Andy Rusk is my hero

Because at the Mayoral debate last night he threw his support behind Mayor Heidi Davison. This shows a shrewdness and political savvy far beyond his 26 years of age. I suppose he got it from his dad Rich Rusk or perhaps his grandfather Dean Rusk, former Secretary of State under John F. Kennedy. Anyhow, Andy basically said that he could split the townie vote and elect Charlie Maddox as a result, so he was throwing his support to Mayor Heidi Davison. It will be interesting to see if this Athens mayoral race results without a run-off. I think Heidi's campaign is picking up momentum toward possibly winning a run-off, but the Maddox campaign is getting the full weight of the local GOP efforts behind it with lots of signs around town.

Signs don't win elections, voters do. But who has been stealing all the Jane Kidd signs, Bill Cowsert supporters?

I know this blog is supposed to be about Oconee County politics, but Athens-Clarke and Oconee counties are linked for many more reasons then that they share hospital and library facilities. They share elected officials as well, just not this one.

Reminder to vote for Becky Vaughn for the 113th House District and Jane Kidd for the 46th Senate District. Oconee Politics officially endorses both of these fine candidates.


Anonymous said…
Putting lots of signs up is the full weight of the GOP?

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