Wait until developers destroy what was once Rutherford community near the Clarke-Oconee-Oglethopre nexus
Not even the most ardent local historians or archeologists have heard of the Rutherford community near where what was Green Acres Country Club and where it recently stood. Now there is a plan afoot to bring in a massive new county club development with $350,000 houses on 3/4 acre lots. The closest subdivisions I am aware of in Clarke County have five acre minimums.
UGA art professor Bill Paul is heading up a community effort to block the Marshall development destined to destroy the scenic gateway along Barnett Shoals into Oconee County. This area has large lots and many acres of undisturbed beauty in an area untouched by subdivisions (so far) and also any substantial surveys of historical impact on cemetaries and ruins of the mill culture.
The following was borrowed from the NEGRDC report on the area:
Regional Review Notification
Northeast Georgia Regional Development Center • 305 Research Drive, Athens, Georgia 30605-2795 • 706.369.5650 • Fax 706.369.5792 • www.negrdc.org
The Project described below has been submitted to this Regional Development Center for review as a Development of Regional
Impact (DRI). A DRI is a development project of sufficient scale or importance that it is likely to have impacts beyond the jurisdiction
in which the project is actually located, such as adjoining cities or neighboring counties. We would like to consider your comments on
this proposed development in our DRI review process. Therefore, please review the information about the project included on this
form and give us your comments by completing the Comments from Affected Parties Form located at:
RDC Name:
Northeast Georgia
305 Research Drive, Athens, GA 30605-2795
RDC Contract Person:
Jim Moneyhun
Telephone No.:
Date Issued:
Fax No.:
Comments Due By:
Review Completed By:
Project I.D.:
DRI #1244
Project Information
Name of Project:
#1244 Creekside County Club Estates
Name of Host Government:
Oconee County
Name of Developer:
David Bird
Type of Development:
Specific Location of Proposed Development:
Located on Old Barnett Shoals Road
Description of Proposed Development:
The proposed project is a 238-unit single-family residential subdivision with 40 acres of
open space. The proposed development is located on 264 acres. The Northeast Georgia
Regional Development Center concurs with Oconee County’s assertion that the project is a
Development of Regional Impact and finds that the project requires a regional review.
This DRI is available for review at: http://www.negrdc.org/dri.asp
If you would like a hard copy please contact Julie Ball at jball@negrdc.org or 706.369.5650
October 30,
Oconee County
November 15,
Due By:
November 14,
The proposed project is a 238-unit single-family residential subdivision with 40 acres of open space. The proposed
development is located on 264 acres.
Development is planned for completion in three phases. The schedule for completion is unknown at this time.
The project is located within Oconee County on Old Barnett Shoals Road approximately 0.3 miles from Athens-
Clarke County and 0.6 miles from Oglethorpe County.
Is the proposed project consistent with the host local government’s comprehensive plan?
The proposed project is located within an areas designated as Transitional Agricultural and Low Density Residential
on Oconee County’s Future Land Use Map. The project site is currently zoned for Agricultural. The initial action
sought by the developer is for a rezoning of the property and the project may also require a Future Land Use map
Is the proposed project inconsistent with any potentially affected local government’s comprehensive plan or
short-term work program?
There does not appear to be any conflict with affected local government’s plans, however this will be fully
determined based on any comments received.
Will the proposed project likely generate population increases beyond those forecast in the region? If so, will
existing infrastructure and facilities in the region support the increase?
The proposed project could generate as many as 683 new residents based on an average household size of 2.87
(based on average household size for the subject property’s area).
What other major development projects are planned in the region?
There are no known Developments of Regional Impact within a 2-mile radius of the proposed project.
Will the proposed project displace any existing housing units or community facilities?
Will the proposed development preclude other, perhaps more desirable, alternatives?
This will be determined based upon comments received from potentially impacted local governments.
Is the proposed project consistent with the Regional Plan?
The proposed project may have an impact on the following needs identified in the Regional Comprehensive Plan:
• Jointly address shared natural resources, such as river corridors and watersheds, among local
governments to protect critical natural resources. – The project is adjacent to the Oconee River.
October 30,
Oconee County
November 15,
Due By:
November 14,
Will the proposed project significantly affect the tax base of the region? If so, how?
The proposed project’s estimated value at build-out is unknown at this time.
How many short and long-term jobs will the proposed development generate in the region?
The project is strictly residential in nature and should not have any significant impact on local employment.
Is the regional workforce sufficient to fill the demand created by the proposed project?
The proposed project should have no direct impact on the regional work force.
