I was sick yesterday, but here are the unapproved minutes of Watkinsville City Council




November 8, 2006

PRESENT: Mayor Luken, Council members Purcell, Walsh and Walter and City Attorney Reitman.

ABSENT: Council members Link and Brodrick.

VISITORS: See attached sheet.

QUORUM CHECK: Mayor Luken acknowledges a quorum is present. Mayor Luken also asks those with non-emergency cell phones to turn them off or down. All speakers are asked to approach the lectern and address Council.

WATKINSVILLE BEAUTIFUL YARD AWARD: Councilwoman Samantha Purcell explains there will be no beautiful yard award for November. We will have on in December and then not again until April, 2007.

MINUTES: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve the minutes of the October 11, 2006 Council meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

CORRECTIVE AMENDMENT TO BEER & WINE ORDINANCE: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve the corrective amendment to the beer and wine ordinance to allow applications for a beer and wine license to be presented for application with conditions. The beer and wine ordinance will still not be effective until January 1, 2007. Motion carried unanimously.

TAYLOR JENKINS: Councilman Walter moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve a business license for Taylor-Made Landscapes at 61 Jackson Street. Motion carried unanimously.

PAUL BUFFA: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve a business license for Cartridge Depot at 25 N. Main Street. Motion carried unanimously.

JOHN HOLMES: Councilman Walsh moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve a business license for Spa & Patio Center at 8 N. Main Street. Motion carried unanimously.

LEONARD AUSTIN: Councilman Walter moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve a business license for United American Insurance Company at 16 N. Main Street, Suite C. Motion carried unanimously.

ANN MILLER-ANDERSEN: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve a conditional beer and wine pouring license with an effective date of January 1, 2007 for Maison Bleu at 2 S. Main Street, Suite 111. Motion carried unanimously.

JOSE ZAMBRANO: Councilman Walsh moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve a conditional beer and wine pouring license with an effective date of January 1, 2007 for Girasoles at 24 Greensboro Highway. Motion carried unanimously.

KENNETH GAUTREAU: Councilman Walter moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve a conditional beer and wine pouring license with an effective date of January 1, 2007 for Gautreaus Cajun Café, Inc. at 2 S. Main Street, Suite 105. Motion carried unanimously.

FLO WILKES: Ken Beall represents Flo Wilkes. Mr. Beall explains on May 10, 2006, Ms. Wilkes was approved a conditional use permit for the property at 1420 Greensboro Highway to be used as a site for a daycare center. Following that, many other permits are required. Mr. Beall explains they have intentionally waited as long as possible to request the building permit. They have approved permits for the commercial driveway, land disturbance, septic tank permit and demolition permit. “We feel like we have waited as long as we can”, per Mr. Beall. “Hopeful by the conditional use permit being issued earlier – frankly the moratorium would not apply to this project”, added Mr. Beall. Weather is a concern. If there is any glitch the building will not be ready for the August deadline. It is imperative Ms. Wilkes is able to start, especially with the slab of the building. If we are able to get a slab and plumbing permit and wait for a building permit, that will be okay. The next 30 days are critical, per Mr. Beall. We are not here this evening to ask for a building permit, but we will be asking for it soon.

Mayor Luken explains we couldn’t be happier with the type of business that Flo brings in. We will need to take a look at the building permit as it does hinge on the moratorium. The Council may need to take a look at what can be done. We don’t want to have a negative impact on the project. Councilman Walter asks where we are on the Urban Forest Ordinance. Justin Greer we have a tree survey and a tree replacement plan. Councilwoman Purcell explains the Urban Forest Board has not received or reviewed any documentation. Mayor Luken asks Justin Greer and Councilwoman Purcell to get together on the tree ordinance. Ken Beall further explains that time is critical for the review of the construction plans as well because Melissa Henderson will only be employed with Oconee County for seven more days. Mayor Luken asks Mr. Beall to provide the City with a copy of all documentation provided to Oconee County regarding the construction plans in order for us to push this through.

Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to approve the site development plan conditional upon a landscape plan in full compliance with the Urban Forest Ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.

DARREN STEINHILBER (AMERIPRIDE): Mayor Luken explains this project doesn’t require approval. Delta Company is working with AmeriPride to upgrade the filtration system. EPD apprised and approved and Oconee County has apprised and approved. Mr. Steinhilber explains this is an iron removal and air stripping system. This is really for information only. The system will make the environment better. Mayor Luken thanks Mr. Steinhilber and AmeriPride for this system.

ADMINISTRATION: Councilman Walter moved and Councilwoman Purcell seconded the motion to approve the opening of a capital improvements checking account. Motion carried unanimously. Council was also notified of the opening of the streetscape checking account, which is a requirement of the streetscape agreement. No action necessary.

MAYOR’S REPORT: See attached report. Chief O’Dillon adds that all look forward to the downtown trick-or-treating, but suggests we set the start time back 30 minutes. Councilwoman Purcell states that next year daylight savings time will be changing next year and we will have more daylight.

CITIZENS COMMENTS: Ken Beall represents Virginia Wells. Mr. Beall provides a copy of a letter from Ms. Wells expressing concerns regarding the streetscape project. Part of the new construction has a short turn radius and a lot of vehicles can’t make the turn without going over the curb. Mr. Beall explains he spoke with Wayne Craig and made a recommendation. Mayor Luken notes that he was contacted about this last night and this morning. Mayor Luken met with the Jaeger Company representative and looking at options now. We are also going back and looking at the difficult areas, Mayor Luken adds. The Department of Transportation has to approve any changes.

OLD BUSINESS: (1) Bicentennial Report: Maridee Williams gives an update on the Bicentennial Birthday Party set for November 24, 2006 beginning at 9:30 a.m. at the Eagle Tavern. From 9:00 to 9:30 there will be a crowd warm up with trivia and door prizes. The reenactment will be from approximately 11:00 to 11:30. The girl scouts will be handing out the commemorative booklet and performing a flag ceremony. We hope to have someone to sing the National Anthem. There will be presentations, planting of the 200th tree. We are working on the music. Colham Ferry Elementary School will be handling the time capsule. We will invite the public to other activities such as the post office substation. We are hopeful the Main Street Bucks Promotion will go well for the businesses. There will be a drawing at the end of the day for those involved with the Main Street Bucks ($200.00 Gift certificate). The birthday cake will be a 3D replica of the Eagle Tavern. We will have 200 balloons to be given out to the kids. Maridee adds that Oconee County has really bent over backwards to help with this. They have made Alan Theriault available. The County has also found volunteers for inside the Eagle Tavern. They have really gone the extra mile and need to be acknowledged. Mayor Luken thanks Maridee for the excellent job she has done. Mayor Luken further explains he would like to introduce all the council members and encourages them all to come early and help with set up as well.

Maridee reminds all of the Christmas Parade on December 2, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. In order to throttle back the number of entries, she was hopeful an earlier deadline would be helpful; however, it still appears there will be almost 100 entries. There will be no four-wheelers and horses will be at the back of the parade. Man power is needed to handle traffic.

(2) Consider bid for Barnett Shoals sidewalk project: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to decline the single bid from M&P Grading for the amount of $51,600. Motion carried unanimously.

(3) Mark Campbell – 2nd reading – Amendment to Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Ordinance: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to amend the Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Ordinance with the new verbiage. Motion carried unanimously.

NEW BUSINESS: (1) Mark Campbell – 1st reading- New Storm Water Ordinance: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walsh seconded the motion to approve the first reading of the new storm water ordinance. Motion carried unanimously.

ADJOURN: Councilwoman Purcell moved and Councilman Walter seconded the motion to adjourn the November 8, 2006 Council meeting at 9:00 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.





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