nash plans to relocate his business to a warehouse. Mr. Nash asked what is he allowed to keep stored on his property? Mayor Luken states nothing construed as junk may be stored. It would certainly be expected that it not effect your residential neighborhood, per Mayor Luken. Mr. Nash states he may have extra lumber that would be stored in a lean to out back of his residence. Mayor Luken suggests Mr. Nash talk with our code enforcement officer, Robert Hegge.
KARI LENTINI: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve a business license for The Beadholder at 11 School Street. Motion carried unanimously.
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SCOTT BOSWELL: Wes Peyton represents Scott Boswell. Councilman Walter moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve a business license for Floyd’s Grill at 64 N. Main Street contingent upon approval from Oconee County Environmental Health Department. Motion carried unanimously.
DONALD DUNCAN: Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve a business license for Classic City Cabinet Mfg. Company at 1260 Greensboro Highway. Motion carried unanimously.
STEPHANIE CARTWRIGHT: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve a business license for Jack & Jill Co. dba Bread & Budder at 1260 Greensboro Highway. Motion carried unanimously.
MICHAEL MCCOY: Councilman Link moved and Councilman Brodrick seconded the motion to approve a business license for Southern Crane and Mechanical Services, Inc. at 1241 Greensboro Highway. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. McCoy explains they are operating in conjunction with Industrial Mechanical Inc.
STEVE & DORY BROWN: Steve Brown requests a demolition permit to remove the old house at 36 South Main Street. Mr. Brown explains an evaluation of the house has determined the house is ate up with termites. Cat liter has kept in the house. The house was used as a kennel. Serv-pro tried to clean and remove the smell; however, there was too much damage, per Mr. Brown. Councilwoman Purcell asked how long the house has been empty. Dory Brown states two or three years at the most. They have owned it for two years. Councilman Walter questions if any clean up was done when purchased two years ago. Mr. Brown says they tried to clean out and saturate at that time. Ms. Brown explains they definitely want to make the property presentable and are aware it is in a historical area. Councilman Brodrick asks about plans for the property. Mr. Brown says they are not presenting anything at this time. The front door can not be closed due to deterioration and there are concerns about getting sued. Mayor Luken questions if an asbestos test has been done? Mr. Brown says this is wood siding. Mayor Luken explains his house is wood siding; however, underneath the wood siding is asbestos. Mayor Luken asks if they have talked to someone about removing the house. Mr. Brown explains he can do it. He plans to have someone tear off the back, which is not part of the original house, and then move the front half of the house. Councilman Brodrick expresses concerns about setting precedence with home owners leaving old homes open to elements and then tearing them down. Councilman Walsh explains everyone loves that neighborhood and we don’t want to see a bunch of vacant lots. Councilwoman Purcell asks if there is any objection to our code enforcer coming in to inspect the house. Mr. & Mrs. Brown have no objection.
Councilman Walter moved and Councilman Brodrick seconded the motion to table the demolition permit request until the July Council Meeting to allow time for evaluation of the house from the code enforcer and building inspector. Motion carried unanimously.
ALDRIDGE, INC. (CHAD HORNE): Tom Breedlove represented Chad Horne. Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve a building permit for an 80’x135’ steel building (shell only) at 1031 Business Boulevard
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contingent upon receiving landscape plans and approval from the fire marshall in regard to fire and sprinkler system requirements. Motion carried unanimously.
RECONCILIATION REPORT: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the April 30, 2006 Reconciliation Report as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
MAYOR’S REPORT: See attached report. Mayor Luken thanks Jim Shearon for his efforts in collecting contributions for the bicentennial fund. Chief O’Dillon notes that the Watkinsville Police Department is in full compliance with all uniform crime reports through the Georgia Crime Investigation Center. Police department received a certificate of appreciation from Project Child Safe. Quote of the month, per Chief O’Dillon, “I swear to you, I have never ever in my life been in trouble… and if you don’t believe me you can ask my probation officer”. Councilman Walter notes that the police department being in compliance with all reports is something to be proud of. It shows how Chief runs a tight ship. Chief O’Dillon says “you are not going to get me on paperwork”. Mayor Luken adds we have a very fine police department.