Will the proposed project be located within or near environmentally sensitive areas of the region, such as
wetlands, groundwater recharge areas, water supply watersheds, protected river corridors, or protected
Stream Corridor and Watershed Protection
The project is adjacent to the Oconee River to the Southwest and Shoal Creek to the East. Additionally, intermittent
tributaries of the Oconee River and Shoal Creek intersect the proposed site in several places. Oconee River is
classified as an impaired stream because it exceeds water quality standards for fecal coliform bacteria. The county
has adopted a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) implementation plan to mitigate the identified deficiencies.
The project is located in two Large Water Supply Watersheds (greater than 100 square miles) associated with Lake
Sinclair and Lake Oconee.
Oconee County has adopted regulations consistent with the Department of Natural Resources rules for
environmental planning criteria and the proposed project will have to meet the requirements in accordance with
Chapter 391-3-16-.01 Criteria for Water Supply Watersheds.
Wetlands and Recharge Areas
The National Wetlands Inventory maps indicate the presence of wetlands at the southern portion of the property
associated with the Oconee River. Additionally, portions of the project are located within the 100 year floodplain.
There are no groundwater recharge areas located within or adjacent to the project site.
Oconee County has adopted regulations consistent with the Department of Natural Resources rules for
environmental planning criteria and the proposed project will have to meet the requirements in accordance with
Chapter 391-3-16-.03 Criteria for Wetlands Protection. There are no other significant environmental features within
or adjacent to the proposed project area.
Will the proposed project undertake initiatives to mitigate the impacts on stormwater management?
The applicant reported that the percentage of impervious surface at build-out is expected to be 9%. This is
seemingly low. Based upon research on impervious surfaces by land use type conducted in the Big Haynes Creek
Watershed Management Plan an estimate has been generated by the RDC. Upon build-out the percentage of the site
expected to be impervious surface is approximately 19%.
October 30,
Oconee County
November 15,
Due By:
November 14,
The proposed project will be required to comply with Oconee County’s Stormwater Management Ordinance, as well
as state regulations for erosion and sedimentation control.
Will the proposed project be located near a National Register site?
Will the proposed project be located within or near an historic resource with local or regional importance?
There is a small cemetery parcel located adjacent to the project site.
How many site access points are associated with the proposed project? Where are they located?
There are two access points identified on the project site plan. Both entrances are on Old Barnett Shoals Road.
How much traffic will be generated by the proposed project?
Estimated New Vehicle Trips from Development
P.M. Peak Hour A.M. Peak Hour 24-Hour
Land Use Units Enter Exit 2-Way Enter Exit 2-Way 2-Way AADT
Single-Family Residential 238 154 87 240 45 134 179 2,400
• Source: ITE Trip Generation
What are the existing traffic patterns and volumes on the local, state, and interstate roads that serve the site?
Existing Traffic Volumes
Station Road Segment
0216 Barnett Shoals .5 Miles from Project site 1,820 2,660
7545 Barnett Shoals 4 Miles west of Project site N/A 1,160
0114 GA Highway 15 5 Miles from Project site 4,760 4,600
7548 Wolfskin Road 2.55 Miles East of Project site N/A 1,110
0223 Belmont Road 2.5 Miles from Project site 962 650
0225 Belmont and Morton Road 3 miles from Project site 1,073 1,060
• Traffic counts based on the Georgia Department of Transportation traffic count stations.
What transportation improvements are planned that would affect or be affected by the proposed project?
There are no transportation improvement projects planned that would affect the project.
Further information regarding transportation improvements may be provided by GDOT.
October 30,
Oconee County
November 15,
Due By:
November 14,
Water Supply and Treatment
How much water will the proposed project demand?
According to estimates provided by the applicant approximately 62,400 gallons per day are expected.
How will the proposed project’s demand for water affect the water supply or treatment facilities of other
local governments, or the region?
Oconee County Utility Department is identified as the water service provider and reports that adequate capacity
exists. The applicant indicates that 1.64 miles of water lines must be extended to adequately service the project site.
Wastewater and Sewerage
How much wastewater will be generated by the proposed project?
The applicant did not provide estimates for wastewater generation. Based on rule-of-thumb estimates a demand of
as much as 49,920 gallons per day can be expected.
Will the project affect the capacity of sewerage and wastewater treatment facilities of other local
governments, or the region?
The applicant has identified that individual septic systems will be used for sewage disposal.
Solid Waste
How much solid waste will be generated by the proposed project?
The applicant did not provide estimates for solid waste generation. Based on the Georgia Department of
Community Affairs Georgia Solid Waste Management Report for fiscal year 2004 the per capita waste rate for
municipal solid waste in Georgia was 6.5 pounds/person/day. Assuming an average household size of 2.87 per unit,
this translates to approximately 800 tons per year of solid waste.
