Thank Hale & Horton for at least trying

Here is the article from the Athens Banner-Herald and below is a letter from Charles Baugh. I think it is well past time that we need to get some quality candidates to run against Luke and Norris and even Chairman Davis.

Citizens for Oconee's Future, Inc.
P. O. Box 1301
Watkinsville, GA 30677

The Board of Commissioners voted to join with Walton County in the troubled Hard Labor Creek water project. Commissioners Davis, Norris and Luke voted to enter into an agreement which will ultimately cost Oconee in excess of $105,000,000 plus interest with the initial cost to be in excess of $45,000,000 and only 3.5MGD of water. Here is how the vote went. Commissioner Horton moved they vote not to participate in the Walton project and Commissioner Hale seconded. Commissioners Luke and Norris voted against the motion and Commission Davis voted against to break the tie. Commissioner Luke moved to enter into an agreement with Walton County which was seconded by Commissioner Norris. Hale and Horton voted against it and Davis broke the tie by voting for it. Now Oconee will be the junior partner at 29% and Walton at 71%. Once the agreement is signed Oconee will be selling bonds and writing checks no matter what the cost. Once that intergovernmental agreement is signed we have essentially turned our check book and borrowing capacity over to Walton County with its 71% vote.

I will write more about this after I have had time to think about it. Please let Commissioners Hale and Horton know that you appreciate their vote. Chairman Davis has been the wizard behind the curtain for fast track development. It is good to see the curtain pulled back.

Charles Baugh


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