OLD BUSINESS: 1. Bicentennial Reports: Councilman Walter states the banners are a go. Marketing of the banners will begin this coming Monday and hopefully banners will be up by July 28th. The banners have been designed locally and will be produced locally. Mayor Luken notes that Maridee Williams has sent a letter wishing to create a Birthday Party Celebration on November 24, 2006, which will include the proclamation. Councilman Link moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to put Maridee in charge of the Bicentennial Birthday Party. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Luken adds hopefully this will be held at Eagle Tavern.
2. Property – 19 Whitehall Road: Mayor Luken explains the history of 19 Whitehall Road to include the variances. See letter dated November 1, 2005 to show plan was to remodel existing house and additional home on adjacent lot. This is not being done. Ryan Jones also notes (see memo November 1, 2005) sewer service to both lots required. All certified letters were received (cards returned). No response other than that. Once the property was officially split, if one owner owns one and one owner owns the other – neither may be lived on until both lots are in compliance. No action taken or necessary.
3. The Jaeger Company – streetscape bid: Mayor Luken announces we have received a notice to proceed from the Department of Transportation with the streetscape. The basic bid proposal from JHC Corporation of Peachtree City, Georgia, totals $519,344, which includes $491,000 basic bid, $25,000 for Alternate #4 and $3,344 for Alternate #5. Scott Douglas, The Jaeger Company representative, explains once the contract is signed, ready to go with pre-construction. The timeframe for construction is four months. Councilman Brodrick asks who warns business merchants about the construction plan. Mr. Douglas explains that it is the contractor’s responsibility and the contractor is required to provide access to businesses. Mayor Luken notes the D.O.T. gives contract timeframe completion of December or January. Mayor Luken explains there will be a pre-construction meeting, which all downtown merchants and others will be invited to attend. Councilman Brodrick questions the type of landscape materials. Mr. Douglas explains typically the trees planted are 12’ to 14’ tall, approximately 3” in diameter. Councilman
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Brodrick asks if there will be an irrigation system. Mr. Douglas says there will be an irrigation system, which has already been approved. Mayor Luken asks for approval from Council pending City Attorney’s review of documents. Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to accept the bid from JHC Corporation in the amount of $519,344 to move forward with streetscape. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Public hearing – sign ordinance: Mayor Luken notes the sign ordinance has been approved by the City Attorney and Attorney Peter Olson as well as Councilman Walter and Robert Hegge. Councilman Brodrick assisted on the front end as well. The ordinance is now 20 pages long. Councilman Brodrick asks if existing signs in the city will be grandfathered? Mayor Luken explains that yes they will be grandfathered– no existing sign is subject to this ordinance unless modified. Councilman Brodrick questions how billboards will be handled. Mayor Luken explains this ordinance requires smaller signs. A standard billboard would not fit under this ordinance. Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the sign ordinance as presented with a few minor changes made by Judson Huff, City Attorney. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Public hearing 2006-2007 budget: Mayor Luken gives a breakdown on where we are in FY2006. Councilwoman Purcell would like to add one item for consideration. Last year we didn’t get the grant to replace the fence at Rocket Field. We can reapply for the grant. She would like to set aside $10,000 for fence removal and replacement and get matching fund from grant. Councilman Brodrick would like to add $20,000 for sidewalks to be moved to the capital improvements fund. Councilman Brodrick also expresses concerns that we leave a lot of wiggle room in the budget. Mayor Luken explains there is an element of estimation in the budget preparation. Local option sales tax is up; however, it is estimated. We have been conservative, but not radical, per Mayor Luken. Julie has done a marvelous job on budget preparation. If we pick to use the total $116,000 from fund balance, we are going to be very close if we cover it. Councilwoman Purcell explains the request for the Urban Forest Board is for continued tree planting and maintenance. Councilman Brodrick says the 5% raise for all employees has been done three years in a row now. What is the personnel evaluation plan, asks Councilman Brodrick? Mayor Luken explains the personnel manual hasn’t been updated since 1978. We will be updating that. Philip Bernardi is working toward his master’s degree in personnel administration. We would like to consider Philip in working out his internship with the City to assist us in catching up some of these items, which will help us incorporate employee evaluations. Councilman Brodrick states that after several years at a 5% raise that becomes a lot of money. Mayor Luken explains we are competitive, but we are not running ahead on what we pay our employees. Citizen, Johnny Lay, is concerned about the budget and spending. He would like to see the Council remain conservative. Mr. Lay doesn’t have an objection to leaving the millage rate the same to increase the budget; however, would like to spend less and have some comfort. Kate McDaniel would like some attention given to the hole at the corner of Simonton Bridge Road and Main Street. Mayor Luken notes we will look into that. Further discussion was held in regard to recommended budget items to include explanations from Chief O’Dillon regarding pay increases, car replacement and video equipment. Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve the budget to include all levels as well as an additional $30,000 for noted additions, which would be a total of $146,000 fund balance use. Motion denied. Councilman Link, Councilman Brodrick and Councilman Walter opposed
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the motion. Councilwoman Purcell adds “we are not a bank and we should spend the money coming in for our citizens”.