Will the proposed project adversely impact the existing or planned capacity of landfills in the region?
A private contractor will be responsible for collecting solid waste. The receiving municipal solid waste landfill is
unknown at this time. Landfill capacity in the Northeast Georgia region is limited and based on the FY 2004 DCA
Solid Waste report the cumulative useful life of landfills in the region was 6.3 years.
Other than adding to a serious regional solid waste disposal problem, will the project create any unusual
waste handling or disposal problems?
Are there any provisions for recycling this project's solid waste?
None stated
Other Community Facilities and Services
Does the proposed project create an unforeseen demand for public facilities?
This will be determined based on comments from affected local governments.
October 30,
Oconee County
November 15,
Due By:
November 14,
How many new students will be added to the region as a result of the proposed project?
According to estimates based on the type of development approximately 200 school-aged children can be expected
(based on the previously reported average household size estimates), in addition to the supportive personnel required
to accommodate the additional students.
Will the proposed development create increased demand for public safety services in the region that cannot
be supplied with currently planned expansions?
This will be determined based on comments from affected local governments.
Will the proposed project provide a range of housing types and values?
The applicant has identified that housing prices will range around $350,000.
Your DRI ID NUMBER for this submission is: 1244
Use this number when filling out a DRI REVIEW REQUEST.
Submitted on: 10/9/2006 2:23:07 PM
Oconee County Initial DRI Information (Form1d)
This form is intended for use by local governments within the Non-Metropolitan Region Tier The form is to be completed by
the city or county government for submission to your Regional Development Center (RDC). This form provides basic project
information that will allow the RDC to determine if the project appears to meet or exceed applicable DRI thresholds. Local
governments should refer to both the Rules for the DRI Process 110-12-3 and the DRI Tiers and Thresholds established by
Local Government Information
Submitting Local Government: Oconee County
*Individual completing form and Mailing
Brad S. Callender, Planner 1 North Third Street P.O. Box 145 Watkinsville,
GA 30677
Telephone: 706-769-3910
Fax: 706-769-2901
E-mail (only one): bcallender@oconee.ga.us
*Note: The local government representative completing this form is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained
herein. If a project is to be located in more than one jurisdiction and, in total, the project meets or exceeds a DRI threshold,
the local government in which the largest portion of the project is to be located is responsible for initiating the DRI review
Proposed Project Information
Name of Proposed Project: Creekside Country Club Estates
Development Type Description of Project Thresholds
Housing 238 Lot / Single-Family Residential Subdivision View Thresholds
Developer / Applicant and Mailing Address: David Bird 4180 Centerhill Church Road P.O. Box 1228
Loganville, GA 30052
Telephone: 770-466-5113
Email: DavidBird@creeksidecountryclub.net
Name of property owner(s) if different from developer/applicant: Frances R. Gissendaner & Charlene Richards
Provide Land-Lot-District Number: Tax Parcel #: D-2-29 & D-2-29A
What are the principal streets or roads providing vehicular
access to the site? Old Barnett Shoals Road
Provide name of nearest street(s) or intersection: Old Barnett Shoals Road / Barnett Shoals Road
Provide geographic coordinates (latitude/longitude) of the
center of the proposed project (optional): /
If available, provide a link to a website providing a general
location map of the proposed project (optional).
(http://www.mapquest.com or http://www.mapblast.com are
helpful sites to use.):
Is the proposed project entirely located within your local
government’s jurisdiction? Y
If yes, how close is the boundary of the nearest other local
government? 0.4 miles - Athens-Clarke County
If no, provide the following information:
In what additional jurisdictions is the project located? N/A
In which jurisdiction is the majority of the project located? (give
percent of project)
Name: N/A
(NOTE: This local government is responsible for initiating
the DRI review process.)
Percent of Project: N/A
Is the current proposal a continuation or expansion of a
previous DRI? N
If yes, provide the following information (where applicable):
Name: N/A
Project ID: N/A
App #: N/A
The initial action being requested of the local government by
the applicant is: Rezoning
What is the name of the water supplier for this site? Oconee County Utility Department
What is the name of the wastewater treatment supplier for this
site? N/A
Is this project a phase or part of a larger overall project? Y
If yes, what percent of the overall project does this
project/phase represent? Unknown
Estimated Completion Dates: This project/phase: Unknown
Overall project: Unknown
Local Government Comprehensive Plan
Is the development consistent with the local government's comprehensive plan, including the Future Land Use Map? Y
If no, does the local government intend to amend the plan/map to account for this development?
