It's back
Those of you who have been a part of this email list from the beginning know that our CSOC group started as a response to a proposed truck stop at the corner of Branch Road and US441. We were able to voice enough opposition that the proposed development was pulled by the developer a couple hours before the Planning Commission was to consider the plan. That was approximately 15 months ago.
The developer then came back with a modified/reduced plan for a convenience store and gas station. That plan did go before the Planning Commission, which unanimously recommended denial of the rezone request. That was less than a year ago. The developer then withdrew the request before it could be heard by the BOC.
Both times the Planning Department recommended denial.
Now the developer, Frances Williams, is back once again. The rezone signs went up today. He’s asking for the same thing, which is a rezone from A-1 to B-2 for ~4 acres to build a convenience store and gas station. The Planning Commission will hear the request Monday, February 19, 2007. The BOC will hear the request Tuesday, March 6, 2007.
I am certain that this time the developer will sue the County if he doesn’t get a favorable vote. I wouldn’t be surprised to see legal representation present at the PC and BOC meetings.
Since Mr. Williams has accused me of being “just a naysayer”, let me go on record as one who is not opposed to development that is smart, wise, and appropriate. What I am opposed to is a commercial rezone in the southern region of the county where no infrastructure exists. An A-1 to B-2 rezone granted in this southern region would set a terrible and destructive precedent.
If you will, mark your calendars for the above meetings. I’ll keep you posted.
Thanks everyone,
Tony Glenn