1. Councilman Brodrick moved to approve the budget to include the first three items in Level B and then amended his motion to include all items in Level B. Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve the budget to include all items in Level B. Motion carried unanimously. This motion adds $52,600 to the fund balance use.
2. Councilman Walsh moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve the budget as noted above as well as include video equipment for the police department and a new copier for the administration office from Level C. Motion carries 3 to 2. Councilwoman Purcell and Councilman Brodrick opposed. This level adds $20,400 to the fund balance use.
3. Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Link seconded the motion to approve the budget as noted above as well as include replacement of counters and tiles in bathrooms as well as replace linoleum tiles in administration office from Level D. Motion carries 4 to 1. Councilwoman Purcell opposed. This level adds $20,000 to the fund balance use.
4. Councilman Link moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve the budget as noted above as well as include $10,000 for the Rocket Field fence if the grant is approve. Motion carried unanimously. This adds $10,000 to the fund balance use.
5. Councilman Brodrick moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve the budget as noted above as well as include $20,000 in capital improvements for sidewalks. Motion carries 4 to 1. Councilman Link opposed. This adds $20,000 to the fund balance use.
The final approved budget for FY2007 is as follows:
1,249,000 original budget
50,000 capital improvement fund use
146,000 fund balance use
1,422,000 total budget for FY2007 as approved
NEW BUSINESS: Councilman Walsh announces that Watkinsville needs a beer and wine
ordinance. Councilman Walsh and Councilwoman Purcell introduced an ordinance at the meeting (see attached documentation read by Councilman Walsh and Councilwoman Purcell). Councilman Walsh explains a draft ordinance will be available at Watkinsville City Hall on Wednesday, June 21, 2006. There is no intention of selling liquor in Watkinsville. This ordinance will allow the ability to eliminate gaming devices and continue to provide revenue for infrastructure, etc., per Councilwoman Purcell. A called council meeting should be called very soon for a forum to allow citizens and council to comment. A tentative called meeting date will be June 26, 2006 @ 6:00 p.m. at city hall suggested Councilwoman Purcell. Mayor Luken explains we are not looking for comments tonight, but at the called meeting. Councilman Link adds he feels the vote should be left up to the citizens and not Mayor and Council. Mayor Luken explains the State of Georgia requires a referendum as far as distilled spirits; however, regarding
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beer and wine the State says the Mayor and Council consider it. Councilman Walter notes he was a little blindsided about that. City Attorney Huff adds that Council always has that option to go to referendum under the Georgia Home Rule Act. Council may approve an ordinance or take to citizens for vote and then approve. Attorney Huff says they are not mutually exclusive. Mayor Luken notes he will get information out by the called meeting date. No action taken at this time.
CITIZEN’S COMMENTS: Dan Matthews acknowledges Jane Kidd, State Representative from Athens. Ms. Kidd was a member of council for the City of Lavonia.