If amendments are needed, when will the plan/map be amended?
Service Delivery Strategy
Is all local service provision consistent with the countywide Service Delivery Strategy? Y
If no, when will required amendments to the countywide Service Delivery Strategy be complete?
Land Transportation Improvements
Are land transportation or access improvements planned or needed to support the proposed project? Y
If yes, how have these improvements been identified:
Included in local government Comprehensive Plan or Short Term Work Program? N
Included in other local government plans (e.g. SPLOST/LOST Projects, etc.)? N
Included in an official Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)? N
Developer/Applicant has identified needed improvements? Y
Other (Please Describe): N
Submitted on: 10/9/2006 5:23:19 PM
DRI Review Initiation Request (Form2b)
Local Government Information
Submitting Local Government: Oconee County
Individual completing form: Brad S. Callender, Planner, 1 North Third Street, P.O. Box 145, Watkinsville, GA 30677
Telephone: 706-769-3910
Fax: 706-769-2901
Email (only one): bcallender@oconee.ga.us
Proposed Project Information
Name of Proposed Project: Creekside Country Club Estates
DRI ID Number: 1244
Developer/Applicant: David Bird, 4180 Centerhill Road, P.O. Box 1228 Loganville, GA 30052
Telephone: 770-466-5113
Email(s): DavidBird@creeksidecountryclub.net
DRI Review Process
Has the RDC identified any additional information required in order to proceed with the official regional review process?
(If no, proceed to Economic Impacts.) Y
If yes, has that additional information been provided to your RDC and, if applicable, GRTA? Y
If no, the official review process can not start until this additional information is provided.
Economic Impacts
Estimated Value at Build-Out: Unknown
Estimated annual local tax revenues (i.e., property tax, sales tax) likely to be generated by the proposed
development: Unknown
Is the regional work force sufficient to fill the demand created by the proposed project? Y
If the development will displace any existing uses, please describe (using number of units, square feet., etc): None
Community Facilities Impacts
Water Supply
Name of water supply provider for this site: Oconee County Utility
What is the estimated water supply demand to be generated by the project, measured in
Millions of Gallons Per Day (MGD)? .062
Is sufficient water supply capacity available to serve the proposed project? Y
If no, are there any current plans to expand existing water supply capacity?
If there are plans to expand the existing water supply capacity, briefly describe below:
If water line extension is required to serve this project, how much additional line (in miles) will
be required? 1.64 miles
Wastewater Disposal
Name of wastewater treatment provider for this site: N/A
What is the estimated sewage flow to be generated by the project, measured in Millions of Gallons Per Day (MGD)? N/A
Is sufficient wastewater treatment capacity available to serve this proposed project?
If no, are there any current plans to expand existing wastewater treatment capacity?
If there are plans to expand existing wastewater treatment capacity, briefly describe below:
If sewer line extension is required to serve this project, how much additional line (in miles) will be required?
Land Transportation
How much traffic volume is expected to be generated by the proposed development, in peak hour vehicle trips
per day? (If only an alternative measure of volume is available, please provide.)
Has a traffic study been performed to determine whether or not transportation or access improvements will be
needed to serve this project? N
If yes, has a copy of the study been provided to the local government?
If transportation improvements are needed to serve this project, please describe below:
Solid Waste Disposal
How much solid waste is the project expected to generate annually (in tons)? Unknown
Is sufficient landfill capacity available to serve this proposed project?
If no, are there any current plans to expand existing landfill capacity?
If there are plans to expand existing landfill capacity, briefly describe below:
Will any hazardous waste be generated by the development? If yes, please explain below:
Stormwater Management
What percentage of the site is projected to be impervious surface once the proposed development has been
constructed? 9%
Is the site located in a water supply watershed? N
If yes, list the watershed(s) name(s) below:
Describe any measures proposed (such as buffers, detention or retention ponds, pervious parking areas) to mitigate the
project’s impacts on stormwater management:
Open space areas and portions of the 100 Year Flood Plain will be located on the site. The development will be required to
comply with the County's Stormwater Management Ordinance. Stormwater management areas are proposed on the site.
Environmental Quality
Is the development located within, or likely to affect any of the following:
1. Water supply watersheds? N
2. Significant groundwater recharge areas? N
3. Wetlands? N
4. Protected mountains? N
5. Protected river corridors? N
If you answered yes to any question 1-5 above, describe how the identified resource(s) may be affected below:
Has the local government implemented environmental regulations consistent with the Department of Natural Resources’
Rules for Environmental Planning Criteria? Y
Is the development located within, or likely to affect any of the following:
1. Floodplains? Y
2. Historic resources? N
3. Other environmentally sensitive resources? N
If you answered yes to any question 1-3 above, describe how the identified resource(s) may be affected below:
Portions of the site are located in the 100 Year Flood Plain.
UGA art professor Bill Paul is heading up a community effort to block the Marshall development destined to destroy the scenic gateway along Barnett Shoals into Oconee County. This area has large lots and many acres of undisturbed beauty in an area untouched by subdivisions (so far) and also any substantial surveys of historical impact on cemetaries and ruins of the mill culture.
The following was borrowed from the NEGRDC report on the area:
Regional Review Notification
Northeast Georgia Regional Development Center • 305 Research Drive, Athens, Georgia 30605-2795 • 706.369.5650 • Fax 706.369.5792 • www.negrdc.org
The Project described below has been submitted to this Regional Development Center for review as a Development of Regional
Impact (DRI). A DRI is a development project of sufficient scale or importance that it is likely to have impacts beyond the jurisdiction
in which the project is actually located, such as adjoining cities or neighboring counties. We would like to consider your comments on
this proposed development in our DRI review process. Therefore, please review the information about the project included on this
form and give us your comments by completing the Comments from Affected Parties Form located at:
RDC Name:
Northeast Georgia
305 Research Drive, Athens, GA 30605-2795
RDC Contract Person:
Jim Moneyhun
Telephone No.:
Date Issued:
Fax No.:
Comments Due By:
Review Completed By:
Project I.D.:
DRI #1244
Project Information
Name of Project:
#1244 Creekside County Club Estates
Name of Host Government:
Oconee County
Name of Developer:
David Bird
Type of Development:
Specific Location of Proposed Development:
Located on Old Barnett Shoals Road
Description of Proposed Development:
The proposed project is a 238-unit single-family residential subdivision with 40 acres of
open space. The proposed development is located on 264 acres. The Northeast Georgia
Regional Development Center concurs with Oconee County’s assertion that the project is a
Development of Regional Impact and finds that the project requires a regional review.
This DRI is available for review at: http://www.negrdc.org/dri.asp
If you would like a hard copy please contact Julie Ball at jball@negrdc.org or 706.369.5650
October 30,
Oconee County
November 15,
Due By:
November 14,
The proposed project is a 238-unit single-family residential subdivision with 40 acres of open space. The proposed
development is located on 264 acres.
Development is planned for completion in three phases. The schedule for completion is unknown at this time.
The project is located within Oconee County on Old Barnett Shoals Road approximately 0.3 miles from Athens-
Clarke County and 0.6 miles from Oglethorpe County.
Is the proposed project consistent with the host local government’s comprehensive plan?
The proposed project is located within an areas designated as Transitional Agricultural and Low Density Residential
on Oconee County’s Future Land Use Map. The project site is currently zoned for Agricultural. The initial action
sought by the developer is for a rezoning of the property and the project may also require a Future Land Use map
Is the proposed project inconsistent with any potentially affected local government’s comprehensive plan or
short-term work program?
There does not appear to be any conflict with affected local government’s plans, however this will be fully
determined based on any comments received.
Will the proposed project likely generate population increases beyond those forecast in the region? If so, will
existing infrastructure and facilities in the region support the increase?
The proposed project could generate as many as 683 new residents based on an average household size of 2.87
(based on average household size for the subject property’s area).
What other major development projects are planned in the region?
There are no known Developments of Regional Impact within a 2-mile radius of the proposed project.
Will the proposed project displace any existing housing units or community facilities?
Will the proposed development preclude other, perhaps more desirable, alternatives?
This will be determined based upon comments received from potentially impacted local governments.
Is the proposed project consistent with the Regional Plan?
The proposed project may have an impact on the following needs identified in the Regional Comprehensive Plan:
• Jointly address shared natural resources, such as river corridors and watersheds, among local
governments to protect critical natural resources. – The project is adjacent to the Oconee River.
October 30,
Oconee County
November 15,
Due By:
November 14,
Will the proposed project significantly affect the tax base of the region? If so, how?
The proposed project’s estimated value at build-out is unknown at this time.
How many short and long-term jobs will the proposed development generate in the region?
The project is strictly residential in nature and should not have any significant impact on local employment.
Is the regional workforce sufficient to fill the demand created by the proposed project?
The proposed project should have no direct impact on the regional work force.
Will the proposed project be located within or near environmentally sensitive areas of the region, such as
wetlands, groundwater recharge areas, water supply watersheds, protected river corridors, or protected
Stream Corridor and Watershed Protection
The project is adjacent to the Oconee River to the Southwest and Shoal Creek to the East. Additionally, intermittent
tributaries of the Oconee River and Shoal Creek intersect the proposed site in several places. Oconee River is
classified as an impaired stream because it exceeds water quality standards for fecal coliform bacteria. The county
has adopted a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) implementation plan to mitigate the identified deficiencies.
The project is located in two Large Water Supply Watersheds (greater than 100 square miles) associated with Lake
Sinclair and Lake Oconee.
Oconee County has adopted regulations consistent with the Department of Natural Resources rules for
environmental planning criteria and the proposed project will have to meet the requirements in accordance with
Chapter 391-3-16-.01 Criteria for Water Supply Watersheds.
Wetlands and Recharge Areas
The National Wetlands Inventory maps indicate the presence of wetlands at the southern portion of the property
associated with the Oconee River. Additionally, portions of the project are located within the 100 year floodplain.
There are no groundwater recharge areas located within or adjacent to the project site.
Oconee County has adopted regulations consistent with the Department of Natural Resources rules for
environmental planning criteria and the proposed project will have to meet the requirements in accordance with
Chapter 391-3-16-.03 Criteria for Wetlands Protection. There are no other significant environmental features within
or adjacent to the proposed project area.
Will the proposed project undertake initiatives to mitigate the impacts on stormwater management?
The applicant reported that the percentage of impervious surface at build-out is expected to be 9%. This is
seemingly low. Based upon research on impervious surfaces by land use type conducted in the Big Haynes Creek
Watershed Management Plan an estimate has been generated by the RDC. Upon build-out the percentage of the site
expected to be impervious surface is approximately 19%.
October 30,
Oconee County
November 15,
Due By:
November 14,
The proposed project will be required to comply with Oconee County’s Stormwater Management Ordinance, as well
as state regulations for erosion and sedimentation control.
Will the proposed project be located near a National Register site?
Will the proposed project be located within or near an historic resource with local or regional importance?
There is a small cemetery parcel located adjacent to the project site.
How many site access points are associated with the proposed project? Where are they located?
There are two access points identified on the project site plan. Both entrances are on Old Barnett Shoals Road.
How much traffic will be generated by the proposed project?
Estimated New Vehicle Trips from Development
P.M. Peak Hour A.M. Peak Hour 24-Hour
Land Use Units Enter Exit 2-Way Enter Exit 2-Way 2-Way AADT
Single-Family Residential 238 154 87 240 45 134 179 2,400
• Source: ITE Trip Generation
What are the existing traffic patterns and volumes on the local, state, and interstate roads that serve the site?
Existing Traffic Volumes
Station Road Segment
0216 Barnett Shoals .5 Miles from Project site 1,820 2,660
7545 Barnett Shoals 4 Miles west of Project site N/A 1,160
0114 GA Highway 15 5 Miles from Project site 4,760 4,600
7548 Wolfskin Road 2.55 Miles East of Project site N/A 1,110
0223 Belmont Road 2.5 Miles from Project site 962 650
0225 Belmont and Morton Road 3 miles from Project site 1,073 1,060
• Traffic counts based on the Georgia Department of Transportation traffic count stations.
What transportation improvements are planned that would affect or be affected by the proposed project?
There are no transportation improvement projects planned that would affect the project.
Further information regarding transportation improvements may be provided by GDOT.
October 30,
Oconee County
November 15,
Due By:
November 14,
Water Supply and Treatment
How much water will the proposed project demand?
According to estimates provided by the applicant approximately 62,400 gallons per day are expected.
How will the proposed project’s demand for water affect the water supply or treatment facilities of other
local governments, or the region?
Oconee County Utility Department is identified as the water service provider and reports that adequate capacity
exists. The applicant indicates that 1.64 miles of water lines must be extended to adequately service the project site.
Wastewater and Sewerage
How much wastewater will be generated by the proposed project?
The applicant did not provide estimates for wastewater generation. Based on rule-of-thumb estimates a demand of
as much as 49,920 gallons per day can be expected.
Will the project affect the capacity of sewerage and wastewater treatment facilities of other local
governments, or the region?
The applicant has identified that individual septic systems will be used for sewage disposal.
Solid Waste
How much solid waste will be generated by the proposed project?
The applicant did not provide estimates for solid waste generation. Based on the Georgia Department of
Community Affairs Georgia Solid Waste Management Report for fiscal year 2004 the per capita waste rate for
municipal solid waste in Georgia was 6.5 pounds/person/day. Assuming an average household size of 2.87 per unit,
this translates to approximately 800 tons per year of solid waste.
Will the proposed project adversely impact the existing or planned capacity of landfills in the region?
A private contractor will be responsible for collecting solid waste. The receiving municipal solid waste landfill is
unknown at this time. Landfill capacity in the Northeast Georgia region is limited and based on the FY 2004 DCA
Solid Waste report the cumulative useful life of landfills in the region was 6.3 years.
Other than adding to a serious regional solid waste disposal problem, will the project create any unusual
waste handling or disposal problems?
Are there any provisions for recycling this project's solid waste?
None stated
Other Community Facilities and Services
Does the proposed project create an unforeseen demand for public facilities?
This will be determined based on comments from affected local governments.
October 30,
Oconee County
November 15,
Due By:
November 14,
How many new students will be added to the region as a result of the proposed project?
According to estimates based on the type of development approximately 200 school-aged children can be expected
(based on the previously reported average household size estimates), in addition to the supportive personnel required
to accommodate the additional students.
Will the proposed development create increased demand for public safety services in the region that cannot
be supplied with currently planned expansions?
This will be determined based on comments from affected local governments.
Will the proposed project provide a range of housing types and values?
The applicant has identified that housing prices will range around $350,000.
Your DRI ID NUMBER for this submission is: 1244
Use this number when filling out a DRI REVIEW REQUEST.
Submitted on: 10/9/2006 2:23:07 PM
Oconee County Initial DRI Information (Form1d)
This form is intended for use by local governments within the Non-Metropolitan Region Tier The form is to be completed by
the city or county government for submission to your Regional Development Center (RDC). This form provides basic project
information that will allow the RDC to determine if the project appears to meet or exceed applicable DRI thresholds. Local
governments should refer to both the Rules for the DRI Process 110-12-3 and the DRI Tiers and Thresholds established by
Local Government Information
Submitting Local Government: Oconee County
*Individual completing form and Mailing
Brad S. Callender, Planner 1 North Third Street P.O. Box 145 Watkinsville,
GA 30677
Telephone: 706-769-3910
Fax: 706-769-2901
E-mail (only one): bcallender@oconee.ga.us
*Note: The local government representative completing this form is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained
herein. If a project is to be located in more than one jurisdiction and, in total, the project meets or exceeds a DRI threshold,
the local government in which the largest portion of the project is to be located is responsible for initiating the DRI review
Proposed Project Information
Name of Proposed Project: Creekside Country Club Estates
Development Type Description of Project Thresholds
Housing 238 Lot / Single-Family Residential Subdivision View Thresholds
Developer / Applicant and Mailing Address: David Bird 4180 Centerhill Church Road P.O. Box 1228
Loganville, GA 30052
Telephone: 770-466-5113
Email: DavidBird@creeksidecountryclub.net
Name of property owner(s) if different from developer/applicant: Frances R. Gissendaner & Charlene Richards
Provide Land-Lot-District Number: Tax Parcel #: D-2-29 & D-2-29A
What are the principal streets or roads providing vehicular
access to the site? Old Barnett Shoals Road
Provide name of nearest street(s) or intersection: Old Barnett Shoals Road / Barnett Shoals Road
Provide geographic coordinates (latitude/longitude) of the
center of the proposed project (optional): /
If available, provide a link to a website providing a general
location map of the proposed project (optional).
(http://www.mapquest.com or http://www.mapblast.com are
helpful sites to use.):
Is the proposed project entirely located within your local
government’s jurisdiction? Y
If yes, how close is the boundary of the nearest other local
government? 0.4 miles - Athens-Clarke County
If no, provide the following information:
In what additional jurisdictions is the project located? N/A
In which jurisdiction is the majority of the project located? (give
percent of project)
Name: N/A
(NOTE: This local government is responsible for initiating
the DRI review process.)
Percent of Project: N/A
Is the current proposal a continuation or expansion of a
previous DRI? N
If yes, provide the following information (where applicable):
Name: N/A
Project ID: N/A
App #: N/A
The initial action being requested of the local government by
the applicant is: Rezoning
What is the name of the water supplier for this site? Oconee County Utility Department
What is the name of the wastewater treatment supplier for this
site? N/A
Is this project a phase or part of a larger overall project? Y
If yes, what percent of the overall project does this
project/phase represent? Unknown
Estimated Completion Dates: This project/phase: Unknown
Overall project: Unknown
Local Government Comprehensive Plan
Is the development consistent with the local government's comprehensive plan, including the Future Land Use Map? Y
If no, does the local government intend to amend the plan/map to account for this development?
If amendments are needed, when will the plan/map be amended?
Service Delivery Strategy
Is all local service provision consistent with the countywide Service Delivery Strategy? Y
If no, when will required amendments to the countywide Service Delivery Strategy be complete?
Land Transportation Improvements
Are land transportation or access improvements planned or needed to support the proposed project? Y
If yes, how have these improvements been identified:
Included in local government Comprehensive Plan or Short Term Work Program? N
Included in other local government plans (e.g. SPLOST/LOST Projects, etc.)? N
Included in an official Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)? N
Developer/Applicant has identified needed improvements? Y
Other (Please Describe): N
Submitted on: 10/9/2006 5:23:19 PM
DRI Review Initiation Request (Form2b)
Local Government Information
Submitting Local Government: Oconee County
Individual completing form: Brad S. Callender, Planner, 1 North Third Street, P.O. Box 145, Watkinsville, GA 30677
Telephone: 706-769-3910
Fax: 706-769-2901
Email (only one): bcallender@oconee.ga.us
Proposed Project Information
Name of Proposed Project: Creekside Country Club Estates
DRI ID Number: 1244
Developer/Applicant: David Bird, 4180 Centerhill Road, P.O. Box 1228 Loganville, GA 30052
Telephone: 770-466-5113
Email(s): DavidBird@creeksidecountryclub.net
DRI Review Process
Has the RDC identified any additional information required in order to proceed with the official regional review process?
(If no, proceed to Economic Impacts.) Y
If yes, has that additional information been provided to your RDC and, if applicable, GRTA? Y
If no, the official review process can not start until this additional information is provided.
Economic Impacts
Estimated Value at Build-Out: Unknown
Estimated annual local tax revenues (i.e., property tax, sales tax) likely to be generated by the proposed
development: Unknown
Is the regional work force sufficient to fill the demand created by the proposed project? Y
If the development will displace any existing uses, please describe (using number of units, square feet., etc): None
Community Facilities Impacts
Water Supply
Name of water supply provider for this site: Oconee County Utility
What is the estimated water supply demand to be generated by the project, measured in
Millions of Gallons Per Day (MGD)? .062
Is sufficient water supply capacity available to serve the proposed project? Y
If no, are there any current plans to expand existing water supply capacity?
If there are plans to expand the existing water supply capacity, briefly describe below:
If water line extension is required to serve this project, how much additional line (in miles) will
be required? 1.64 miles
Wastewater Disposal
Name of wastewater treatment provider for this site: N/A
What is the estimated sewage flow to be generated by the project, measured in Millions of Gallons Per Day (MGD)? N/A
Is sufficient wastewater treatment capacity available to serve this proposed project?
If no, are there any current plans to expand existing wastewater treatment capacity?
If there are plans to expand existing wastewater treatment capacity, briefly describe below:
If sewer line extension is required to serve this project, how much additional line (in miles) will be required?
Land Transportation
How much traffic volume is expected to be generated by the proposed development, in peak hour vehicle trips
per day? (If only an alternative measure of volume is available, please provide.)
Has a traffic study been performed to determine whether or not transportation or access improvements will be
needed to serve this project? N
If yes, has a copy of the study been provided to the local government?
If transportation improvements are needed to serve this project, please describe below:
Solid Waste Disposal
How much solid waste is the project expected to generate annually (in tons)? Unknown
Is sufficient landfill capacity available to serve this proposed project?
If no, are there any current plans to expand existing landfill capacity?
If there are plans to expand existing landfill capacity, briefly describe below:
Will any hazardous waste be generated by the development? If yes, please explain below:
Stormwater Management
What percentage of the site is projected to be impervious surface once the proposed development has been
constructed? 9%
Is the site located in a water supply watershed? N
If yes, list the watershed(s) name(s) below:
Describe any measures proposed (such as buffers, detention or retention ponds, pervious parking areas) to mitigate the
project’s impacts on stormwater management:
Open space areas and portions of the 100 Year Flood Plain will be located on the site. The development will be required to
comply with the County's Stormwater Management Ordinance. Stormwater management areas are proposed on the site.
Environmental Quality
Is the development located within, or likely to affect any of the following:
1. Water supply watersheds? N
2. Significant groundwater recharge areas? N
3. Wetlands? N
4. Protected mountains? N
5. Protected river corridors? N
If you answered yes to any question 1-5 above, describe how the identified resource(s) may be affected below:
Has the local government implemented environmental regulations consistent with the Department of Natural Resources’
Rules for Environmental Planning Criteria? Y
Is the development located within, or likely to affect any of the following:
1. Floodplains? Y
2. Historic resources? N
3. Other environmentally sensitive resources? N
If you answered yes to any question 1-3 above, describe how the identified resource(s) may be affected below:
Portions of the site are located in the 100 Year Flood Plain.